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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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  larrygator said:
I remember waiting 3 hours to ride GASM the year it opened, the longest I ever waited for a coaster, so I have a connection with GASM. However, if the coaster is going to be replaced with a superior installation I have no problem with it's removal.


My first visit to Great Adventure was in 1995. I remember waiting a similar amount of time for GASM, about 3 hours. My last trip to the park was in 2007 and, like Chuck, we found that the Q-bot line was longer than the standby line. And this was on a Saturday in July!


I think most reasonable people can agree that you can't continue to maintain a giant coaster like that unless it's popular. Otherwise, it's better to save the expense and put the money towards future installations.

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Why is section of midway closed?


The himalaya is still there as well as bumpercars and a theater.



The show building.


Mr freeze used to go thru this building.


The mr freeze building remains.


I wonder what they have planned for this building?


You can still see the himalaya hidden in the trees.

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I would guess that if this ride had the comparatve popularity to it's more popular counterparts such as Cedar Point in the case of Magnum compared to Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, ect..... This ride would still be operating. But that just didn't seem to be the case. My first visit to the park in 2006, this was a walk-on while every other coaster that day had at least a 15 minute wait.



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^^it was closed in 2008 to save money similar to Tango being closed the past 2 seasons. In a park with so few flats as it is, it was a horrible move and I still hope they will reopen it especially with Shapiro gone.

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Chiller wasn't closed due to ridership, it was closed because it was a complete lemon. It had alot more downtime than uptime.


^^^You can see a big hole in the roof of Musik Express in your last picture. I meant that its there, just that it looks like its in bad condition. I think it would probably need a rehab or something before it can start working again after 3 SBNO seasons and a big hole in the roof

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Musik Express looked grungy in 1998 even. By nature the bumpers cars are dirty too. I'm not missing those rides but the space yes. I love CHILLER but I remember it's premiere season hearing how it was trash during its breakdowns.


The corkscrews are standing alone on GASM. They are disconnected from the batwing now.

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  Jerrykoala2112 said:
I just wanna say something about the park that is completely off topic.


The park needs a good looping coaster. If it is by Vekoma, Intamin, B&M, or anyone! They need a new coaster with inversions. The only coaster there that goes upside down is the Corkscrew. If I also remember, they have a looping starship kind of ride, nothing else. felt sorry for the place


They have been rumored to get a B&M Floorless or Invert for several years now so I think that the park has been trying to get a mega-looper; however, the plans just haven't come into fruition yet.


But as others have said, Valleyfair's coaster lineup looks pretty solid right now anyway.

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It would take longer if they were trying t do it so as to relocate the ride, but since it is being taken down for scraps, they aren't having to use such care, although it is interesting that it looks like there are some whole sections that weren't torn to smaller pieces. I wonder if there is a reason for that?



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  CHILLERLC1 said:
Corkscrews are crunched and half of the batwing as well. The whole 2nd half is an inversion away from being completely gone.


That makes me tingle with joy.


That back half of the ride made for one of the funniest onride photo sections ever, at least for those who weren't riding.

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^These are the problems you deal with building the fastest, tallest, coolest, badest, and whatever "est" you can think of coaster, more wear and tear on the parts. Of course, has it really ever been the same since the lightening strike took out the motor and fried parts of the electrical?


But in the end, better safe than sorry. Guess that makes three coaster down, and one for the count, or did they get the flyer back up?

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