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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Replacing a log flume with a GCI? You're dead to me Alton Towers.


Trust me, the flume was absolutely appalling.


There's no such thing as an appalling log flume.


The log flume was really good. It needed a face-lift, but it was long, had fun themeing, went through lots of woods, and is my favorite log flume I have been on.

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Replacing a log flume with a GCI? You're dead to me Alton Towers.


Trust me, the flume was absolutely appalling.


There's no such thing as an appalling log flume.


The log flume was really good. It needed a face-lift, but it was long, had fun themeing, went through lots of woods, and is my favorite log flume I have been on.



When they rethemed it to "Bathtime with Attitude", I thought the showerhead looked cool. Don't know if it worked or was just for show... Would be a good addition for many Log Flumes now that I think about it. The rubber ducky also looked adorable.

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Apparently I see flumes through rose colored glasses because on our last trip to Magic Mountain the only rides in the entire park that we bothered re-riding were Ninja (what a criminally underrated coaster), Tatsu and Jet Stream since we were so pressed for time.


This was pre Full Throttle and TC.

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Ninja and Tatsu are worthy. I enjoyed a lot of those immensely. Could be that you went pre-drought too, because when I was there for WCB, there was about an inch of water in the trough, the boat ran on its wheels the whole time without floating at all, and it just went back and forth hitting each side as hard as possible. I came off it with a headache from the amount and force of the crashing. You do need to have water in your log flume for it to function correctly.

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^I wouldn't discount whatever that element underneath the lift hill is as possibly contributing to the higher cost... I'd imagine Mystic Timbers' surprise in the shed will... shed light on the possibilities for Secret Weapon 8.



I doubt there will be much in the shed except for Screens/AA

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Saw John Wardley giving a presentation a few years back and during Q&A someone asked why Alton Towers didn't have a wooden coaster. He said that he constantly tried to get a wooden coaster but Nick Varney would never build one because he didn't think they were marketable enough (no gimmick). Its kind of funny how now that Wardley is retired, it looks like AT is going to finally get a wooden coaster. And not only are they getting a wooden coaster but its likely going to be a GCI which are the least gimmicky of the new generation of wooden coasters (don't go upside down, at least).

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Saw John Wardley giving a presentation a few years back and during Q&A someone asked why Alton Towers didn't have a wooden coaster. He said that he constantly tried to get a wooden coaster but Nick Varney would never build one because he didn't think they were marketable enough (no gimmick). Its kind of funny how now that Wardley is retired, it looks like AT is going to finally get a wooden coaster. And not only are they getting a wooden coaster but its likely going to be a GCI which are the least gimmicky of the new generation of wooden coasters (don't go upside down, at least).



Isn't it launching? Plus I guess they decided to play it safe after Smilers.... You know. And I thought John was working on this. Remember, he did retire in 2000-2002.

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Saw John Wardley giving a presentation a few years back and during Q&A someone asked why Alton Towers didn't have a wooden coaster. He said that he constantly tried to get a wooden coaster but Nick Varney would never build one because he didn't think they were marketable enough (no gimmick). Its kind of funny how now that Wardley is retired, it looks like AT is going to finally get a wooden coaster. And not only are they getting a wooden coaster but its likely going to be a GCI which are the least gimmicky of the new generation of wooden coasters (don't go upside down, at least).


There was a formal screening option submitted in march 2015 for a coaster in forbidden valley made from timber truss, which if rumours are to be believed was going to be an RMC launched woodie, like Lightning Rod but with inversions and was probably going to be built to open next year. That would have been easy for them to market as could have been advertised as Europe's first launched woodie, or World's first launched inverting wood coaster (they would have gone with the World first marketing, it is Merlin we are talking about afterall). Then The Smiler crashed and a looping launched wooden coaster became the wrong choice given the general public's safety concerns, so they have gone with a family thrill coaster, but will still be Europe's first launching woodie so they still get the USP.

It is a shame that they never built one while John Wardley was there, maybe this is one of his designs that they have modified to include a launch, but he said he's had nothing to with this ride, so probably not.

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There was a formal screening option submitted in march 2015 for a coaster in forbidden valley made from timber truss, which if rumours are to be believed was going to be an RMC launched woodie, like Lightning Rod but with inversions and was probably going to be built to open next year. That would have been easy for them to market as could have been advertised as Europe's first launched woodie, or World's first launched inverting wood coaster (they would have gone with the World first marketing, it is Merlin we are talking about afterall). Then The Smiler crashed and a looping launched wooden coaster became the wrong choice given the general public's safety concerns, so they have gone with a family thrill coaster, but will still be Europe's first launching woodie so they still get the USP.

It is a shame that they never built one while John Wardley was there, maybe this is one of his designs that they have modified to include a launch, but he said he's had nothing to with this ride, so probably not.


I think they could possibly try and pull off 'World's first fully wooden launch coaster,' and argue that Lightning Rod has too much steel to count as a woodie.

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  • 4 weeks later...


There was a formal screening option submitted in march 2015 for a coaster in forbidden valley made from timber truss, which if rumours are to be believed was going to be an RMC launched woodie, like Lightning Rod but with inversions and was probably going to be built to open next year. That would have been easy for them to market as could have been advertised as Europe's first launched woodie, or World's first launched inverting wood coaster (they would have gone with the World first marketing, it is Merlin we are talking about afterall). Then The Smiler crashed and a looping launched wooden coaster became the wrong choice given the general public's safety concerns, so they have gone with a family thrill coaster, but will still be Europe's first launching woodie so they still get the USP.

It is a shame that they never built one while John Wardley was there, maybe this is one of his designs that they have modified to include a launch, but he said he's had nothing to with this ride, so probably not.


I think they could possibly try and pull off 'World's first fully wooden launch coaster,' and argue that Lightning Rod has too much steel to count as a woodie.



If it goes 50mph+, It can claim to be UK's fastest wooden coaster

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If it goes 50mph+, It can claim to be UK's fastest wooden coaster

Good point. That's probably the easiest record for this to claim, and it's one that is decently legitimate too. Just looking at RCDB, there are several GCIs around the size of this project that break 50mph:


Apocalypse - 50

Gold Striker - 53

Lightning Racer - 51

Prowler - 51

Renegade - 51

Roar - 50

Thunderhead - 53

Troy - 54

Wildcat - 50


Seems like that record would be very doable.

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  • 2 months later...

Lane IP, the company that represents Merlin on trademark applications, had applied to trademark 'The Wicker Man'.


Most likely this is related to SW8 given that a worker when the Flume was being deconstructed tweeted saying it was making way for a Wicker Man ride. (the tweet was later removed)




They're hardly going to name the coaster 'The Wicker Man' are they?

Some people aren't pleased as SW8 was expected to be more of a family coaster and the Wicker Man film is not very family friendly. People are fearing a repeat of the marketing for Thirteen.

Shall be interesting to see what happens.


The Wicker Man film is owned by LionsGate which also own the SAW franchise so Merlin do have previously worked with them.

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