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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^^I'd be happy if they replaced Anaconda with a Dippin Dots stand--as long as it's gone.


Or if they absolutely have to keep it, at least give it new trains. Could Vekoma's new trains fit on it?


Maybe they should turn it into a ropes course or a habitat for monkeys (like Great Adventure did with parts of Great American Scream Machine).

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^Not enough space for a B&M hyper there. Generally, those rides require long, skinny stretches of land. It also may not be the best idea to place your new "hyper" coaster next to an older ride that dwarfs it. The term "hyper" coaster is coined by the coaster being larger than others.

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^Not enough space for a B&M hyper there. Generally, those rides require long, skinny stretches of land. It also may not be the best idea to place your new "hyper" coaster next to an older ride that dwarfs it. The term "hyper" coaster is coined by the coaster being larger than others.


Probably. But I think it's all but confirmed that Kings Dominion's next coaster will be a hyper, no matter when it comes.

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^Not enough space for a B&M hyper there. Generally, those rides require long, skinny stretches of land. It also may not be the best idea to place your new "hyper" coaster next to an older ride that dwarfs it. The term "hyper" coaster is coined by the coaster being larger than others.


Probably. But I think it's all but confirmed that Kings Dominion's next coaster will be a hyper, no matter when it comes.

I disagree wholeheartedly. In fact I think there has been not one clue about Kings Dominion's next coaster.

And the garbage about the background on their site has been shot down repeatedly.

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^Not enough space for a B&M hyper there. Generally, those rides require long, skinny stretches of land. It also may not be the best idea to place your new "hyper" coaster next to an older ride that dwarfs it. The term "hyper" coaster is coined by the coaster being larger than others.


Probably. But I think it's all but confirmed that Kings Dominion's next coaster will be a hyper, no matter when it comes.

I disagree wholeheartedly. In fact I think there has been not one clue about Kings Dominion's next coaster.

And the garbage about the background on their site has been shot down repeatedly.


Well Pat Jones and Cedar Fair have pretty much dismissed an invert, wing coaster, and woodie. I could possibly see another launch coaster coming, but I think that a Hyper is the most likely, unless Iron Hurler becomes a possibility.

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I've also been hearing things about Kings Dominion being more family oriented now. That could hint at a hyper coaster because B&M Hypers are actually pretty family friendly, especially compared to an Intamin giga coaster. It would be called either Centurion or Fury, and would be around 230 ft tall, 77 MPH, and 5,500 feet.

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ehhh I'm kind of torn on Anaconda. On one side, arrow custom loopers are painful and don't offer much... but at the same time, they're kind of iconic. It makes me a little sad to see so many go (from six flags parks), and once cedar fair joins in on that trend...


To be honest I'd be a lot more disappointed if they removed Vortex from Kings Island than if they removed Anaconda from Kings Dominion. "It's complicated."

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^Not enough space for a B&M hyper there. Generally, those rides require long, skinny stretches of land. It also may not be the best idea to place your new "hyper" coaster next to an older ride that dwarfs it. The term "hyper" coaster is coined by the coaster being larger than others.

I really do not understand how he can please you the idea of having a giga and and mega coastert in the same park!

There are so many companies and so many types of coaster, I do not believe that guests want a clone of what they have already in the park.

cedar fair can throw the money as he wants, but at least assume a person who chooses the new attractions with criterion

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^Not enough space for a B&M hyper there. Generally, those rides require long, skinny stretches of land. It also may not be the best idea to place your new "hyper" coaster next to an older ride that dwarfs it. The term "hyper" coaster is coined by the coaster being larger than others.

I really do not understand how he can please you the idea of having a giga and and mega coastert in the same park!

There are so many companies and so many types of coaster, I do not believe that guests want a clone of what they have already in the park.

cedar fair can throw the money as he wants, but at least assume a person who chooses the new attractions with criterion


Nope. An Intamin giga is completely different than a B&M Hyper.

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ehhh I'm kind of torn on Anaconda. On one side, arrow custom loopers are painful and don't offer much... but at the same time, they're kind of iconic. It makes me a little sad to see so many go (from six flags parks), and once cedar fair joins in on that trend...


To be honest I'd be a lot more disappointed if they removed Vortex from Kings Island than if they removed Anaconda from Kings Dominion. "It's complicated."


That's because Vortex isn't that rough and is properly maintained unlike Anaconda.

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I'm at a weird height I guess where Anaconda doesn't bang my head around at all and I get off thinking we just had a great ride and everyone else on the train looks like they just went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. I kind of like Anaconda, lol.

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Well Pat Jones and Cedar Fair have pretty much dismissed an invert, wing coaster, and woodie.


No they haven't - Unless you're having meetings with Pat Jones, Rob Decker, and Matt Ouimet.


Personally, I'm not a fan of Anaconda or Vortex at KI - actually I hate Vortex even more. Then again, I'm one of a select crowd who dislikes Loch Ness Monster too... Tennessee Tornado on the other hand is one of my favorite loopers.

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I was really hoping that as part of the 40th year celebration/minor repair years that they would get some new trains for Anaconda. I think it is a fun roller coaster and a great lay out around the lake and I remember being terrified of that coaster a child b/c it went under water and my mother did not help when she told me you have to hold your breathe. Like the ones they have on the Carolina Cyclone and Sidewinder.

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I'm at the height where my shoulders are pushed up all the way into the restraints on Arrows meaning no head banging for me. I still don't find any of them that spectacular, but at least I don't have to worry about coming off with a migraine.

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^ I'm too tall for Arrows trains since my knees have to squeeze in the train and the restraints kill my shoulders during the ride (especially if there's a ride op who insists on pushing it one more click down). I'm a relatively skinny guy just under 6'2'' I can't be the only one to have this problem.


Personally, I'm very thankful for all these new inverts coming out with just lap bars... curse you Tempesto and your 'comfort straps'.

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^Not enough space for a B&M hyper there. Generally, those rides require long, skinny stretches of land. It also may not be the best idea to place your new "hyper" coaster next to an older ride that dwarfs it. The term "hyper" coaster is coined by the coaster being larger than others.


Probably. But I think it's all but confirmed that Kings Dominion's next coaster will be a hyper, no matter when it comes.


Don't confuse speculation with confirmation. There's nothing to confirm that KD will get a hyper next year. For all the enthusiasts know, KD could be getting a used boomerang next year.

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Don't confuse speculation with confirmation. There's nothing to confirm that KD will get a hyper next year. For all the enthusiasts know, KD could be getting a used boomerang next year.



New for 2016, Boomerang, the new coaster coming to Kings Dominion! Go forwards and even backwards on a ride you'll never forget. This is the biggest roller coaster the park has recieved since 2010. It will feature what we like to call the Boomerang affect, this great design is made so that you'll feel like someone hit you with a Boomerang, doesn't that sound like fun!

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