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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^I agree. i305 is very intense, but not so intense to the fact that you can barely ride it more than twice a day.


To me, there's a huge line between too intense and enjoyable.


That & judging by the huge lines for the ride during haunt I'd say that a vast majority found the ride in it's current layout to be just fine.

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So just how intense was this thing ( version 1 i'm referring to)


I didn't find it too bad at all, wished it would've had the new restraints on it when it first opened as that would've put icing on the cake. The only part I didn't care for were the twisty's due to the restraints. On the intensity level 7/10. Could ride it all day.

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So just how intense was this thing ( version 1 i'm referring to)


I didn't find it too bad at all, wished it would've had the new restraints on it when it first opened as that would've put icing on the cake. The only part I didn't care for were the twisty's due to the restraints. On the intensity level 7/10. Could ride it all day.


Prior to the trims being installed I found the twisties to be pretty intense & also had some major leg cramps from hitting the lapbar on the 150 foot hill as the air time there was really sustained & intense.

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I'm definitely only referring to the 1st version of I-305 when comparing it to the Mindbender. I managed to get on the 3rd version of I-305 this summer( new restraints and trim breaks). I have only been on 85 different roller coasters in my lifetime(i'm just 22). I would consider version 3 of I-305 to probably be the most intense coaster of them all so far for me. But that's the thing. It "probably" was the most intense. When the ride first opened it sounded like a stand alone most intense roller coaster( unless you were fortunate enough to ride one of those Anton Schwarzkopf steel loopers or maybe Goliath or Titan). As for the 3rd version, I have a hard time calling it that much more intense than MF.


I suppose that with the modifications this ride is receiving now, we should probably make clear once and for all the naming of the versions of I-305. Are we just going to call the new version this spring version 4? Or are we going to call the 3 versions this past summer versions 1a(opening day version),1b(when the trims were added to the first dop),1c(when the restraints were modified)and 2( whatever it is this spring).

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I suppose that with the modifications this ride is receiving now, we should probably make clear once and for all the naming of the versions of I-305. Are we just going to call the new version this spring version 4? Or are we going to call the 3 versions this past summer versions 1a(opening day version),1b(when the trims were added to the first dop),1c(when the restraints were modified)and 2( whatever it is this spring).


...how about Intimidator 305?

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did everybody see robb on yahoo today. his i305 video in its entirety. Maybe its me but some of the comments about the "guy in the video" pissed me off. I know that people tend to post garbage about everything but personally I live vicariously through robb and elissa's travels and I feel like they are close friends even though we've only met once.(WCB 08).

I had to respond, and did. I just posted that the guy in the video has done more for enthusiasts than anyone and is a bonafide theme park expert so people should get a grip and stop criticizing everything that they don't understand. I mean, he is riding a roller coaster not performing brain surgury.

I do realize that Robb is probably way above responding to such garbage but i'm not and when someone messes with mine i got their back. Not that it will mean anything to anybody but for some reason I couldn't resist.

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^Why bother? When it comes to amusment parks, you have four groups:


1. The Enthusiasts

2. The Ignorant

3. The Non-Enthusiast/Non-Ignorant

4. Kids


When it comes to people posting on sites on the internet, unless it is specifically geared towards enthusiasts, ignorance reigns supreme. There's no point preaching to the ignorant. Just don't let it bother you.

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Most comments on sites like You Tube and Yahoo are lamebrained. My favorite in the batch from the Yahoo link was one that described riding the "Phoenix" at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. (Methinks the poster was a wee bit confused.)


I was quite happy to see Robb's I-305 footage there. He worked really hard to get that piece of video.

Edited by cfc
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I suppose that with the modifications this ride is receiving now, we should probably make clear once and for all the naming of the versions of I-305. Are we just going to call the new version this spring version 4? Or are we going to call the 3 versions this past summer versions 1a(opening day version),1b(when the trims were added to the first dop),1c(when the restraints were modified)and 2( whatever it is this spring).


...how about Intimidator 305?

I posted that simply b/c I sense the confusion that may be coming soon with all the changes that have been made to the ride. Perhaps you took that comment to mean that I don't like the changes or that the ride is so different now that we must call it something different. That's not what I meant. I simply posted that to help clear confusion that is inevitable.

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They're taking all of the trims off the drop and are moving them to a straight-away that the ride will now drop into. It will then take a new, extremely un-banked turn at painfully slow speeds just to launch back to 90mph into the rest of the otherwise unchanged course. Problem solved.

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