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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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What a great fun weekend that was, I think I'm still drying out in parts that don't get sunlight but omg what fun. I think I rode Voyage 10 times straight while the walk back was going on. I was having more fun waving at the people on the walk back instead of being on it. The best part of the rides was when I was posing for the camera and covered my mouth. The poor girl next too me was turned facing me with her hands up and we hit the brake run and she told me that she thought I was getting sick. I totally lost it and had tears in my eyes from laughing so much. I should have bought the on-ride photo it was an all-time classic! Her Dad even came up and complimented me on how funny the picture turned out!

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Just got home from my first and also wanted to thank everyone at holiday world for the best weekend ever. I had sky high expectations after reading all of the good things everyone has had to say about holiday world over the years and they still managed to above and beyond them. Everyone from the staff to of course the amazing rides on the voyage went so far above my expectations that it pushed holiday world into my favorite park anywhere category. I will treasure forever the memories I made like being on mammoth and wildebeest at 8:00 am in the chill and the pouring rain to all the pitch black rides I took on the voyage and raven. If anyone on here reading this has not been to holiday world yet I urge you to go out there and find out for yourself what makes this place so special.

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Had a great time at my first ever Holiwood Nights! It was such a blast! I met so many cool people. Water park ERT was so cold, but still fun, and both night ERTs were just amazing. I will definitely do this again in later years.

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To me it seemed like Raven was smooth no matter what part of the train you sat in. I did notice they've done some track work on Raven and between the smoothness and the rain it is really flying. The Voyage to me it seemed like the first two train cars were smooth and then when you started to get more into the middle it got a little rougher and then in the back it started to smooth out again. All good rides though.

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Raven: Average Friday Night, Super Fast Saturday (Rumors of recently oiled track)

Legend: Very smooth, and running very fast. Mucho airtime on the airtime hill

Voyage: Smooth in the A train, not so smooth in the B train. (You can look at the rear left bottom of each car to identify which train it is)


Hallowswings: Smoothest ride all night

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Raven: Average Friday Night, Super Fast Saturday (Rumors of recently oiled track)

Legend: Very smooth, and running very fast. Mucho airtime on the airtime hill

Voyage: Smooth in the A train, not so smooth in the B train. (You can look at the rear left bottom of each car to identify which train it is)


Hallowswings: Smoothest ride all night


I thought I saw fresh grease on Ravens track when they let us out after park closing. I was on the first train to leave the station and especially from the loading platform through the transfer house I thought I saw fresh globs but I figured it was just my imagination or I just never noticed before. Really sucked that they had to take Raven back down to one train for ERT but for some reason there was a problem with the lap bars on the first car of the 2nd train so they had to pull it off which was cool because I never seen a track transfer before.

Edited by mikeykaise
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Any chance of me getting behind the wheel of that sexy machine? I'm a safe driver and promise I won't scratch it and I'll go whoo whoo as I'm driving?


These are tons of fun to operate. So relaxing, yet highly involved at the same time! When I need a break from the hustle and bustle of a major coaster, the train is the place to be!



Raven Maven: An absolutely beautiful C.P. Huntington! We sure love our two C.P. Huntington's in Erie, and I'm sure it will work out great for Holiday World. Best wishes to another great season to Holiday World and Splashin' Safari from your friends in Erie, Pa!

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