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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Does anyone know how long it takes RMC (from removal of wood track to installation of topper track) to finish a coaster, and how much does that cost? (Just intrigued for a Hurler 2.0 in 2016, since one of the CF execs posted a pic teasing an RMC conversion a while back)


Based on what they did at Six Flag New England they can get it done over in about 6 months but that is speculation.

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Does anyone know how long it takes RMC (from removal of wood track to installation of topper track) to finish a coaster, and how much does that cost? (Just intrigued for a Hurler 2.0 in 2016, since one of the CF execs posted a pic teasing an RMC conversion a while back)


You know what? Hurler 2.0 makes a lot of sense! Hurler is in a large, woody area and is in an area of the park that needs attention. Plus; they are not incredibly expensive. I could see them making it a lot larger than Hurler currently is and of course, adding a steep drop, inversions, and banked turns. I think it will be the first RMC coaster Cedar Fair builds.

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If it does happen, I wonder how much height they would add, if any. Hurler is only 83 feet, and the shortest RMC right now is Medusa at 98 feet. It would be interesting to see what they do with the layout and space.

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I also received a seems-legit press release from the Kings Dominion execs regarding the 2016 season:

Here at Kings Dominion, we are very excited to announce our 41st anniversary celebration!

While this extended celebration will not bring any new attractions with it, you can still stare at the gimmicky Singing Mushrooms, ride our used B&M floorless, or stand in line for our two legendary Intamin coasters, just like you did for the past two seasons.

Shockwave, the park's infamous death machine head-banging nutcracker...er... we mean historic TOGO stand-up coaster will be closing in late September of 2015 to make way for future expansions aka S&S upcharge flat rides ...er... "exciting" attractions.

The park will also be bringing back the Imaginary Skyride, which is just like a regular Skyride, only you can't touch it, ride it, or even detect it! Sounds like fun!

Don't fret, Cedar Fair has promised a $50 million investment for the remainder of the decade ...er... what's that? Sorry, folks, we've just received news that the money will be used to build new roller coasters at our sister parks Canada's Wonderland and Carowinds.

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If it does happen, I wonder how much height they would add, if any. Hurler is only 83 feet, and the shortest RMC right now is Medusa at 98 feet. It would be interesting to see what they do with the layout and space.


I think that they would make it about 110-120 feet, about 55-60 MPH, and about 3,500 feet long.

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I also received a seems-legit press release from the Kings Dominion execs regarding the 2016 season:

Here at Kings Dominion, we are very excited to announce our 41st anniversary celebration!

While this extended celebration will not bring any new attractions with it, you can still stare at the gimmicky Singing Mushrooms, ride our used B&M floorless, or stand in line for our two legendary Intamin coasters, just like you did for the past two seasons.

Shockwave, the park's infamous death machine head-banging nutcracker...er... we mean historic TOGO stand-up coaster will be closing in late September of 2015 to make way for future expansions aka S&S upcharge flat rides ...er... "exciting" attractions.

The park will also be bringing back the Imaginary Skyride, which is just like a regular Skyride, only you can't touch it, ride it, or even detect it! Sounds like fun!

Don't fret, Cedar Fair has promised a $50 million investment for the remainder of the decade ...er... what's that? Sorry, folks, we've just received news that the money will be used to build new roller coasters at our sister parks Canada's Wonderland and Carowinds.

I think we get the point. You need to understand that Cedar Fair knows more about the amusment industry than you do, and has made Kings Dominion into an excellent park. Complaining day after day isn't changing anything, and I'm getting tired of listening to it.

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I also received a seems-legit press release from the Kings Dominion execs regarding the 2016 season:

Here at Kings Dominion, we are very excited to announce our 41st anniversary celebration!

While this extended celebration will not bring any new attractions with it, you can still stare at the gimmicky Singing Mushrooms, ride our used B&M floorless, or stand in line for our two legendary Intamin coasters, just like you did for the past two seasons.

Shockwave, the park's infamous death machine head-banging nutcracker...er... we mean historic TOGO stand-up coaster will be closing in late September of 2015 to make way for future expansions aka S&S upcharge flat rides ...er... "exciting" attractions.

The park will also be bringing back the Imaginary Skyride, which is just like a regular Skyride, only you can't touch it, ride it, or even detect it! Sounds like fun!

Don't fret, Cedar Fair has promised a $50 million investment for the remainder of the decade ...er... what's that? Sorry, folks, we've just received news that the money will be used to build new roller coasters at our sister parks Canada's Wonderland and Carowinds.

I think we get the point. You need to understand that Cedar Fair knows more about the amusement industry than you do, and has made Kings Dominion into an excellent park. Complaining day after day isn't changing anything, and I'm getting tired of listening to it.

I don't complain day after day, and I was just tellin' a little joke. Sheesh.

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I also received a seems-legit press release from the Kings Dominion execs regarding the 2016 season:

Here at Kings Dominion, we are very excited to announce our 41st anniversary celebration!

While this extended celebration will not bring any new attractions with it, you can still stare at the gimmicky Singing Mushrooms, ride our used B&M floorless, or stand in line for our two legendary Intamin coasters, just like you did for the past two seasons.

Shockwave, the park's infamous death machine head-banging nutcracker...er... we mean historic TOGO stand-up coaster will be closing in late September of 2015 to make way for future expansions aka S&S upcharge flat rides ...er... "exciting" attractions.

The park will also be bringing back the Imaginary Skyride, which is just like a regular Skyride, only you can't touch it, ride it, or even detect it! Sounds like fun!

Don't fret, Cedar Fair has promised a $50 million investment for the remainder of the decade ...er... what's that? Sorry, folks, we've just received news that the money will be used to build new roller coasters at our sister parks Canada's Wonderland and Carowinds.

I think we get the point. You need to understand that Cedar Fair knows more about the amusement industry than you do, and has made Kings Dominion into an excellent park. Complaining day after day isn't changing anything, and I'm getting tired of listening to it.

I don't complain day after day, and I was just tellin' a little joke. Sheesh.


you actually do complain.. a LOT.


just an observation.


Maybe I've just noticed it a lot more because we are going to be in the park (one of my bucket list parks) in just about a week for the first time. and every time I excitedly check the thread, it's you complaining how "terrible' the park is. . . . it's draining on my enthusiasm.

Edited by bert425
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I also received a seems-legit press release from the Kings Dominion execs regarding the 2016 season:

Here at Kings Dominion, we are very excited to announce our 41st anniversary celebration!

While this extended celebration will not bring any new attractions with it, you can still stare at the gimmicky Singing Mushrooms, ride our used B&M floorless, or stand in line for our two legendary Intamin coasters, just like you did for the past two seasons.

Shockwave, the park's infamous death machine head-banging nutcracker...er... we mean historic TOGO stand-up coaster will be closing in late September of 2015 to make way for future expansions aka S&S upcharge flat rides ...er... "exciting" attractions.

The park will also be bringing back the Imaginary Skyride, which is just like a regular Skyride, only you can't touch it, ride it, or even detect it! Sounds like fun!

Don't fret, Cedar Fair has promised a $50 million investment for the remainder of the decade ...er... what's that? Sorry, folks, we've just received news that the money will be used to build new roller coasters at our sister parks Canada's Wonderland and Carowinds.

I think we get the point. You need to understand that Cedar Fair knows more about the amusement industry than you do, and has made Kings Dominion into an excellent park. Complaining day after day isn't changing anything, and I'm getting tired of listening to it.

I don't complain day after day, and I was just tellin' a little joke. Sheesh.


you actually do complain.. a LOT.


just an observation.


Maybe a bit paranoid but I don't think he's constantly complaining. And he was just making a joke above.

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I'm sure A LOT of parks would love to have that used B&M. There are parks in this chain and others that are off far worse. Having the #1 coaster in the world and a one-of-a-kind invert (also an Intamin) is unspeakable anywhere.


I even watched my home park accept a 25 year old relocated boomerang. In tradition, it was branded as "all new".

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you actually do complain.. a LOT.


just an observation.


Maybe I've just noticed it a lot more because we are going to be in the park (one of my bucket list parks) in just about a week for the first time. and every time I excitedly check the thread, it's you complaining how "terrible' the park is. . . . it's draining on my enthusiasm.

Don't let my "longtime pass holder" whining spoil your perception of the park , it's a fantastic park.

... stand in line for our two legendary Intamin coasters...

-Certified "Everyone hates me" coastergeek

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Hurler at Carowinds was running great on opening weekend but it's probably turned back into the jackhammer we've come to know and "love" by now.


I've ridden worse, but nobody would miss these rides if they were gone.

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I'd just call RMC for a topper track replacement and remove (any?) trims. After all, look at Thunder Run today, which sat dormant for five years and had $1 mil in refurb put into it.


This would be if I ran the park.


With the price that RMC Hybrids go for, they might as well just convert the whole thing.

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^I've used up my daily complaints, apparently (lol) so I'll let someone else answer that one...

*EDIT*: My previous post was redundant



hahah i noticed that earlier lol...too funny! But yes RMC, both Hurlers please...We need this at Carowinds...Please and Thank You!

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^I've used up my daily complaints, apparently (lol) so I'll let someone else answer that one...

*EDIT*: My previous post was redundant



hahah i noticed that earlier lol...too funny! But yes RMC, both Hurlers please...We need this at Carowinds...Please and Thank You!


Carowinds' is not going to be re-done. Kings Dominion is overdue for a coaster, not Carowinds, plus Cedar Fair does not clone coasters.

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Here's a crazy idea: convert both Hurler and Grizzly into one big steel hybrid. They could run along each other with two lift hills sort of like Twisted Colossus. But I guess KD wants a higher coaster count, so they'd only do Hurler.


I posted this same Idea a few months ago, although not with the racing. This would totally complete the park's coaster lineup, the perfect attraction on that end of the park perfectly complimenting windseeker. The XLC area could be the new entrance and queue. They could use topper if they wanted a wooden angle. It would be pretty marketable too, as the longest wooden on the east coast, or most inversions, or anything.


Other than that, a Batman SFFT or Full throttle type "gimmick" ride would do well there, very marketable. The worlds largest loop around a park entrance would be captivating, especially next to Dominator's giant loop.


Surely we'll get a family friendly beemer though, a wingrider seems like the surest bet.

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Here's a crazy idea: convert both Hurler and Grizzly into one big steel hybrid. They could run along each other with two lift hills sort of like Twisted Colossus. But I guess KD wants a higher coaster count, so they'd only do Hurler.


I posted this same Idea a few months ago, although not with the racing. This would totally complete the park's coaster lineup, the perfect attraction on that end of the park perfectly complimenting windseeker. The XLC area could be the new entrance and queue. They could use topper if they wanted a wooden angle. It would be pretty marketable too, as the longest wooden on the east coast, or most inversions, or anything.


Other than that, a Batman SFFT or YOLOcoaster type "gimmick" ride would do well there, very marketable. The worlds largest loop around a park entrance would be captivating, especially next to Dominator's giant loop.


Surely we'll get a family friendly beemer though, a wingrider seems like the surest bet.


The ride could be called "Fury". It would start with the Grizzly part with a blue track and be about the banked turns. Then it could go through the Hurler part and switch to a purple track and be about inversions and airtime, then a grand finale returning to the Grizzly station. The whole thing would be a good 6,000 feet long or so. Oh and it would have two lift hills and four inversions.

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