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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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Good comparison.


The Krazy Kars were crappy in my opinion because they are horrible to control and hardly ever give you a good bump when you hit somebody. But is Demon Drop a better addition? It kind of depends. We need to know how frequently how much it broke down at CP and if the park can secure replacement parts.

Hopefully it does work well for the park and it's better than nothing.

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At the very least , Dorney will have bragging rights to the only Freefall ride like this in the USA.

That's kind of like saying you're the only guy left with Herpes.



What an extremist. The park is doing it no matter what the enthusiast community has to say about it. The park will be getting another ride which is always good. What I am still bummed about is Busch losing BBW. I never got to ride it.

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^ the park is getting a new ride, and i am actually excited about it coming to Dorney and not Knotts because I am going to Cedar Point in June so I was bummed that it wouldn't be there, but i can make a trip down to Dorney more easily than taking a plane to Knotts

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Plus I'm trying to envision what else is going to have to come out to put DD in that area. Maybe a few restaurants, or table area, but also maybe the century-old duck/fish pond.


Pennsylvania is pretty fascist about altering waterways these days. I doubt that the pond is going anywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm definitely glad to see an older ride spared from the wrecking ball, although I have to admit I'm still scratching my head over the choice of Dorney to receive Demon Drop, especially considering that they already have Dominator. I would think an ideal candidate for this ride would be a place like Michigan's Adventure, since it's a smaller park and currently has no drop tower.


Also, I'm glad to see their Krazy Kars go, as I found those to be annoying to operate, while being a lame overall excuse for a set of bumper cars. Maybe now they can get a real set to put somewhere in the park.

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As great as that would be, I am not expecting it. On another side it was posted management doesn't like rides that the guest can control, and they said new bumper cars were unlikely. The park used to have regular bumper cars but I forget if it was Cedar Fair who removed them or not.

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Given that just about every CF park has at least one GoKart track, I don't think the argument of "not liking rides that guests can control" holds up.


As for Dorney's last bumper cars, yeah they had traditional ones located in the building that was also The Coaster's (aka Thunderhawk) original station. They were removed when that insanely awesome yet fire-tragedy-waiting-to-happen building was taken down. IIRC that was near the beginning of the Cedar Fair Era.

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I have two things to say on this Post:


#1 - Okay, I should be very glad that the DEMON DROP is being moved to another park instead of being sold for scrap (just like the other parks have been doing with their first generation freefall towers).


#2 - Now it makes me wonder what CEDAR POINT is planning to do with that newly-opened space. I'm keeping in mind that attraction is nestled next to the SPIRAL TOWER which hardly runs anymore and the old DISASTER TRANSPORT ride that have been rumored for removal in the past. However, it's all speculation, but a nice little family coaster could fit in that space.


"I've said enough, so let me sleep on it!"

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^Oh, the Space Spiral actually does run? Well, on the last few times I've been at the park I've never seen that ride open nor even running. Could it be that I just have a run of bad luck on the days of my visits? However, that ride really isn't in my "must ride or die" list; I've ridden simular tower rides at Carowinds and Hersheypark, and I did get on the Space Spiral on my very first visit to Cedar Point in 1995.


"I'm the thing you need after a hard day riding rides at amusement parks."

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It goes down a lot for wind, but as soon as it calms down, you can bet it'll be back up and running. There's a crew scheduled to run it every day, who are more than likely sweeping for the duration of the wind. I agree, however, that there is probably an attraction in the works for that plot of land formerly taken up by Demon Drop.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

Dorney Park opened today and I was able to grab some construction shots to share. There's still a long ways to go but they are making solid progress.



I would have taken these through the fence but the worksite was very busy


A decent portion of the ride is now standing

The full update from today can be viewed here if you are interested.



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Yes I think the only thing they will say now is early June. I think a part of the delay was because they had all the parts sent to be stress tested, sanded down, and then repainted. The same process they did with Ultimate Flight/Possessed. That and the whole project seemed very last minute decision to me, with the whole KBF then no KBF thing!



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Kidding aside, I'm also happy DD didn't get scrapped. There are only so many of those rides left, and IMO they're great rides that any park could have. It's a thriller that can help little kids make the step to bigger rides. I would know, I got my first looping credit the day I rode "Mr. Hyde's Nasty Fall".


Plus, if you scrapped that, what would happen to its 10 million tires?

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I'm also happy this ride didn't get scrapped just because it's now such a rare commodity. That being said I've never been a fan of these (or any drop rides for that matter) and am not really sad it's going to be gone from my home park. But the skyline sure is going to look strange this year when getting to the park. I reckon it's going to be like the first time I drove to Geauga Lake after X-Flight was removed. It felt oddly empty even though it was only one ride missing (granted that was a MUCH larger part of the skyline than Demon Drop ever was). I'm interested in seeing the first pictures of Cedar Point without Demon Drop as well as hearing how this ride is met by its new market.

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