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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Looks like we're getting close to "food fest" season.




Get Your Taste Buds Ready for Kings Dominion’s New Food Festival

Taste of Virginia offers Virginia-grown food, drinks and entertainment


DOSWELL, VA. (May 1, 2017) — Virginia is for Lovers! Whether you love food, wine, beer or coasters… Kings Dominion’s brand new event, Taste of Virginia, is sure to delight! On Saturdays and Sundays from May 6 to May 21, this brand new, mouth-watering event, will take place in the Candy Apple Grove section of the park.


Kings Dominion’s culinary team has whipped up a menu that will take guests on a delicious journey through the commonwealth. The festival and entertainment are available to all park guests, but by purchasing tokens, you’ll be able to taste sample-size dishes inspired by regions such as Chesapeake Bay and Tidewater including crab cakes and seared oysters. Perhaps the delicacies of colonial Virginia will have you coming back for more with Smithfield ham and cheese empanadas or sweet potato and roast duck popovers. And don’t forget dessert! Taste of Virginia has that covered too, with peanut butter fudge, fried Winesap apple pies and much more.


The park has partnered with several of Virginia’s world-class breweries, wineries and distilleries to help quench your thirst featuring favorites like Hardywood, Copper Fox Distillery, Legend Brewing Company, Center of the Universe, and many more.


Enjoy all of this home-grown deliciousness while grooving to the sounds of the BEST local live bands. Visit Kings Dominion’s website for the full entertainment lineup. Plus, on May 13, Taste of Virginia will feature appearances by two special guests:


Tim Smith, from the hit show, Moonshiners, will hold a meet-and-greet with fans from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Damaris Phillips, winner of the ninth season of The Next Food Network Star and host of Southern at Heart, will showcase her talents during two cooking demonstrations at 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.


Come experience all that Taste of Virginia has to offer. Your taste buds will thank you! To see the full menu or purchase a Taste of Virginia Combo Ticket with taste tokens and park admission, visit kingsdominion.com.


KD has done some "mini" food festivals in the past with an international theme. I think it's wise to focus on Virginia fare, much like Carowinds' Taste of the Carolinas focuses on that region.

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Is Taste Of Virginia the new Spring Bloom Festival where they offered the different ethnic food offerings for the past couple of years?


Seems like they might be somewhat limited in terms of what they can do with Virginia-esque type of foods, but I certainly like the sounds of Virginia-based beer and wine offerings. It's always nice to try out some of the local micros when visiting a long distance park.


Hope to see a report from the festival (hint, hint, Chuck)!

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^I think it is a different version of the Spring Bloom Festival, which had some good offerings. I'm hoping to get up there one day for it, but I'm booked up this weekend.

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  dchang11 said:
Thinking of going to KD on Sunday. How are the crowds at this time of the year?


Hey, I think I'm going there on Sunday too...


Main act just cancelled their date in Richmond, so we have an offday. Seeing how Kings Dominion is just down the street, and it's not like it's a park I'd travel all the way from Sweden to visit. It'd be pretty stupid not to go...

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Something interesting: the 50s theme appears to be going bye-bye in that back section of Candy Apple Grove, as evident by the removal of the props in and around the diner and the removal of theming in that one shop.


Can't say I'm too upset. It seemed very tacky. Hopefully this means that the diner becomes a better eatery.

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Alright, someone that lives in Virginia should know better than me. We're thinking of doing a 2-day trip to hit Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens on May 29th and 30th. Am I a complete and total psychopath thinking of visiting the park on Memorial Day? Should we just wait an extra week and hit the parks on June 5th and 6th?

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Anyone in the richmond area wanna come to KD with me today? My whole travrlparty bailed.. . And I find little enjoyment going by myself. The ticket would be my treat.


EDIT: offer expired.

Edited by mjollner
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  KBrylczyk said:
Alright, someone that lives in Virginia should know better than me. We're thinking of doing a 2-day trip to hit Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens on May 29th and 30th. Am I a complete and total psychopath thinking of visiting the park on Memorial Day? Should we just wait an extra week and hit the parks on June 5th and 6th?


You would be insane to go to either of those parks on Memorial Day...even with a Fast Lane/Quick Queue. I would suggest going the following week (June 5 & 6). The main school districts in both areas will still be in session, so those days will have lighter crowds and provide many more re-rides without need for any fast pass.

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^ Completely disagree.


Memorial Day weekend you will definitely want to avoid unless you buy skip the line passes. We have been to BGE on Memorial Day and the park was absolutely dead. And the following day (the 30th) all kids will be back to school and the parents will be back to work.


We did KD on that Tuesday and everything was pretty much a walk-on. To the point where we actually left around 6:00 because we had ridden everything multiple times and were simply ready to hit the road.


You're definitely not crazy for going on those two days - that's actually a great plan that I would encourage!

Edited by Philrad71
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We're planning a three-night (1.5 - 2 days at the park) trip this weekend. What are the absolute cheapest hotels in the area that are somewhat bearable to stay at for three nights? I'm not super high maintenance when it comes to hotels, but I also have standards (safety, not smelling awful, no bugs, etc) and I like hotels with breakfast. I noticed there are a few Days Inn hotels for around $70 a night, any of the ones cheaper seemed risky but if someone has had good experiences with them, let me know!

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^ We stayed at the Days Inn across the street from KD and had no issues with it.


Clean, reasonably priced and a free shuttle to the park - although we had to wait about a 1/2 hour for it because it was early season and they didn't have the staffing.


Definitely not a Hampton, but serviceable.

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I, for one, hope that it doesn't have the inverting drop. I'd prefer a steep-as-sh*t straight down first drop. Also that video has a lot of inversions. Not that I'm against that but I'd rather more airtime hills.

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How does Kings Dominion usually do with rain? The forecast for Saturday calls for 60 degrees and rain until 1 or 2pm. This seems like a perfect day to show up a little late, and then avoid crowds, but I was wondering if anyone had info on how the park behaves with rain. Thanks!


Edit: Used the search function and it looks like KD does pretty well in the rain.


  RAWKIN_coaster38 said:
I noticed there are a few Days Inn hotels for around $70 a night, any of the ones cheaper seemed risky but if someone has had good experiences with them, let me know!


A few years ago I stayed at a Howard Johnson in Ashland and it was clean, got the job done. It looks like it might have been changed to a Quality Inn now, so it might have been updated. It looks like it was in your price range.

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