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Erik & Smisty's Florida Oddventures

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You would have gotten an A+++ had you included the "Q is for Quan" sign.


Crap, I knew I forgot something!


Was the green egg and ham stand open when you were there? I haven't seen it actually open for years!


Presumably because of all the guests and money Harry Potter is bringing in, IOA has been reborn. Effects that haven't worked in years have been repaired, venues that were shuttered are open again, and everything is staffed. On one of our recent visits, Cat in the Hat had a 10 minute wait, but 2 greeters, a grouper, 2 loaders, a dispatch person, and 2 unloaders!


The only eatery I've not seen open is Wimpy's Hamburgers.


I was wondering what you could do with the Holy Land Experience.


I'm really interested in going, at some point. The only problem is, as an atheist, I really don't want to give them my money.

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I just love all the little details in seuss landing,last time i was at ioa we spent more time there than anywhere just searching out all the little details.

Thats what makes seuss landing and ioa stand out is the little things!

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Erik, yet another wonderfully colorful PTR! You know I always love 'em! It is like I don't have to take pics on my next visit because you surely covered EVERYTHING! (Yeah, OK, me not take pictures when away is like humans not needing oxygen to breathe) The last time I was there, I tried to take my time and look at everything and take detailed pics, but I feel like I missed something now.

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Yeah, it's just coloring. The sandwiches are quite good, my whole family loved them. We hadn't had one in many years, the stand has been closed for quite some time, which was a shame. You don't get the kid's meal box anymore, that came with a sticker too.





From the sneak preview days.

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I was wondering what you could do with the Holy Land Experience.


I'm really interested in going' date=' at some point. The only problem is, as an atheist, I really don't want to give them my money.[/quote']

I went recently and I think you should save your money. Its just a bunch of short plays and one grumpy cast member lol

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I missed the dark ride ( how I have no idea ).


Not so surprising. When I worked at the park (back when Jeff Johnson was just a wee lad), lots of guests walked right by it, thinking it was a show of some sort.


I was wondering what you could do with the Holy Land Experience.

Its just a bunch of short plays and one grumpy cast member lol



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Here is a little article about Green Eggs and Ham being open this summer. Looks like it really is a limited time thing! Not a huge fan of eggs but I think I would have to try it if it is open when I am there.


I really have an issue with a park that designs and builds something so themed and unique, and then only has it open during "limited times." IMO, the Green Eggs and Ham place should be one of the "must have" foods at the park, just like they are hyping the Butter Beer in Potter Land. I mean, if not, why bother going out of the way to do it in the first place?



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That was an amazing Seuss landing report. I'm a huge Dr. Seuss fan and it's definitely one of my favorite places a IOA. I thought I had seen everything there, but you had some pictures of things that I missed that I will definitely look for next time I'm there. You should definitely try the Green Eggs and Hamwich. It's really good! Unfortunately, the last few times I've been, it's been closed. Amazing trip report!

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^^ Agreed. I would almost bet that 5 years down the road when Harry Potter starts to lose its luster and the cost to manufacture this special soda (butterbeer) gets too prohibitive it will end up on hiatus as well.


I think the Potter fans are rabid enough to not let that happen....for at least 10 years.

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^ I actually would disagree. It doesn't matter how rabid the fans are...if they are not spending money - it doesn't matter! The cost of producing a custom soda will eventually get to them. Right now their is the novelty of it and people are buying a ton of merch. After the last movies finish, they have been on cable tv for a few years..do you think they will still sell as many wands, chocolate frogs or butterbeer? I bet not.

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Ever think about heading to Fantasy of Flight?


Absolutely. There's really not much we don't plan on doing, eventually.


When we started our Smoky Mountain Adventures thread, we sort of knew it would be our 'farewell' to the area (even if we weren't exactly sure of the timetable). But, with this one, we plan on being in the area for some time. So, it might be a while, but we'll almost certainly do it eventually.


Still, keep those ideas and requests coming!

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Speaking of the Smoky Mountain Adventures thread (and I don't want to resurrect the thread just for this), reading it religiously definitely enrichened my IntimidaTour experience. Even though I didn't experience the majority of the attractions, just being able to recognise them from your thread, see where they were located on the Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg strips, was awesome. Pigeon Forge, Dollywood and Gatlinburg were highlights of the trip, and it has a lot to do with the preparation I got from your thread.


So thanks, again, for doing it - and this thread is shaping up just as awesome!

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What a great report! Overall you get an A- You would have gotten an A+++ had you included the "Q is for Quan" sign.


I really, really want that A+++ grade, so I've replaced the photo of the pretty purple flowers with one (hopefully) more to Robb's liking.

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