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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Does anyone know on average how much Quick Queue cuts back on wait time for rides? Planning on going sometime between July 1st-3rd, do the lines get really bad? (Is Quick Queue necessary then?) I was there July 2nd a few years back and the lines weren't too bad (20 minutes for Griffon, 30 minutes for Apollo's Chariot) but I've always wondered if I was just lucky.

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First of all, I said Deer, as in more than one, and wire. Not a cable.


Honestly where do you get this.

Just let it go, kid. Just let it go.

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic with that.


What is the "plural word" of deer?

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I literally just got back home from enjoying a Kings Dominion/Busch Gardens trip and got three rides on Verbolten in the two days I was at BGW, I would have had four if it didn't have a big breakdown yeasterday afternoon (and I was next in line for a front seat ride as well). Overall it's a very good ride, a worthy replacement for Big Bad Wolf despite the little hiccups it's been having.


However I'd like to take a wrecking ball to Mach Tower, which was down both days I was there.

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^I agree that Drop Zone is a better ride. The best feature of Mach Tower is the rotation on the way up (esp. during Christmas Town). As for the "vibrating seat" gimmick, I think it's better without it (makes the drop more of a surprise).


No idea what's been wrong with Mach Tower this week. It was running OK last weekend.

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I realize that Intamin is basically the king of the drop towers (and KD's Drop Tower is quite a potent ride) but I still would have liked to have tried something from a different manufacturer, even if it was for the view alone. Griffon made up for it with its stunning view as you crest the lift hill.

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There are deer all over that park.


Nah, deer can't get to Mach Tower. Commando squirrels, on the other hand . . .


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