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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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Speaking of which, any recommendations on a weekday at the park? What to expect?

Expect moderate crowds. You won't need Fast Lane, but if you choose to go that route to maximize rides, spend the extra $10 on Fast Lane Plus so that you can get unlimited rides on Volcano and Intimidator 305 as well. Pack food in a cooler if you can (pavilions are provided just outside the front gate), or buy an "all-day meal deal". Pack water in a bag to carry around (this is allowed) and don't worry about $$$ for lockerz unless you will visit the water park (Soak City), because free article binz are provided on all coasters and 90% of all other rides (except for maybe the carousel). Arrive at least 30 minutes before regular opening at 10 AM, and wait by the early entry gate, which is to the right of the Dominator pavilion (first left off of International Street, then a right at Berserker, the Looping Starship). DO NOT ride Dominator first, even though it opens at 10; the early morning is when lines are longest. Instead, high-tail it on down to Volcano as soon as the early entry barrier is lifted and get a ride on that before lines get ridiculous (I've seen >3 hrs on some weekdays). Next, hit Intimidator 305 and Flight of Fear (unless you've been on Kings Island's, which is an exact clone), ride Anaconda, Backlot Stunt Coaster, and Avalanche (if you want to) and work your way towards Rebel Yell, riding Drop Tower on the way, then ride the stuff in the Grove and Old Virginia sections. Ride Intimidator again later in the day, and make Dominator your last ride of the day (this is when lines will be shortest). This is a lot to process, but I hope it helps!

PRO TIP: Don't buy Preferred Parking - buy parking online and save $5 because the lot is so close to the park as it is, and if you arrive around 10 it will be a very short walk to the gate.

PRO TIP: Eat lunch and dinner at around 11 AM and 4 PM, respectively; this will let you take full advantage of thinner mealtime lines throughout the park.

PRO TIP: Think twice before riding Anaconda, Shockwave, and Hurler. If you can't tolerate rough rides, AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS.

PRO TIP: If you can, ride Boo Blasters - a fun shooting dark ride and air conditioned, which is great on a hot day. Plus, it's tucked away, so 9/10 times it's a walk-on, especially on a weekday (this is in contrast to Carowinds, where its clone is immensely popular).

PRO TIP: If you will buy ride photos, just get the $30 unlimited photo email package and get unlimited photos during the day on (I think this is the complete list): Intimidator 305, Volcano, Dominator, Ricochet, Boo Blasters, Woodstock Express, and Shenandoah Lumber Company.

PRO TIP: If you don't want to get drenched to the bone and/or electronic devices ruined, AVOID White Water Canyon and Shenandoah Lumber Company (hint: hidden fire hoses)

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For the regulars--is a $65 groupon for two tickets the best deal you can find? Planning on visiting Thursday, July 2nd. I've heard crowds can be light the week before a holiday--is Thursday still early enough in the week for this to apply? Planning on being there open to close.

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For the regulars--is a $65 Groupon for two tickets the best deal you can find? Planning on visiting Thursday, July 2nd. I've heard crowds can be light the week before a holiday--is Thursday still early enough in the week for this to apply? Planning on being there open to close.

I can certify (no pun intended) that the price is indeed the cheapest at which you can purchase tickets. Crowds will be moderate because of the holiday - it's not a "Military Day" (active/former service members get free admission), but the 4th and 5th are. However, you should get moderate crowds nonetheless - although likely not enough to be forced into purchasing Fast Lane, however, if you read the instructions that I wrote. ^ Best of luck!

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I've relapsed on my no-speculation policy...


Sarcasm level: definitely none...

In the meantime, you can read the above all-caps text like this kid:

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much fuller report (with pics) when we're back at home tomorrow (so I hope to get something up by the weekend).


but the park was pretty slow on Friday when we stopped on our way to DC. I had allotted 8 hours, but we finished up there in just over 5 and hopped back on the road to DC.


we passed up the water rides (I like the flumes, but the line was just way too long), Grizzly, Shockwave, and Dominator (again, long lines, and we just didn't feel like being turned upside down towards the end of our stay there). . but we rode everything else -- including a trip to the top of the Eiffel tower.


we followed advice and rode Volcano first (got him on it, and he liked it), and as we stepped off, Avalanche was already open, so we went to that next (loved it).


a great compliment I can give the park, is that thier mainentance dept. is great, there were 3 rides that were down when we were there: Backlot Stunt Coaster, Windseeker, and the Eagle Flyers. . .and all three of them were up and running (and was able to get in rides) during the 5 hours we were there!


Crypt was down the whole visit, but that's something (a Top Spin) we wont ride anyways, so no loss there.


It was my first Windseeker, and I found it really dull, to be honest. That could have been because they played that damn "Flight of the Valkyre" the entire time you are up spinning around.


I found most of the coasters to be dull-ish as well: Backlot promised way more than it delivered (bleh), Rebel Yell was just so-so (after Jackrabbit, and Phoenix, it just doesn't compare), Hurler wasn't too bad except for that one spot where it SLAMS you into the side, brusing a couple of ribs, I think!), Flight of Fear was again, just ok. . reminded us very much of Poltergeist at SFFT.


we did like the standouts a LOT tho: Intimidator (that thing HAULS ASS), Volcano (wowza), the Wild Mouse was smooth and super fast. . and our favorite one of the day? Woodstock Express . . we loved the speed and the floater air over the bunnyhop hills.


the Drop Tower is the best I've ever ridden (hands down).


so we had a good time, but yeah. . hot again, and I was a bit annoyed that I could find NO anniversary shirts bigger than a "large" . . .actually, there were very few T-shirt offerings bigger than a large. I said something to a supervisor in the last store on the way out about lost sales. Have they not seen thier crowd? XL and XXL would SELL.



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^ I'm glad you enjoyed the park and yes, Drop Tower at KD is my favorite one out there still - 12 years later.


I took the long way back home from another long weekend in NOVA/Washington DC this morning to fit in a stop at the park. I got to the park at 10:00 and left at 1:30 for the 3 hour drive home as the summer school crowds began flocking in. This was my first ever solo-trip to a park and I must say I did have a good time and could definitely do it again!


If any of you have a Cedar Fair Platinum or KD Gold Pass, USE EARLY ENTRY at 10:00. Before 10:30 (when the the whole park opens) I got to ride Volcano 4 times (twice in the front, twice in row 2), with the first one being on the first train of the day. Once 10:30 hit the herd ran to Volcano but I beat them to it with one more ride on it before the line grew.


Intimidator 305 and Dominator were hauling ass due to the 90+ degree temperatures. I got to ride Intimidator 305 5 times in a row within 40 minutes (even with 1-train ops), and hit it up twice more before leaving the park with waits about 10 mins in the secret second row. The heat made the greyouts near total blackouts for me today. Dominator was running the smoothest I've felt it in years, and that was in the very back row where it is usually the 'roughest' (although just a slight B&M ratter).


The park has took an incredible effort this season in detailing as the park looks the best I've seen it with landscaping, signage, ect. Soak City looks the best I've seen it, too I must add. For a Cedar Fair laugh, I stood by the game booth in front of the Soak City entrance and counted 31 trashcans from my 360 degree vantage point.


Total lap count 15 (3.5 hours).

Intimidator 305 - 7

Volcano - 5

Drop Tower - 1

Windseeker - 1

Dominator - 1


I met several very nice people today from Ohio that were on a trip to hit up Dorney, KD, and Carowinds for the first time with Platinum Passes. They all were raving over Intimidator 305 and couldn't believe the intensity.


Typical photo of the trip:



Not a pin collector, but loved this 40th Celebration pin for Intimidator 305. Nice addition to my park traveling fanny pack...



2016 talks...


Rumors going around are Shockwave is out making way for something eventually and a Slingshot is heading this way (both as predicted).


Also, I doubt this is for 2016... but worth mentioning. The gravel lot that Intimidator 305's track/supports were held in (furthest east of parking lot), was being "raked" with an additional two cars parked and individuals chatting next to the lot. The lot could have been raked to prepare for heavier crowds now that the main summer season is in full swing. Sorry for the blurry picture, but I was driving and there were others behind me.


Edited by Intimidator305
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I think the Crypt has been up ONCE in the many many times I've visited Kings Dominion. It was fun but it is always down. Most of the time they don't even have the car on the rides.


I kinda agree the Windseeker is kinda boring but the one at Cedar Point is cool b/c of the great views of the park and the beach.

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^ I'm sorry, but I prefer Shockwave, one of the worst coasters ever (here's looking at you, Drachen Fire), to an upcharge Slingshot (although $10 says that this is happening in 2016, no irony intended). 2016 just ain't the year. However, my guess is that because a Slingshot doesn't use up that much space (I saw the one at Carowinds ), the remaining Shockwave plot will be used as part of the (rumored) 2017 Old Virginia expansion that would mean the removal/relocation of the Blue Ridge Tollway for a new coaster.


I'm friends with a few maintenance guys and park supervisors at the park. While they might not be the most reliable sources of information, I talked to them separately and independently they gave me very similar answers. Or it could be the Illuminati trying to throw us off the scent again...

|> (that's supposed to be a triangle)

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^ I'm sorry, but I prefer Shockwave, one of the worst coasters ever (here's looking at you, Drachen Fire), to an upcharge Slingshot (although $10 says that this is happening in 2016, no irony intended). 2016 just ain't the year. However, my guess is that because a Slingshot doesn't use up that much space (I saw the one at Carowinds ), the remaining Shockwave plot will be used as part of the (rumored) 2017 Old Virginia expansion that would mean the removal/relocation of the Blue Ridge Tollway for a new coaster.


I'm friends with a few maintenance guys and park supervisors at the park. While they might not be the most reliable sources of information, I talked to them separately and independently they gave me very similar answers. Or it could be the Illuminati trying to throw us off the scent again...

|> (that's supposed to be a triangle)


They're not removing Blue Ridge Tollway. If anything it will be the go-karts. Plus there's unused land to the right (entering the park) for expansion.


I can see land clearing and a new flat ride for 2016 (or a slingshot) and then the new coaster in 2017.

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Greetings everyone, I just had a northeast vacation to D.C. where I also took the time to stop by SFGAV and KD. I really enjoyed the park. I came to ride I-305 and Volcano and neither of them were a disappointment at all! I-305 is the first coaster to make me start losing it a bit with the G-forces, luckily I quickly recover! While I enjoyed it very much and the gift shop had some of the best merchandise for a roller coaster I'd ever seen (they got a lot of my money in the I-305 shop) I still think I prefer Millennium Force. Don't get me wrong, I really thought it was great and I enjoy the Maverick aspect of it, but at the end of a day, I personally enjoy being able to freely swing my arms around and just go with the ride and not have to "ride" the ride if you know what I mean. But there's no doubt that I-305 is a winner in my books and I would happily ride it over and over until my body says stop. With that being said, I went on Saturday and couldn't believe the short line, I never waited longer than 10 minutes, even for front seat rides. Is it always like that? Do the G-forces keep people from taking re-rides so they are only "one and done"? I was shocked.


Dominator had to be the most rough floor-less coaster I'd ever ridden, it was a very uncomfortable ride. I had ridden Bizzaro at SFGAV just a few days before it looking forward to Dominator after that and man I couldn't wait to get off.


Hurler is a fun ride, but as I've seen, except for that first turn LOL! I was NOT expecting the way I got slung! Still fun though.


All in all it was a very fun day and I was happy to finally ride I-305 after just getting to watch videos and see pictures since it opened. Good fun and I look forward to your next major attraction so I can fly back!

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1. They're not removing Blue Ridge Tollway.

2. If anything it will be the go-karts.

3. Plus there's unused land to the right (entering the park) for expansion.

1. It's obviously unconfirmed that the Blue Ridge Tollway will be removed (and if it is to be removed, it won't happen until at least 2016), but it sits upon prime real estate, occupies a fairly large plot of land, and that area of the park doesn't have a large coaster yet.

2. The difference between these two gasoline-powered rides is that the upcharge go-karts make money, while the Blue Ridge Tollway is presumably very expensive to maintain. Any rational businessman (or woman, gender equality) would remove an expensive ride that doesn't draw people to the park. Let's face it: have you ever heard someone say that they would spend $80 to visit an amusement park just to ride the antique cars?

3. For the 10,000th time, that land isn't unused, except for a very narrow sliver between the Int'l St. shops and the storage/office buildings. Additionally, through my sources above, Cedar Fair is considering a Triotech within the next 5-10 years in the nearby building which currently houses the Action Theater and the No Vacancy Haunt maze, so I highly doubt anything else will replace that.

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Both hurler and grizzly were surprisingly good in my last visit this past weekend. Hurler was perfectly smooth with the exception of the god awful first turn and last turn. It has a lot of potential if they could fix it. Grizzly could use some TLC as well, but I was surprised by all the airtime.

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Dominator had to be the most rough floor-less coaster I'd ever ridden, it was a very uncomfortable ride. I had ridden Bizzaro at SFGAV just a few days before it looking forward to Dominator after that and man I couldn't wait to get off.





We rode it five times and i didnt think it was that rough. In fact on my three rides in the back row i think it may have been the smoothest ride on any coaster i have ever had. i was pretty shocked.

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1. They're not removing Blue Ridge Tollway.

2. If anything it will be the go-karts.

3. Plus there's unused land to the right (entering the park) for expansion.

1. It's obviously unconfirmed that the Blue Ridge Tollway will be removed (and if it is to be removed, it won't happen until at least 2016), but it sits upon prime real estate, occupies a fairly large plot of land, and that area of the park doesn't have a large coaster yet.

2. The difference between these two gasoline-powered rides is that the upcharge go-karts make money, while the Blue Ridge Tollway is presumably very expensive to maintain. Any rational businessman (or woman, gender equality) would remove an expensive ride that doesn't draw people to the park. Let's face it: have you ever heard someone say that they would spend $80 to visit an amusement park just to ride the antique cars?


I doubt the antique cars will be removed in the near future - Kings Island still constantly hears about the removal of theirs a decade ago. However, like DonkeysWaffles stated, Thunder Raceway could be on its way out eventually. It is a 'trend' that has been happening the past few seasons across KD's sister parks that I would like to see happen here. Kings Island removed theirs after 2012, Carowinds removed theirs after 2013, and ValleyFair removed theirs after 2013. Its worth noting that KI replaced theirs for Banshee, Carowinds for Fury, and ValleyFair for Antique Cars and a Disk'o coaster...


If Cedar Fair removed go-karts for the addition of antique cars, I doubt they would remove KD's historic antique cars before the go-karts. I could see them removing Dinosaurs Alive and Thunder Raceway at the same time as that would open up a huge amount of land for endless possibilities.

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Well it seems clear that KD is for sure not getting a RMC upgrade of any kind. I hope that KD doesn't take out the Shockwave for an upcharge ride. I don't want Kings Dominion to start g losing coasters, even the crappy ones like Shockwave, lol.


I still think 2016 is KD years, but I am losing hope. If they are getting something I still am leaning toward a B&M b/c Cedar Fair has leaned toward going to the pretty, family friendly, high capacity B&M's over the past couple of years. A winged launched coaster would fit well with the park and its unofficial nick name, the launch capital of the world, lol.

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Well it seems clear that KD is for sure not getting a RMC upgrade of any kind. I hope that KD doesn't take out the Shockwave for an upcharge ride. I don't want Kings Dominion to start g losing coasters, even the crappy ones like Shockwave, lol.


I still think 2016 is KD years, but I am losing hope. If they are getting something I still am leaning toward a B&M b/c Cedar Fair has leaned toward going to the pretty, family friendly, high capacity B&M's over the past couple of years. A winged launched coaster would fit well with the park and its unofficial nick name, the launch capital of the world, lol.


I've heard that B&M is offering dueling wing coasters now, a la Twisted Colossus where's it's one loop.


I've also heard that KD will be getting a new flat ride in 2016 and a coaster in 2017, but who knows.

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Well it seems clear that KD is for sure not getting a RMC upgrade of any kind. I hope that KD doesn't take out the Shockwave for an upcharge ride. I don't want Kings Dominion to start g losing coasters, even the crappy ones like Shockwave, lol.


I still think 2016 is KD years, but I am losing hope. If they are getting something I still am leaning toward a B&M b/c Cedar Fair has leaned toward going to the pretty, family friendly, high capacity B&M's over the past couple of years. A winged launched coaster would fit well with the park and its unofficial nick name, the launch capital of the world, lol.


I've heard that B&M is offering dueling wing coasters now, a la Twisted Colossus where's it's one loop.


I've also heard that KD will be getting a new flat ride in 2016 and a coaster in 2017, but who knows.


I would not be against a strong flat ride, they are kinda lacking in that department

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Kings Dominion does seem like a pretty strong candidate to receive a Slingshot next year based on CF's trend of adding them recently. The spot along Dominator's midway between Woodstock Express and Joe Cool's Driving School seems like the perfect spot for one to me.


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Kings Dominion does seem like a pretty strong candidate to receive a Slingshot next year based on CF's trend of adding them recently. The spot along Dominator's midway between Woodstock Express and Joe Cool's Driving School seems like the perfect spot for one to me.



Probably not. Old Virginia is getting expanded, so that's where it will give (near where the next coaster will be). Like said before, Thunder Raceway and maybe Shockwave will close for whatever's coming.

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Yeah, I wouldn't be a fan of cluttering the front facade skyline - I like how Dominator 'dominates' the entrance on its own as cheesy as that might sound. Compared to other parks, I enjoy how both KD and BGW provide a sense of discovery as you navigate through the parks. If the park does indeed get a SlingShot next season I would suspect it going in Candy Apple Grove.


If a coaster is indeed coming in 2017, I'd be very happy with a nice flat and SlingShot for 2016.

Edited by Intimidator305
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Dominator had to be the most rough floor-less coaster I'd ever ridden, it was a very uncomfortable ride. I had ridden Bizzaro at SFGAV just a few days before it looking forward to Dominator after that and man I couldn't wait to get off.





We rode it five times and i didnt think it was that rough. In fact on my three rides in the back row i think it may have been the smoothest ride on any coaster i have ever had. i was pretty shocked.


Shocks the heck out of me! Maybe it was just a rough train or something, cause man it was bad! I was looking forward to it all day and we saved it for last on the way out. Being the enthusiast I am, I'll hope for a better ride when I return someday!

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Dominator is quite interesting in its smoothness/roughness.


As Ape mentioned above, recently the ride has been super smooth in the back (one of the smoothest experiences I've ever had) which is the complete polar opposite of how the ride was in previous seasons! I used to always ride in row 2 for the smoothest rides as I got a bit of a rattle in the back, but recently, the ride has been smoothest in the back with a slight rattle in the middle rows during the 2nd half obviously. I rode the ride in the back row yesterday and had a great ride.


It sounds like you got a day with a bad wheel/train. Definitely a ride that has its off days every now and then it seems, but the majority of the time it is smoother than most B&Ms with OTSRs.

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