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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I personally hate flyer trains, they aren't very comfortable in my opinion.


As far as the PLC deal, if everything is designed right, everything that hooks to the PLC should be part of a easily dis-connectable plug. Borrow a PLC and do you testing during the week early on. It should'n't be that big of deal.


My guess is at this point they will probably have to do a bit of additional rehab once or if the timberliners are ready. The fact that it has been so hard for them to get these running makes the thought of them running on Hades 360 frightening...

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^Having been part of numerous test & adjust teams over the years, where I've seen program changes done live over wifi from the programmers laptop right on the load platform...I don't buy it. But I am also by no means an expert, so they could very be telling the truth in regards to that.

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There are time-consuming height adjustments that physically have to be made to the brakes out on the track, too. And the entire queue configuration has to be moved when we permanently convert to Timberliners. I'm not going to go through the entire list, but I sure hope our many years of transparency on this forum has earned us the a certain level of trust.

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^Thanks for the response. I knew had to be more than the PLC for testing not to continue.


Regardless, I hope Gravity Group can get these trains running and everything works out well. I imagine if the trains can do what we all hope they will (run smooth and reduce wear and tear), they'll have a HUGE hit on their hands.

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No inversions on The Voyage please, it sort of made sense on Hades 360 because it was put in a very boring part of the ride, but The Voyage is crazy beginning to end and really has no good spot to put a inversion. Now if you guys put in a new looping coaster, I'm in full support of it.

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^ Loop? Who said anything about loops?!

Take note that Paula BOLDED the word loop in that post. Clearly this is a hint. What else could it mean? I believe now is the time that we should start an amazing rumor. Where do you all think the loop should be installed on The Voyage?


--Robb "I'm gonna get in so much trouble now..." Alvey

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No inversions on The Voyage please, it sort of made sense on Hades 360 because it was put in a very boring part of the ride, but The Voyage is crazy beginning to end and really has no good spot to put a inversion. Now if you guys put in a new looping coaster, I'm in full support of it.


I dunno, the turny bit at the far end of the ride could get a barrel roll or two and I wouldn't mind.

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^ Loop? Who said anything about loops?!

Take note that Paula BOLDED the word loop in that post. Clearly this is a hint. What else could it mean? I believe now is the time that we should start an amazing rumor. Where do you all think the loop should be installed on The Voyage?


--Robb "I'm gonna get in so much trouble now..." Alvey


Maybe that was Gravity Group's plan all along. "We can't get these trains to work normally...so let us throw a loop on the ride to make it work!"

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