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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Holy Crap, Holiday World is in the middle of nowhere!


Oh. Sorry. My husband hauled cow manure that morning. It's good fertilizer; I'd never go so far as to call it "holy," though.


Regarding your "middle of nowhere" proclamation, we just happened to blog about that this week: https://www.holidayworld.com/holiblog/middle-nowhere-i-think-not


Glad you enjoyed your visit! Paula

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A few of us were talking about this the other day and it kind of blew our minds...It's been longer since Holiday World got a new coaster than the time between Raven - Legend and Legend - Voyage.... Can't believe it's been seven years already! Crazy...


I didn't even think about that! Wow!! I'll never forget the first Holiwood Nights, such a great time!

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^The water park is a very important part of their buisness, and I think it was wise to concentrate on it. I really enjoyed Splashin' Safari the last time I was there.

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I'm really really hoping that Dan wins his appeal because I don't trust Lori's ability to run a theme park. If I remember right the guy she hired to take Dan's spot was working at the monastery just up the highway when he got hired. I think Dan would know best how to keep his Dad's park going into the future and knows how to grow it just right. It still surprises me the judge didn't order some kind of arbitration or some kind of ruling that the stock agreement is valid and that some kind of agreed upon price should have been decided. Dan is hilarious and I'm definitely going to miss him and Pat at Holiwood Nights this year. I never got a chance to meet Will but I would have love to been able to meet him at least once.

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It still surprises me the judge didn't order some kind of arbitration or some kind of ruling that the stock agreement is valid and that some kind of agreed upon price should have been decided.



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After riding the new-ish Hades this weekend, I'm more excited than ever to see Timberliners on Voyage (next year! Let's hope!). The only catch is - the track needs to be almost all new. I wouldn't think twice about Holiday World stepping up to the plate if that is needed. I prefer the Timberliner lap bar over the GCI T-bar or the PTC ratchet bar (as long as I am not stapled in!)

Edited by GayCoasterGuy
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I'm really really hoping that Dan wins his appeal because I don't trust Lori's ability to run a theme park. If I remember right the guy she hired to take Dan's spot was working at the monastery just up the highway when he got hired.


I got to know Matt a bit on the TPR Midwest Tour a few years ago. He is certainly qualified to run the park and is more than familiar with what kind of park Holiday World is and how things operate. He was head of the business side of things for over ten years, with the official title of "General Manager", and was basically Will's right hand man. He stepped away just last year, though I can't speculate why that may have been.


Though I would agree that Dan was doing a nice job and it would be best for the park to settle the legal drama.

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The show that never aired in the U.S.? That was painful.


Loved the Secret Nine.


I watched it on youtube, it was a discovery channel one about building Voyage, Kentucky Rumbler and El Toro. The secret nine was an element of the Voyage part of the story.

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Josh, if you feel the need to add "take this with a grain of salt," maybe you shouldn't post it. Please remember these are people's reputations being discussed here.


Let's talk about roller coasters. What about them Timberliners?!


When are you adding the corkscrew to Voyage's turnaround?

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Everyone going to Holiwood Nights, please wear your Club TPR Shirt on Friday and we'll meet at the Picnic Shelters at 6:30pm CST for a group photo. I've also posted to the Holiwoods Night FB Page. Please spread the word and lets have a good pic of all the sexy TPRs sporting their colors.

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A couple of new rides I wouldn't mind at Holiday World:

-A Rocky Mountain Construction coaster similar to Outlaw Run

-A hyper coaster with LOTS of


Also, I know it is never going to happen, but what if there was an April Fools Day land? Probably no rides, just a bunch of novelty stores and lots of plastic dog poop sitting around on the benches. Paula, please inform the managers of this urgently needed mini-land.

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What I'd love to see added to the park in the future:


-A Powder Keg clone, seriously every park needs one of these. A lower budget, 42" height minimum, high-thrills coaster.

-A set of 4 Aqua Loops, the ones that actually go upside down, none of those cheap helix style slides.

-A couple of HydroMagnetic Hornets just to complete the trifecta, lol

-The long lusted after Mega Light.

-A Tantrum or Bowling Alley, or better yet, a Topsy Turvy from ProSlide. Maybe the kids version right next to it.

-Both Fascination and Bingo Halls added, because "why not both"?

-A Splash Battle near Girrafica to further alienate that section of the park (I kid, I kid, haha)

-And lastly RFID tickets that allow me to empty my bank account with a swipe of my wrist, and let HoliDog know my favorite princess and which bathroom I just used. All to better enhance my experience, right guys?


EDIT: And I think it's great that there are two parks, in Holiday World and Universal Orlando, that have enjoyed great success by investing in new and unique attractions. Both of these parks/resorts have been consistently plussing their offerings which has really drawn in the masses, and in turn allowed them to continue to invest in new attractions.

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If Holiday World decides to install a steel coaster, I hope that it is built in the Christmas section and themed after the Krampus.



The only problem I see with this is that the Christmas section is (ride-wise) a kiddie section. So, a scary monster wouldn't exactly be inviting to the kids


EDIT: That joke went right over my head at first

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