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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I think the ideas for 2015 are starting to go a little bit to far...



Whatever happened to just wanting a signature steel Coaster? Lol! Although, the fire breathing turkeys do sound epic! Or a new show where Santa duels with Uncle Sam and the prize is Turkey and Pumpkin Pie! Sorry....too much?

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I think I looked a little too far into the "juicy and woodsy" comment.


It turns out the new attraction for 2015 will be a dark ride called "Happy the Elf's Juice Factory of Death". The ride vehicles will float in a river of grape juice, with cups provided to the guests so they can dip them into the juice and get a free drink. At first the riders will float past cheerful elves working their daily jobs, but suddenly the elves will turn out to be sinister, evil creatures. Riders will narrowly avoid saws dangling from the ceilings, bursts of flames, and streams of the elve's acid urine.



Hey if they took that and themed it like Professor Burp's Bubbleworks, It would be a fun ride for the park.

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Since everyone wants to continue talking about the 'next coaster' at HW...they could fit a few coasters up and around the water park...massive terrain coaster and a Terra Coaster by Intamin, with Dual LSMs similar to Maverick would be mighty nice!



Fire does make anything better.


Well...almost. X2 the fire never worked, or when it did...it was always lagging behind - "What fire?" many people would say


Perhaps that has been fixed since I visited SFMM.

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I know there are fellow IT'ers besides myself that call TPR home and thought I would share their fb posting just in case anyone might be interested, I would but I lack the management experience, and wife already said no anyways because she said I wouldn't get any work done that I'd be on the coasters all day. She's probably right about that one.


" Holiday World & Splashin' Safari

Please share this with any IT professionals who are looking for a fun and challenging career change:

http://www.holidayworld.com/apply Thanks!"

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I've always thought HW could use a transportation system in the park once they get a little bigger. I believe that there is 100 ft elevation difference from the entrance to the Thanksgiving section. I always thought a monorail that went through the park and waterpark would be cool. Maybe it could take an adventure into the woods too!

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^ That would be really cool! I never thought about a Monorail! Would be cool if HW chose to revive that concept!



As far as Coaster ideas go, it would be cool to see a Coaster interact with the other side of Lake Rudolph. Perhaps "mirror" The Raven in some way....

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I've always thought HW could use a transportation system in the park once they get a little bigger. I believe that there is 100 ft elevation difference from the entrance to the Thanksgiving section. I always thought a monorail that went through the park and waterpark would be cool. Maybe it could take an adventure into the woods too!


I think a chair lift or a train would be a better fit for Holiday World than a monorail. Both would go better with woods around the park.

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think a chair lift or a train would be a better fit for Holiday World than a monorail. Both would go better with woods around the park.


Anytime I think of a chair lift, I think of Cedar Point, probably because it was the only one I've ever rode. That chair lift goes straight down the midway on a flat piece of ground. The problem with HW is that the current park was constructed without a thought of ever having a transportation system, not to mention HW's crazy topography. A chair lift would have to navigate above trees (HW doesn't like to get rid of trees), above current rides, and above pathways. Then you have to worry about people throwing things from the chair lift. I think that a chair lift would be too much trouble to put in and make work. I think a train is probably more of the route HW will go. They can navigate it around the park without having to change the infrastructure of the park significantly.

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^ That would be really cool! I never thought about a Monorail! Would be cool if HW chose to revive that concept!



As far as Coaster ideas go, it would be cool to see a Coaster interact with the other side of Lake Rudolph. Perhaps "mirror" The Raven in some way....

You do realize that the opposite side of the Raven is Lake Rudolf campground right?

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^ That's a good point. I just think it's going to be really hard to put one in with the way the park is currently constructed.


I agree with you. Plus HW offers a lot to those who cannot navigate the park on foot. Like SDC, I saw golf carts for rent (unless that changed/perhaps was a special event).


Put in a few flats or a new roller coaster and be prepared for the onslaught of visitors

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