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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Made it to the park yesterday and had a blast. Crowd was light so we cleared the park easily despite the shorter operating hours. Didn't ride Falcons Fury though. Couldn't get up the nerve. Lol

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  KPfan said:
Didn't ride Falcons Fury though. Couldn't get up the nerve. Lol

I don't blame you!! I feel like that is one of those rides it would take me a really long time to work up the courage to get on.




Not that much has changed... But it just looks so good... I wanted to share it again! I REALLY love the colors of this coaster!!


So pretty.

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  RAWKIN_coaster38 said:
Has anyone been to Howl-O-Scream this year? I'm curious how it is. I got a behind-the-scenes tour of a few mazes that looked great and I'd like to hear how they are with all the effects and scare actors, especially Unearthed!

Unearthed is GREAT, but unless you like strobe lights and dubstep music, skip Zombie Containment Unit 15. That is all.

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RMC Gwazi just got a little more credible! Also, like I said before, ignore the last paragraph. They went over the weekend, but as of Tuesday, the scoops are back on.


Also, they joined the rest of the FL parks in raising parking pricing, but only as much as at SeaWorld, not the others, so it is now $17 instead of $18 ($23 instead of $22 for preferred)

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^That's super exciting! I, too, talked with Mark Rose when I was there and don't have the liberty to say anything specific (not that there is much to say because he can't confirm anything yet) except that they've thrown around some exciting ideas but it sounded like it might be a while before anything happens.

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So we just spent the day at BGT (our second visit ever) and since we stayed from 10am to 1am for regular operation and Howl O Scream I'll probably write a full report soon but I just have to say, Montu and Kumba... dear god. I don't smoke but I need a cigarette.


How did that company go on to build the Carowinds Intimidator and Silver Bullet? The same company that said "hey let's take a pretzel loop at a million miles an hour and rip everyone's faces off but somehow make it ridiculously smooth" on Montu and "let's build the most ridiculous Zero G roll ever designed ane let's take it so fast that without the restraints it would throw all the riders to Cuba" on Kumba should not be building crap like Intimidator, Hydra and Silver Bullet. B&M got some of their swagger back with Fury for sure but god what I wouldn't do for them to start building rides like Montu and Kumba again. To have both of these masterpieces in one park is amazing.

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  coasterbill said:
How did that company go on to build the Carowinds Intimidator and Silver Bullet? The same company that said "hey let's take a pretzel loop at a million miles an hour and rip everyone's faces off but somehow make it ridiculously smooth" on Montu and "let's build the most ridiculous Zero G roll ever designed ane let's take it so fast that without the restraints it would throw all the riders to Cuba" on Kumba should not be building crap like Intimidator, Hydra and Silver Bullet. B&M got some of their swagger back with Fury for sure but god what I wouldn't do for them to start building rides like Montu and Kumba again. To have both of these masterpieces in one park is amazing.

Welcome to the club!


My theory has to do with Stengel designing a lot of B&M's earlier coasters.

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  rcrider4 said:
RMC Gwazi just got a little more credible! Also, like I said before, ignore the last paragraph. They went over the weekend, but as of Tuesday, the scoops are back on.


Also, they joined the rest of the FL parks in raising parking pricing, but only as much as at SeaWorld, not the others, so it is now $17 instead of $18 ($23 instead of $22 for preferred)

HOORAY! I've been wating for a iron horse gwazi for a while. It would be awesome if it had sustained ejector airtime like El Toro. It would also be cool if it had a expedition geforce like drop.

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  I love pie said:
  rcrider4 said:
RMC Gwazi just got a little more credible! Also, like I said before, ignore the last paragraph. They went over the weekend, but as of Tuesday, the scoops are back on.


Also, they joined the rest of the FL parks in raising parking pricing, but only as much as at SeaWorld, not the others, so it is now $17 instead of $18 ($23 instead of $22 for preferred)

HOORAY! I've been wating for a iron horse gwazi for a while. It would be awesome if it had sustained ejector airtime like El Toro. It would also be cool if it had a expedition geforce like drop.

You do know nothing is confirmed right?

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  rcrider4 said:
RMC Gwazi just got a little more credible!



  rcrider4 said:
Well apparently that article is based on a misquote and RMC Gwazi is not happening




Well... I will just keep wait for something more... official.

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