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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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It's the transition from the first turn into the first airtime hill. The turn used to stay flat with the ground until it pulled up to the hill. Now, it starts to rise up about halfway through the turn, before it connects with the hill.

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^The first turn's radius was increased and the turn now slopes up into the second hill in a sort of weird way. I'll try to find a picture then edit this post



EDIT: I was about to say the same thing as below, it's mostly the second half that got changed. It's hard to find 2 pictures at the same angle that show it well, so I'll use the animation as an example, which is pretty much exactly the same anyway.


Before: Fluid, continuous banking transiton


After: The turn basically goes halfway up where the hill used to go, and it looks really wierd IMO. It's because the g's flatten out at that area so that riders don't black out (even though most people still do) It rides fine however, I just liked the old version better

Edited by Coaster Hero
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^The first turn's radius was increased tremendously and the turn now slopes up into the second hill in a sort of weird way. I'll try to find a picture then edit this post


The radius of the turn was not changed at all.


The modification begins halfway through the turn anyways, a change in the radius would mean that the new track wouldn't line up with the hill it connects to.






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The radius actually does increase (in the horizontal direction), but only long enough for the track to turn upwards (since turning upwards also generates force). Once the rise takes a constant slope the radius can return to its original. This is visible from the top of the drop. There could still be some tiny changes in radius since the coaster slows down later in the curve, where the turn could get a little tighter, but it's hard to say for sure. Total deviations from the original plan view are only a couple feet at their maximum. The second hill airtime starts just a little later, closer to a sudden drop than a hill with both a rising side and a dropping one. Before, the curve turned into a rise, continuing the g force even longer. Now you're almost already high enough before it really transitions into the hill.

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The dueling aspect is possible. It could launch into a section and then loop around and launch beside that into another section. Also Kings Dominion is one of the top 5 most visited seasonal parks (as in Six Flags, Cedar Fair, etc.). There's the attendence for one.


KD gets good attendance but it's not top 5 among seasonal parks. CP, KI, CW, SFMM, SFGradv, BGW, Hershey, and SFGAM all pull in bigger numbers.


I'm not saying whether KD is, or is not likely to get a launched Wing Coaster, but I don't see how park attendance is a factor in whether or not they will. I'm pretty sure Holiday World is not anywhere near the top in terms of attendance, yet they were the first to get one. Yes, I realize they are an independent park, vs. a chain, which has to budget for a ton of parks every year. Still, I don't see this argument being a strong one against the possibility of KD getting a launched Wing Coaster (again, I'm not saying they will, regardless.)

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^I would recommend Volcano first. Dominator's line tends to be longer earlier in the day as it's the first ride everybody sees upon entering the park, but it tends to thin out later. Once Volcano's line becomes slammed, that's it.

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We're heading to the park on Sunday. It'll be my first time. What should we expect for lines? We plan to get there at opening.


At opening, go to Dominator first. That gets crowded later on. Volcano and I305 also have very long lines.


You must be going on some crowded days because I305 has some of the shortest lines in then entire park. Even when it does get a line, it goes by quickly.


I agree with Chuck, ride Volcano first thing because the it seems like once it has a line, it never lets up.

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We're heading to the park on Sunday. It'll be my first time. What should we expect for lines? We plan to get there at opening.


At opening, go to Dominator first. That gets crowded later on. Volcano and I305 also have very long lines.


gotta disagree. go to Volcano first, it has a very long and slow line that gets longer as the day goes on. i305 is usually a very short line, except on the most crowded days. Dominator has a long line early on because it's right in the front of the park, but it often clears out in the afternoon.

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Definitely go hit up volcano first. Dominator is a people eater, and I 305 is not too bad of a wait. Volcanos line seems to crawl and can get long really fast.


And the singing mushrooms are across from the bumper cars.

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Just reiterating what people said above me, but definitely go to Volcano first. By the time midday hits, it's too late and the line gets packed. Dominator's line gets shorter throughout the day and has great capacity. I305's line actually goes very quickly. When I went the crew was flying with very quick dispatches. Also the fact that a lot of people are terrified of the ride helps the line usually not exceed 45 minutes or so.

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I'm looking at maps and can't seem to fins the singing mushrooms. Can someone tell me where they are?


Candy Apple Grove, across from the Dodgem bumper cars.


yep, just before you get to the Bad Apple:


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Good thing I'm going in two weeks!


I love the comments from the GP as usual:


"First backwards Rebel Yell, now Shockwave? Man, Kings Dominion is slowly dying"


Fast forward 3 months and the same man will be freaking out about whats coming in...

Edited by Brassinthegrass
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Kings Dominion Bids Farewell to “Shockwave” Rollercoaster

Oldest operating stand-up coaster in the United States will give its last ride on August 9


DOSWELL, Virginia (July 9, 2015) – After 29 years, Kings Dominion will say goodbye to the iconic stand-up rollercoaster, Shockwave. The history making coaster will give its final ride to park guests on Sunday, August 9, 2015. Shockwave is being retired for future growth in the Candy Apple Grove section of Kings Dominion.


Over 22 million riders have stood up to their fears on Shockwave since its installation at Kings Dominion in 1986. Manufactured by TOGO, Shockwave provides a unique experience where guests stand with both feet flat on the floor. The train climbs to a height of 95 feet before leveling out, then descending into a 180-degree loop. The ride lasts two minutes and travels at speeds of 50 miles per hour.


“While it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to one of our older coasters, we’re excited for what the future holds,” says Pat Jones, Vice President and General Manager of Kings Dominion. “The park has evolved so much over the past 40 years and as Kings Dominion continues to grow, we’re committed to enhancing the overall experience for our guests. We’re happy that Shockwave was able to provide close to three decades of memories.”


Guests can take their last stand on Shockwave over the next month before the ride is retired on August 9 at 10 p.m. Special events surrounding the closure of Shockwave will be announced on Kings Dominion’s social media channels. Additional plans for the 2016 season will be announced at a later date.


Edited by robbalvey
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This announcement has me in tears... of happiness!


Although the ride looked beautiful and was the perfect sized (and colored) centerpiece for Candy Apple Grove, it isn't a good ride compared to everything else in the park (yeah even you Hurler). I get to the park about 8 times a season and ride the ride once a season - if that. I'm excited for what the future holds as the possibilities in that area of the park are endless!


One month from today we will be saying our goodbyes. I plan on riding a few times before then and be there on August 9th to pay my respects to a ride I grew up with, but at the end of the day this is a happy goodbye! Smart move KD and Cedar Fair!


Now all you "Cedar Fair isn't investing into KD" noobs can calm down!

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Well, good thing I am on my way to Virginia for vacation roght now. Shockwave (or any Togo) tops my list for must-have credits. I just really want to try one out, but flying to Japan wont be an option.


Atleast the KD fanboys can shut up about removing Shockwave, but... *incoming speculations*... Sigh.

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