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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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If that ends up being the case then any park that chooses to have a new coaster interact with a Log Flume rather than removing the flume is awesome in my book.


... well unless you remove an Arrow suspended. Then your park sucks but having a coaster interacting with a flume would still be nice to see.

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IF by the amazing chance that it is indeed a coaster that interacts with the log flume. Do you think the Le Mann's car is hinting what the train would look like if it was a coaster? isnt that car of french origin. and they use to race them if im not mistaken.


Outside chance this could be it....But there is already car themed trains on Verboten so I can't see that being it.


That being said, "Le Scoot" and "Le Mann's" have been teased, leaving me to believe that the new ride will have the word "Le" in front of it.

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Sorry for the double post but what was just posted in the RMC thread (compact woodie) looks like it could fit it the spot of this new attraction.


I think it will be similar to Cobra's Curse that's opening this year at Busch Gardens Tampa. TPR posted a video about that coaster yesterday:

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Huh, I wouldn't rule out a return of the Le Man's raceway either. Not saying that's it, but the building plans we've seen would match that, and it could easily go under the flume. Le Mans was HUGELY missed by families when it left, and I know the park got quite a few complaints about it going. Could be all smoke and mirrors still, but I wouldn't personally oppose a family car ride returning to the park.

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I honestly don't think that they would do this amount of teasing if it was only a spinning coaster, even if it is highly themed. People would be a little angry if the park got their hopes up and it was all over a family-thrill coaster. Plus, Tempesto was their last addition, and that was pretty low cost. I think they'll go with something bigger here.


Cobra's Curse came out of nowhere IIRC. There were minimal/no teasers and it was just announced one day. Same with Tempesto, so this should be more sizable. I wouldn't be COMPLETELY shocked if it was similar to Cobra's Curse though. It's really too early to tell

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Huh, I wouldn't rule out a return of the Le Man's raceway either. Not saying that's it, but the building plans we've seen would match that, and it could easily go under the flume. Le Mans was HUGELY missed by families when it left, and I know the park got quite a few complaints about it going. Could be all smoke and mirrors still, but I wouldn't personally oppose a family car ride returning to the park.


Doubt it would be a return of Le Mans (at least in name). The new ride is going in the New France section, which is essentially Frontier-era Canada. Le Mans is a French thing (as in actual France), which is why the Le Mans Raceway was where it was. Le Mans in New France would make little thematic sense.


Also, looking at this area, between Griffon/the park's railroad/service road and Killarney (Ireland), I'm curious if they ever plan to put a ride there. Killarny (apart from England) is the only area that doesn't have a major ride and/or roller coaster.

I wonder if they will ever utilize that land. Maybe the reason there is nothing there is because it would frighten the animals in the wildlife section.

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I wonder if they will ever utilize that land. Maybe the reason there is nothing there is because it would frighten the animals in the wildlife section.

Or, maybe there are nice trees there that don't need to be removed.

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I wonder if they will ever utilize that land. Maybe the reason there is nothing there is because it would frighten the animals in the wildlife section.

Or, maybe there are nice trees there that don't need to be removed.


Very true. But can't the same can be said about next year's attraction? Unless the new ride utilizes the trees for a of sense speed. That could be fun.

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I wonder if they will ever utilize that land. Maybe the reason there is nothing there is because it would frighten the animals in the wildlife section.

Or, maybe there are nice trees there that don't need to be removed.


Yes, I think they need that "buffer zone"--all parks can use a few quiet spaces.

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Huh, I wouldn't rule out a return of the Le Man's raceway either. Not saying that's it, but the building plans we've seen would match that, and it could easily go under the flume.


Are we looking at the same plans? Ive never seen an antique cars ride with a 35 foot long loading station elevated 14 steps off the ground. not to mention the logistics of crossing over the train tracks several times.

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Huh, I wouldn't rule out a return of the Le Man's raceway either. Not saying that's it, but the building plans we've seen would match that, and it could easily go under the flume.


Are we looking at the same plans? Ive never seen an antique cars ride with a 35 foot long loading station elevated 14 steps off the ground. not to mention the logistics of crossing over the train tracks several times.


Also, didn't they remove Le Mans because of how expensive it was to run the whole thing due to maintenance and, above all else, the cost of using gas for the cars? I doubt enough has changed in that respect over the past ten years (2006 was the final year Le Mans ran) that a similar attraction would make sense.

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Huh, I wouldn't rule out a return of the Le Man's raceway either. Not saying that's it, but the building plans we've seen would match that, and it could easily go under the flume.


Are we looking at the same plans? Ive never seen an antique cars ride with a 35 foot long loading station elevated 14 steps off the ground. not to mention the logistics of crossing over the train tracks several times.


Also, didn't they remove Le Mans because of how expensive it was to run the whole thing due to maintenance and, above all else, the cost of using gas for the cars? I doubt enough has changed in that respect over the past ten years (2006 was the final year Le Mans ran) that a similar attraction would make sense.


The park has changed hands twice since that decision. The blowback from removing Le Mans and then Wolf 3 years later was pretty big in the local community. They pull out the cars all the time for special events because people loved them so much. There are also many other parks still running their car rides, so I don't see why it should be considered unreasonably expensive. If they did a scaled down version with fewer tracks, it would fit the more realistic usage they were seeing after the 90s, provide the family ride people enjoyed, and not cost as much to maintain. Plus, they still have all the cars as far as I'm aware (they sure parade at least a few of them out often enough).


As to the stairs/buildings in the plans, the old Le Mans queue area was a building about that size and yes, had 2 stories worth of steps involved. Nothing in the plans screams roller coaster either. Those buildings are TINY! I think a family coaster is very possible, but it's not a guarantee and unless the teaser is designed to throw people off, I really don't see the park having two different car themed family coasters.


Oh, and last I checked, the Quebecois still speak french so I wouldn't rule out a French sounding name.


Like I said in my first post, it's not where I'm putting all my eggs, but there's plenty of clues to support it, and nothing to suggest it as something to rule out.

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As to the stairs/buildings in the plans, the old Le Mans queue area was a building about that size and yes, had 2 stories worth of steps involved.


the steps were outdoors, the loading zone was not in a 35 foot long building, and the cars were at ground level - clearly not the case here as the queue walkway cuts between the two buildings. if you really think those plans support a le mans revival then I really just don't know what else to say, except that you're wrong.

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