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Gröna Lund Discussion Thread

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^So Snake will only be at the park temporarily or am I misreading it?


The 2021 B&M reminds me of Black Mamba in a lot of ways. Wonder if it'll feel just as tight.


That is correct. Snake will be there in 2019, but then relocate.


Funny thing: The headline in the paper reads "Gröna Lunds new attraction: a rotating "vomit machine""...

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A capacity nightmare, but looks really fun, I'll be sure to check it out next year!


Moving the bumper cars to Furuvik also makes sense, a great addition for the target group. As to where Snake will be moved i 2020, my bet is Skara, but time will tell.

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  • 5 months later...

The weather has been really nice in Stockholm this weekend, so I took a small trip by Gröna Lund to see how far they've come on the construction. Pretty far actually!


Behind the fence there's a big hole, the station for the new coaster will be underground.


This is where the bumper cars were last season


The crane fits right into towerland!



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Thanks for the pictures, I was wondering yesterday how construction was coming along as this is likely to be a very difficult build. It will definitely be interesting following this one. This will be a perfect case study to use for whenever someone says a park 'doesn't have room for a new coaster' for generations to come.

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Thanks for the pictures, I was wondering yesterday how construction was coming along as this is likely to be a very difficult build.

I'm still betting that we'll be seeing B&M do a two-across train for this coaster. I remember that earlier concept rendering and those clearances look tight.

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Thanks for the pictures, I was wondering yesterday how construction was coming along as this is likely to be a very difficult build. It will definitely be interesting following this one. This will be a perfect case study to use for whenever someone says a park 'doesn't have room for a new coaster' for generations to come.


The thing is, this invert is being built AWAY from the main rides section (the clump of beautiful, tangled coaster mess along the boardwalk). The land has always been there but no one bothered to think Grona would use it for a new coaster.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The thing is, this invert is being built AWAY from the main rides section (the clump of beautiful, tangled coaster mess along the boardwalk). The land has always been there but no one bothered to think Grona would use it for a new coaster.


What are you talking about? They announced their intentions to be a coaster there almost a decade ago. The government and locals near the park have been holding up the process for years.

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What are you talking about? They announced their intentions to be a coaster there almost a decade ago. The government and locals near the park have been holding up the process for years.

I was trying to point out that Grona Lund has always had that land. It’s not like they bought a new parcel or anything— this situation is most simply put, alike to Disneyland building a coaster over the entirety of Main Street USA. From what I have seen and gathered together this invert is going right over the entry street— no, not a front gate coaster like Fury 325 or Gatekeeper— but rather right over the shops and restaurants that make up Grona Lund’s entry area.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
Damn, how far down do they go, to hit water? That's pretty something. Makes one

appreciate how much effort, work, and materials go into creating a new thrill for the gp.


Keep following the TPR tour Photo Trip Reports. We got a hard hat tour (without hardhats) underground to check out construction. We went down two laddera so I'd guess that we were standing 25 feet below the sidewalks.

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A few of us have been doing ongoing trip reports of TPR's recent Europe trip - chronologically, Grona Lund was the last park that most of us visited on the trip, so it'll be a while.


That being said, I'll post one here. If I recall correctly, this is to be the end of the layout and transfer table. This is from July 28th.


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