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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Alrighty, as promised, I went down to KD today and snapped some photos of the progress of I-305's reprofile, and it looks like it's coming along well! From what I could tell, most of the track is installed, and there's only one visible gap. It looks as if there will be a flat stretch after the drop, then the turn starts out wider, and almost immediately starts climbing around the rest of the turn and into the 2nd hill. The entrance into the 2nd hill is much more drawn out than before, so it'll be interesting to see how this affects the airtime. If I had to estimate the height of the new entrance into the 2nd hill, I would say it's anywhere from 50-75 feet off the ground now. But anyway, here are the pics.


Overview of the site.


You can see how much more elevated this portion is now.


Someone was working on the 2nd hill.


And now he gets his own photo!


I'm really intrigued by how this will change the experience and whether or not they will actually remove all the trims.


Here's the gap I mentioned, it doesn't look like a normal gap that you would see during construction. That makes me wonder if there might have been some miscalculation there (which seems unlikely given the size of the gap). So who knows......


Maybe it's a ramp!


Here you can see that the start of the turn is installed already.


And you can see how quickly it starts climbing.


More of the beginning of the turn.


The outermost portion of the turn.



Edited by ernierocker
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Nice photos, Intimidator is looking good. I actually think that new turn looks even more fun, but we shall see. I dare it to move from my #3 to #1 coaster on April 2!


On a side note, whoever runs the Kings Dominion facebook page has to HATE posting stuff. Every post gets smartass "remove the trims" replies.

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I have no insight into the construction/engineering portion of coasters. So this might sound like a stupid question--

With all this reconfiguration, do whole sections of track have to be manufactured or do they reuse some of the older sections? Or maybe it's a combination of both.

Just wondering.


Edit to add:


I305 is losing slightly to I232. I hope a bunch of "Intrimidator" malcontents aren't sabotaging this!


Edit to also add:

I've only ridden I305 so I know this poll will be the most unbiased coaster poll yet!

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Between the past two days I have voted a ton! I have also had several of my friends vote for 305. I sure hope it wins Intimidator down at Carowinds is great, but Intimidator 305 is FANTASTIC and in my opinion, way better!

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Edit to add:


I305 is losing slightly to I232. I hope a bunch of "Intrimidator" malcontents aren't sabotaging this!


Edit to also add:

I've only ridden I305 so I know this poll will be the most unbiased coaster poll yet!



It looks like I305 is starting to pull away a bit. ...Good.

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Yeah, last I checked 305 was ahead by more than 100 votes!


Oh and I just got an e-mail from Kings Dominion called "Kings Dominion Announces More for 2011" and it says...




The famed Billy Idol said it best, “…More, more, more!”


Kings Dominion is delivering on that cry, with more coasters, rides, slides, attractions and FIREWORKS! You know about our 15 world-class roller coasters and over 60 other rides, slides and attractions, but now Kings Dominion will be lighting up the skies over Central Virginia with 61 days of dazzling pyrotechnics in our Nights of Fire!


Kings Dominion’s Nights of Fire

May 28 & 29

June 18 – August 14

September 4


New for 2011

Snoopy’s Starlight Spectacular!


Don’t miss America’s favorite Beagle, Snoopy, in “Snoopy’s Starlight Spectacular,” a million dollar nighttime walk-through light and sound experience featuring Snoopy and the PEANUTS™ gang. Designed using a sparkling mixture of low energy and high efficiency LED lighting, this immersive light and sound spectacular will be located along the park’s center walkway, from the Eiffel Tower to The Grove area, and features more than a one million LED lights adorned from the trees and the Eiffel Tower.



So it looks like they are doing the same thing as Carowinds and doing Nights of Fire along with Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular!

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I don't think that the gap in the track is unintended since their are bolt plates on each end. Look like it's meant to be that way.

It's just strange to me that it's in a place where there is probably considerable downward force, yet there's no support for the missing piece. They can get away with not supporting the apex of the 2nd hill, since there is probably minimal force pushing down on that part of the track, but the gap is right in the middle of the incline going into that hill. I suppose it'll all be immaterial before too long and we'll see exactly what's up.

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I voted...for the Carowinds Intimidator. I know that I am in the minority, but I rode both on the Intimidator and I was one of probably five or six that actually preferred the Carowinds version.


Nevertheless, I can see how I305 appeals to a lot of people. I want to give it another try at some point in the future, and with this reprofile and the trim removal, my opinion may change. However, the trims weren't the thing I didn't like...it just isn't really my type of ride. I like twisters that are small and compact (like Maverick) but for bigger coasters I prefer rides with a large number of hills. In my opinion, the speed the twists were taken at felt a little too high for my preferences and reduced the re-ride value. I prefer rides I can ride repeatedly, but after four rides during night ERT, I had had enough. It is by no means a bad ride, but just isn't one of my personal favorites (aka I'd wait an hour for it if I hadn't already rode that day, but between an hour wait for I305 and an hour wait for Volcano, I'd probably pick Volcano (which I really liked)).


I'll give it another try next time I'm in Virginia (hopefully within the next 3-5 years).

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