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Phantasialand Discussion Thread

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i've been following construction on this ride for months, and it's definitely going to boost the parks reputation. some of the construction pics are impressive and there isn't even much themeing yet. The whole area is going to be so amazing to just look at, yet alone walk through and RIDE.


now, if I could only speak fluent German.



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Hey.....Any German TPR members want to meet up with me at the park when I come in July?


I'm still finding a date to go, but I should be going to Good-ol Germany to visit a friend this summer. Alone.



I'll bring a sign or something.....Pointing out where your supposed to find me, I'll have Robb or Elissa on it.



So.....Looking forward to riding this beast when I get to Germany this Summa!

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Hey TPR Germans!


It's looking more and more like Robb and I will be able to make a quick trip out there this year. Any word on an opening date? Will it open with the park in April? Anyone want to meet up? How far is Phantasialand from Fort Fun???

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Hey TPR Germans!


It's looking more and more like Robb and I will be able to make a quick trip out there this year. Any word on an opening date? Will it open with the park in April? Anyone want to meet up? How far is Phantasialand from Fort Fun???


Uh, I am from Germany and you guys will ride Black Mamba before I can ride it? Is that fair? Grrr.... therefor you have to make a good POV of it! However, I can ride some coasters in the US, this year!



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Hey TPR Germans!


It's looking more and more like Robb and I will be able to make a quick trip out there this year. Any word on an opening date? Will it open with the park in April? Anyone want to meet up? How far is Phantasialand from Fort Fun???


Let me know when you come over. I'll try to meet up with you guys again. I promise no water rides...

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I assume that you want to go there directly after your UK trip? I think Black Mamba should be open by then.

The opening date that rcdb quotes is not that improbable, at least more probable than the first of April, considering the still quite messy construction site.

Actually, the date would be pretty plausible because it is right before the beginning of the football world cup here in Germany. For this reason, a big touristic boast is expected here. I bet the park doesn't want to miss that chance to promote itself.

I'd love to join you when you come to the Phantasialand, it's my homepark.

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I might also pop down there in June, even though it's annoying (atleast for me) that the flight tickets would only cost 90$ in April, and about the double in June...thanks to the WC, no I didn't flush down my old tickets, I meant the World cup in Soccer.

Anyhow, it looks so great that I'll try to be there, seeing as the themeing, plants and trees are also most likely more green and beautiful than in April (if it opens then, which seems unlikely) and the mainland European kids still having school (although maybe classtrips) then.

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Honestly June wouldn't work. We would have to go in April or May, so it looks like no Black Mamba for us unless they get it open early. Oh well, at least we have some great TPR members nearby to fill us in!


If anyone hears that it may open in April or May, let us know please!

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I've never been to this park but it is high on my list, especially with this coaster being built. It looks great fun.


I don't know if anyone posted this link yet, but there are more pictures here.



EDIT - And seeing as no-one is really sure of the layout of this ride, here is a better picture to give you an idea of the space (or lack there-off) the ride takes up. http://www.onride.de/onride-upic53949


Some nice themeing too!


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