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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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For those unfamiliar with the area around that turn, I put a photo up that I took at ECB. Judging by where they're pouring the footers, I'd say that the turn is going to be right against the trees in the picture, on the opposite side of the maintenance path that we were all walking on. And that's pretty in line with the second hill, but it would most likely require some sort of straight track. Or a lessening of the angle of the incline. But who knows!


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Just to add to the comments about how forceful this beast was, my dad (who has a glass eye) had to hold it in because it was almost forced out of his eye socket. Oh and that was on the trimmed version too. I was also covered in my own spit and tears by the time I got done with that first turn. I didn't black out, but I came damn close.


On a side note, it's times like these I really start loving my family in Virginia

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WOW, that's some massive track and footers. No way this change is part of the original contract, unless there is some sort of G-force limit in teh contract, which I highly doubt. But, I could see KD deciding to lessen the forces, and getting a deal from Intamin. I would think this whole job will be a million at least.


I can't wait for the changes. I was a bit hesitant to ride it in the gray-out days, but I could see these changes bringing this coaster up to number one status for years to come. I'm definitley planning on a visit next year.



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A weird thing I've experienced on Backlot's helix is to start graying out right at the top -- the force is decreased by that point but not enough after surviving the rest of the helix. You could be fine halfway through 305's turn and still start graying out at the end -- or a lot of times more a "tunnel vision" where you lose all peripheral vision, which seems different than shorter duration high-G response.


I've had this happen to me as well on Backlot. If I remember correctly, it happened at KI's version. I can't even imagine what it's like on I305. I think Intamin took this one too intense for the GP. Intamin has appeared to be going too far in this direction unfortunately. I LOVE Intamin's late 1990s through early 2000s coasters, but it seems like they've gotten rougher and more intense since then. Maverick at CP really fits the bill on this. Maverick is PAINFUL to say the least. I mean, I can only ride this once during an entire trip to CP. I305 just looks like Maverick on steroids. When I first saw Robb's video after the ride's debut, I was actually AFRAID to ride I305. Not because of its height or speed, but because of the forces and pain that are experienced during the ride. I am planning a trip to KD next Spring and I'm hoping I305 will be worth a re-ride.

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WOW, that's some massive track and footers. No way this change is part of the original contract, unless there is some sort of G-force limit in teh contract, which I highly doubt. But, I could see KD deciding to lessen the forces, and getting a deal from Intamin. I would think this whole job will be a million at least.


I wouldn't be so sure. In my work as an engineer, I am almost always working under contracts that have defined requirements for reliability, lifetime, performance, and frequency of maintenance. You would be surprised how long and detailed contracts can be for prototype-level engineering. I worked on a project last year where the appendix to the contract that listed the specifications we had to meet was over 120 pages.


If the coaster, when running at the speed specified in the contract, was chucking wheels daily, then that could violate a maintenance frequency clause. If (and this is speculation) the trains were showing more wear after a set period of time than they should have, that could also be a contract violation. Slowing down the ride was a temporary solution, but if (and again, speculation) the contract specified a minimum top speed, that would also violate the contract. Depending on the wording of the contract, and I'm not sure what is standard in the amusement industry, Intamin could easily be on the hook for the entire cost of getting the ride to perform to the levels specified in the contract.

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^^I think I might've just called you out in the BGT thread, and I promise I'm not trying to follow you around and start trouble, but I've never heard a complaint from the GP. Minus one from my mother, actually, but she's just a complainer by default. Almost everyone that I get off an I305 train with is ready to go again, and the rest are usually kids meeting up with friends or parents too afraid to ride. I rode the thing with the flu, and I would've gone again if the line wasn't long and it hadn't been 95*+ outside. The same goes for Maverick (but minus the flu and plus five more rides in a day). These rides aren't rough, they're violent - but not painfully so. But I guess that's just me.

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I know that the effects rides have on one person versus another vary greatly, but I for one, didn't have any intensity issues pre or post trims, something I've mentioned before. Haven't rode with the soft restraints and wish I had as I suspect those helped out in the twisties. So, now I am thinking I will need to take the train down after the NE trip and give it a whirl, that, and spend a day at Virginia Beach, really like that place. I anticipate personally I will rather enjoy the wider turn as I'm a fan of low, fast, wide turns that switch to intense oh crap sections which is what this will do even better than before. While this ride should place high in this year's polls, with this mod, it should rank even higher

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^I would love to see one and I think it would do well but there really is no room for a seaside park on the Virginia Beach oceanfront. From 2nd Street through 42nd Street the strip is packed with hotels, restaurants and shops. Everything else above 42nd Street is residential.

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I am planning to go early in the summer and hope it means no trims when I ride. The folks from the park have all said that hopefully we will be able to remove the trims, that isn't assuring at all. I hope I am wrong but this doesn't seem like enough of a fix to remove the trims. Less G's but longer duration. That's what I see anyway.

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I am planning to go early in the summer and hope it means no trims when I ride. The folks from the park have all said that hopefully we will be able to remove the trims, that isn't assuring at all. I hope I am wrong but this doesn't seem like enough of a fix to remove the trims. Less G's but longer duration. That's what I see anyway.

Even with the trims it's in my top 5 steel coasters. I rode it before and after the trims, and I didn't feel like the trims made that much of a difference. If someone who didn't like the ride with the trims, they probably wouldn't like the ride without them either.

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^^Technically there use to be two...


Dips of Buckroe Beach Park



Rocket of Ocean View Park



If you like watching Roller Coasters Die


Yeah but wasn't Oceanview in Norfolk? that isn't exactly Va. beach after all.Interesting thing I noticed in that clip is that the rocket's trains are blue whereas in Rollercoaster they were yellow.

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^Yes, Ocean View park was in Norfolk and Buckroe Park was in Hampton. So while the Hampton Roads area had some small seaside parks back in the day the city of Virginia Beach itself never had one on their boardwalk. The city use to bring traveling carnivals to what is now known as Neptune Park on 32nd and Atlantic but they haven't done that in a long time as some of the space was used for a new hotel.

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I also believe Motorworld in Va Beach has had some coasters (kiddie coaster? wild mouse?) but I was talking more about maybe a lot somewhere between Atlantic and Pacific Avenues. I guess it's probably a little too late and that area's already overly developed for a coaster. I was thinking of an Avalanche style woodie or something. I haven't been to Va Beach in a while but the last time I was there seemed to be all these rules and laws. I'm sure it would be a headache to get zoning for something like that.

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^Motor-World has a tiny little Kiddy Coaster.


Other than that, BGW is the closest park with a coaster (Va Beach has the world's most pathetic amusment park somewhere on the boardwalk) at roughly 40 minutes to 60 minutes away depending on traffic. It works out though, I don't know too many people who don't have BGW Passes.

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Motor World used to have a spinning mouse IIRC, which according to RCDB, was bought by a traveling fair.


Aside from that, the area across from the VA Beach Amusement Park seems large enough to hold a small coaster (maybe something Kanonen-sized at best, but even that's pushing it). If you remove the parking lot, you could definitely put a decent woodie or steel coaster on that spot, although knowing the beach and parking, they probably won't do it. It occasionally holds a small traveling fair that stays for a few months, but the last time I've been there, the area was empty. Looking at Google Maps, the park is at 15th and Atlantic.


The oceanfront is largely built up though. I'm pretty sure the surrounding hotels wouldn't want a coaster unless the sounds coming from the ride were blocked somehow.

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Aside from that, the area across from the VA Beach Amusement Park seems large enough to hold a small coaster (maybe something Kanonen-sized at best, but even that's pushing it). If you remove the parking lot, you could definitely put a decent woodie or steel coaster on that spot, although knowing the beach and parking, they probably won't do it.


Those parking lots are right next to residential areas. Zoning wouldn't allow a coaster there.

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Even with the trims it's in my top 5 steel coasters. I rode it before and after the trims, and I didn't feel like the trims made that much of a difference. If someone who didn't like the ride with the trims, they probably wouldn't like the ride without them either.


I agree it's still a great coaster and definitely adds to the park. But as far as a coaster that "craps all over" all other coasters of its type, worth making a point to travel long distances to ride, with real "wow" factor, trimmed it just wasn't enough of that. The drop was no longer really better than Griffon or Apollo or any of the many others at that level, the 150' hill was one step short of lame. Especially with the straps, it did become much more a coaster you could relax and just enjoy though. I don't mind it becoming, and staying, something my body can handle.


As to the Ocean View coaster, I remember passing by it many times, but my parents wouldn't stop. It did look a bit scary. That video is really stupid.

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I agree it's still a great coaster and definitely adds to the park. But as far as a coaster that "craps all over" all other coasters of its type, worth making a point to travel long distances to ride, with real "wow" factor, trimmed it just wasn't enough of that.

I absolutely, 100% could not disagree with you more. Even trimmed, it's one of the top 5 steel coasters in the country, maybe even the world. Top 10 in the world for sure. Well worth traveling long distances for.


Like any other coaster, some people may love it, some people may go "I don't get it." But from someone who has ridden nearly 1,500 coasters across the planet, I'm telling you, if you flew out from Australia to ride Intimidator 305, even with the trims, I highly doubt you'd be disappointed.



Edited by robbalvey
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