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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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  garbanian said:
Looks like this saturday has a 40% chance of scattered thunderstorms.

Starting to rethink my trip there now.

Not sure if its 100% worth it with the rain.

There was a 50% chance of rain while we were there today, and it was blue sky's all day. Rides closed for about three minutes but that was about it.


I created a new music video while at the park.




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^ It depends, do you get scarred of heights from being up there a few seconds just because you are looking down or is it that you only get afraid when you are there for awhile? If it is the first, close your eyes on the drop of Kingda Ka and I think you will be ok. If it is the second, you will be fine but don't go on the parachute tower, Ferris wheel, or Skyscreamer.

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^^Actually, the proximity with the parking lot actually makes it seem less tall, because the only view is a parking lot, trees, and a highway. Since there isn't much to compare your height with, it does not seem as tall as it is.


Also, it goes slow enough over the hophat to not provide airtime, but fast enough so that is is over quickly. You should be fine.

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I have gotten airtime in the back of TTD, but never KK. Although, I have ridden KK once, in row 3, and I got far more airtime on the brakes hill than the tophat.


Unfortunatly, the hills fail to pull you over like Xcelerator or Stormrunner. It would be wicked if they could make a strata with as much airtime over to tophat as either of these.

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  tk2012x said:
  vacoaster09 said:
^OMG the airtime on top of Storm Runner Epic. Loved it..


Have the Bumper Cars opened yet?


The bumper cars are officially open and They go pretty fast too.


Hopefully they are fast because most Bumper Cars are very slow and boring. If you haven't been on the one's at Knoebles you need to try them.


Heading to the park on September 14th for Gay Day and can't wait! I haven't been on Sky Screamer yet, so I'm excited to check that out and El Toro night rides till 12am

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If you're afraid of heights, KK honestly should not be a big deal. To me the most impressive thing about the ride is its speed, not its height. You're over the hill so fast you don't get time to appreciate just how high you are. A ride like Skyrush is infinitely more thrilling, in my opinion, despite its "lesser" stats.

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  deguy123 said:
  tk2012x said:
  vacoaster09 said:
^OMG the airtime on top of Storm Runner Epic. Loved it..


Have the Bumper Cars opened yet?


The bumper cars are officially open and They go pretty fast too.


Hopefully they are fast because most Bumper Cars are very slow and boring. If you haven't been on the one's at Knoebles you need to try them.


Heading to the park on September 14th for Gay Day and can't wait! I haven't been on Sky Screamer yet, so I'm excited to check that out and El Toro night rides till 12am


The park is open till 12!? Then I have to plan a trip. Nothing better then a gay day with night rides on coasters! And Kingda ka is really fun the first time you go, it's gotten quite rough but after the incredible launch the rest is pretty much just speeding through the course with a small pause on top. You don't feel the drop because your going so fast.

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I went to the park a few days ago, and found something to rant about:


If you guys think the Bizarro operations are horrible, well DejaVu's (the scrambler) operations were putrid.


There was only one operator for the ride who: manually unlocked all of the resraints, manually locked all of the restraints in the slowest manner possible,walked to the booth, visual f*cking scan, began the pathetically short ride cycle(was it even 30 seconds long?), rinse, repeat.


I swear that my friend and I had to wait 20 minutes for the rest of our families to ride with a one cycle wait!

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I have not been to this site or six flags in probably 3 years so coming here for help on recent operations at the park.


I got married recently and my husband has a god daughter that we plan on taking to the park this coming monday and she absolutely LOVES roller coasters! Her mom however is not in best health and can't ride most of them and doesn't really like amusement parks(mostly crowds) so my husband and I are treating her this coming Monday to six flags(she has already been to other parks in the area Hershey and Dorney). She unfortunately is about 53 inches so she probably won't get to ride most of the big coasters but she can ride EL Toro! After telling her about it she seemed more than excited to go with us.


My questions are mostly do you think she would be able to ride any of the other coasters being an inch away from being tall enough? Like I said above I haven't been to six flags great adventure in years and I've never treated a child(well 9 turning 10 soon)to an experience like this and I was never interested in coasters as a kid so I never encountered this personally. Not sure if they would be able let her on with being only an inch off? I remember some kids getting turned away at Nitro even though they were tall enough back in 2009 or 10 (I can't remember when I was there last) I just worry that this would happen to her with being just an inch away. I know El Toro and Sky Screamer shouldn't be a problem and she showed interest on both of those.


I'm looking forward to seeing the new flats they added back including the bumper cars and Houdini's great Escape. Any idea on wait times on a monday? Rain is forecasted so I'm hoping that keeps the crowds down. I'm sure we will be spending most of the day riding El Toro though. Also is there anyway to do PArent swap even though we aren't her parents? We are obviously in charge of her that day I just don't know that since we aren't her 'parents' could we still ride the coasters even if she can't ride and have my husband wait with her and vice versa. I know Disney does this without a physical pass but it sounds like Great Adventure is more strict with this. Any information you guys can give would be helpful thanks! Looking forward to visiting Great Adventure again!

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