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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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  Sk610 said:
I think the fact that SF has money to invest to fix things is fantastic news for DL. At the very least I expect paint and new trains on almost all coasters.

New paint on all rides? Have you seen the Georgia Scorcher?

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  AndrewCC1 said:
  Sk610 said:
I think the fact that SF has money to invest to fix things is fantastic news for DL. At the very least I expect paint and new trains on almost all coasters.

New paint on all rides? Have you seen the Georgia Scorcher?


I agree about Georgia scorcher. But 1 coaster out of 500, is not a fair comparison.

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  thrillrider said:
  AndrewCC1 said:
  Sk610 said:
I think the fact that SF has money to invest to fix things is fantastic news for DL. At the very least I expect paint and new trains on almost all coasters.

New paint on all rides? Have you seen the Georgia Scorcher?


I agree about Georgia scorcher. But 1 coaster out of 500, is not a fair comparison.

I agree too, I'm just saying that SFOG is a bigger park than Darien Lake and if SFOG can't afford to paint The Scorcher, how is Darien Lake gonna afford to paint all of their rides? Hope i'm not sounding too rude.

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  AndrewCC1 said:
  thrillrider said:
  AndrewCC1 said:
  Sk610 said:
I think the fact that SF has money to invest to fix things is fantastic news for DL. At the very least I expect paint and new trains on almost all coasters.

New paint on all rides? Have you seen the Georgia Scorcher?


I agree about Georgia scorcher. But 1 coaster out of 500, is not a fair comparison.

I agree too, I'm just saying that SFOG is a bigger park than Darien Lake and if SFOG can't afford to paint The Scorcher, how is Darien Lake gonna afford to paint all of their rides? Hope i'm not sounding too rude.

It's not necessarily that they can't afford to do it; they're just putting their focus elsewhere.

Even the rides at SF's flagship parks need a fresh coat of paint. Come down to SFMM and check out the faded/chipping paint on Tatsu, Viper, and Batman. They DID repaint Riddler's Revenge last year, so hopefully they'll give one of their other coasters some TLC later on this year.


Anyway, getting back to Darien Lake, it sounds like this park's been seriously neglected over the past 10 years. I'm sure SF will fix it up over time, but don't expect it to happen overnight.

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^ They have recently retracked it and being honest, it's more bearable. The first drop isn't shaky at all, you can see the areas of the wood they replaced, which is a good amount.


In other news, I got the letter about the details on how Tantrum's grand opening is gonna go down! So excited for it.

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  DarienPoint said:
^ They have recently retracked it and being honest, it's more bearable. The first drop isn't shaky at all, you can see the areas of the wood they replaced, which is a good amount.


In other news, I got the letter about the details on how Tantrum's grand opening is gonna go down! So excited for it.


So does the letter say if Tantrum is opening this weekend or not?

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  Haymaker said:
Gotta think that season pass prices are gonna go up next year. As a family of four not really looking forward to that.


Actually, the pass and membership prices are not bad at all. Plus, you can use the pass at all six flags parks as well.


I think we pay something like $6 A month per pass.

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  Haymaker said:
Gotta think that season pass prices are gonna go up next year. As a family of four not really looking forward to that.


SF passes are extremely cheap and since they regularly offer a free upgrade to gold if you buy a regular pass the cost of parking alone makes the pass pay for itself in 2 visits. Not only that but you get admission to every SF park in the country.

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We just got a new coaster so I can't expect much in the way of new additions, but if they eventually put 2 trains where its needed and fix operations and staffing issues plus start accepting six flags passes and admission tickets next year those would be great improvements to the park.

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It would be cool if they put a second train on Superman and I don't think it's totally unlikely if they really play up the re-brand as next year's "addition".


I wouldn't be surprised if they have the old New England Mind Eraser trains lying around somewhere either. While I don't think the park is really going to go out and invest in new trains for the coasters (aside from maybe Superman, but even that's not a given), I could see them doing it if it was basically free anyway.

Edited by coasterbill
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^ Ah, good point. But I don't think any Zamperla Motocoaster trains are lying around at sister Six Flags parks.


On Darien Lake's website they said that this year they're a stand alone park, so maybe that means next year they will rebrand?

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  coasterbill said:
It would be cool if they put a second train on Superman and I don't think it's totally unlikely if they really play up the re-brand as next year's "addition".


I wouldn't be surprised if they have the old New England Mine Eraser trains lying around somewhere either. While I don't think the park is really going to go out and invest in new trains for the coasters (aside from maybe Superman, but even that's not a given), I could see them doing it if it was basically free anyway.


It would be great to see them add a second train to Ride of Steel again as it's capacity was awful when I had visited Darien Lake for the first time last August. As for Six Flags New England's old Mind Eraser trains, they were recently shipped to La Ronde to potentially be used for spare parts on their Vekoma SLC, Ednor. I saw them sitting in the boneyard at La Ronde during my first visit last weekend while walking up the stairs to ride Vampire. They did not have restraints on the seats.

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I think that just seeing a rebrand and a second train for Ride of Steel, and some touch-ups around the park (maybe Viper’s station, perhaps) would be great changes to see for next year. I would take these changes over a new ride for sure.

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