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Phantasialand Discussion Thread

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And maybe I'm just waking up now (With the train design being known for some time now) but it just occurred to me that this resembles a Mack Mega train and Mack has a coaster that opens this year with the Intamin Wingrider design. I find that extremely funny somehow.


Mack also copied the Mega-Lite as a whole ride (Alpina Blitz)... So I don´t see anything wrong in Intamin also taking some "inspiration" from Mack.

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Aside from it being floorless, which could be the park's request, I don't see any similarities between Mack train and Intamin train. The chassis is completely different, Mack's seats connect to the same point at the middle of the car and Intamin seats are connected individually.

The restraint bars are a lot less curved compared to the ones Mack uses. All seats also seem to be on the same height whereas with Mack the back seats in each car are slightly elevated.



It looks more like they took the design they introduced with that 10-looper in China, removed the outer shell and perhaps raised the seats a bit.


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Mack also copied the Mega-Lite as a whole ride (Alpina Blitz)... So I don´t see anything wrong in Intamin also taking some "inspiration" from Mack.


Haha yeah that was also my first thought.

But th truth is, it isn't Mack who copied Intamin ; it's the Gelis borthers (owners of Nigloland) who asked them to do that exact layout, which was admitely heavily inspired by Piraten (they drew their layout on top of the one of Piraten). Mack is only doing whatever the customer wants.

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Aside from it being floorless, which could be the park's request, I don't see any similarities between Mack train and Intamin train. The chassis is completely different, Mack's seats connect to the same point at the middle of the car and Intamin seats are connected individually.

I meant the elevated seats, the open train design and restrain design. It still looks like an Itamin train, but the Mack Mega train inspiration shines through in my eye's.

The same with the Lost Gravity (Walibi Holland) trains resemble the Skyrush trains, Mack added their own twist to the design but still the inspiration shines through.

And I really like that this happens.

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Race for Atlantis as we know has been demolished but the new park map confirmed the rumours that the events tents and buildings behind the dome are being removed so a large new area has been opened up.


Now this large area, around about the same size as Klugheim, is for the park's next mega project...


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I have some questions about Phantasialand. I've read on various places on line that Phantasialand doesn't do halloween events, is this true? if it is, would this be a good time to visit the park in terms of crowds?


Not sure about crowds as I haven't been in October but yes they don't do Halloween events so it should be quieter.

NRW schools have holidays from 10 to 21st October so I'd avoid then but the first and last week of October will not have large crowds.

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That doesn't even look like it would have a roller coaster inside. The theming is AMAZING. This gives Disney a run for its money.



The trains look amazing!! The amount of detail in this project is astounding.

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This gives Disney a run for its money.

Disney has no game with this level of theming. Phantasialand sure is a league on its own. A lot of parks in Europe exceed in theming a ride, Phantasialand exceeds in building a immersive land that blends into an other immersive land.

You know I kinda get really impatient with Taron and Raik, I feel like a child in a candy store looking at my favorite candy and have my mom saying to me I can't have it. I know I can eventually sink my teeth into it but I have to remain patient to do so.

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I have some questions about Phantasialand. I've read on various places on line that Phantasialand doesn't do halloween events, is this true? if it is, would this be a good time to visit the park in terms of crowds?


Not sure about crowds as I haven't been in October but yes they don't do Halloween events so it should be quieter.

NRW schools have holidays from 10 to 21st October so I'd avoid then but the first and last week of October will not have large crowds.

That's good, thanks. I was looking at going the last mid-week of October.

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Just when you think Phantasialand can't be more amazeballs, they just keep surprising you with more stuff. The way they rethemed River Quest and just shoved a new coaster through it, genius. I've been this year already but I really hope they open the new area this year. Cant. Handle. The. Anticipation.


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I spent my last two days at Phantasialand attending a business meeting. So I stayed at the Matamba Hotel for the first time ever (I usually just drive to Phantasialand...), I love, love LOVE the place. One of the best hotels I´ve ever been to, more than two levels above what Universal (my only recent comparison) delivers onsite. Perfect rooms, great breakfast, nice people, all you could wish for in a hotel.


Of course, one of the main benefits of that stay was that I could roam around the park in the evening, which was very interesting, and of course that I could renew my season pass and have a little time for myself in the park (and a few rides ... maybe ) And I was there to witness something special going on, which I don´t want to disclose here in detail. Let´s just say it´s working...


Klugheim is visually stunning. Taron looks small but it´s so twisty.... I think people will love it.


I also took some pictures, but only when I went through the park today


Hello there...


Raik looks so good


Behind the rocks of Taron


..Demolition work where Race for Atlantis was...

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I assume he is hinting at/confirming the rumours that testing with the TUV (German Health and safety) is taking place after the park closes every day this week. On Monday as the park closed it has been claimed that the TUV and Intamin where on site.


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