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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Cedar Fair seems to really like hypers these days. With B&M hyper track seen at the plant in Ohio rumored to go to Carowinds and these supports looking more Intamin-ish, maybe they've downsized and are going with...America's first Mega-Lite!?

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Cedar Fair seems to really like hypers these days. With B&M hyper track seen at the plant in Ohio rumored to go to Carowinds and these supports looking more Intamin-ish, maybe they've downsized and are going with...America's first Mega-Lite!?


I think a mega-lite would be great for KD. That is my guess for this coaster. A hyper-coaster pretty much eliminates any chance of the ride being family friendly for a gp family. A mega-lite on the other hand, does not look nearly as thrilling (even though it probably is) and could in a way be looked at as not too scary for anyone scared of coasters going to KD. It'd also take up less room (even though KD has a ton) giving KD more room for future expansions and it'd probably be better (rating-wise) than a hyper-coaster anyway.

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if any coaster that saves space it would be a hyper (non twisting hyper) and a shuttle...


Hypers can be built over any and all existing structures. Look at 'over ga for an example with goliath. The park didnt change pretty much anything except for the great gasp and the starship. There was no massive land clearing or anything.

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Dang! It seems that every time that I visit a new park, they seem to get some great new ride the next season. So anyone have suggestions as to where I should go next year?


Some examples of my poor timing:


Hershey Park (with Fahrenheit)

Dorney Park (with Voodoo)

Six Flags New England (with Bizarro)

Six Flags Great America (with Dark Knight)

Darien Lake (with Motocoaster)

Kings Island (with Diamondback)

King Dominion (with ???)


I went to Kings Dominion over Memorial Day weekend, and unfortunately did not see any of these supports. I'll keep my eyes peeled for next time.

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It will be interseting to see what Cedar Fair has chosen to build. In this economy, you would think they would hold off building anymore major rides. Maybe this one isn't going to be huge like most automatically expect?


I think it's good Cedar Fair is giving the Paramount parks some attention. They just need to make sure they don't forget the other parks in the chain besides the old Paramount Parks.

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"Brave" is the right word. I don't know about NoVa but the rain was crazy today.


Ohh we've had our fair share of rain up here too....just a couple days ago it was pouring down buckets of rain.


So has anyone managed to go today now that conditions have improved?

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"Brave" is the right word. I don't know about NoVa but the rain was crazy today.


Ohh we've had our fair share of rain up here too....just a couple days ago it was pouring down buckets of rain.


So has anyone managed to go today now that conditions have improved?

Do we really NEED daily updates? Honestly, an update once a week or so is plenty at this point.






It's sad that some of us have got to that point where it is so urgent that we need updates every single day to crack the mystery of what this (or any other) new coaster is.

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I wouldnt say updates once a day but updates once something happens...if someone is in the area or willing to go to the area and document the changes (a la time line) then im all for it and appreciate it. If those changes happen to happen once a day then im grateful...if they happen once a week im still grateful. I just wanna see the transformation and not blink and see a fully errected coaster.


But thats just me...

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Trucks came to KD today and loaded up the yellow supports and hauled them away.


Rumor has it that these were supposed to go to Carrowinds (according to some KD employees).


This is all rumor as no one has any facts.


Also Dick Kinzel and other CF officials have been spotted at KD today as well (again according to other sources).


Just an FYI.



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Just got back from the park and they are loading up the supports on trucks and they are leaving the parking lot.


Kinda crazy stuff. Herd lots of rumors, and am not sure how much I beleave them.


I did get some pictures and video from the park.

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^That seems like a very big mistake for Cedar Fair to make, so I'm not sure I believe it especially when the only sources are KD employees. The supports could of just been moved to a different location on KD property.


Nope,they were moved off the park grounds via the same exit the GP uses to go back home via I-95.It is possible that the shipping crews made the wrong delivery,which would explain why only two truckloads of supports ever arrived on site before they were suddenly removed.


Not that quite possible puts the red B&M back into play for KD,if the intamin ends up at carowinds they certainly won't be getting that B&M hyper that's for sure.

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