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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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In a stroke of luck I was also able to attend. My wife and I are in Williamsburg for the weekend from NH. I got a notice of the event in the mail a few weeks ago. So, while my wife was at the spa at the resort I was able to lock down 7 rides with no line. And who would have thought they would serve beer at 10am!

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I went to the park on Thursday and I was able to get two rides in on Verbolten but I got the wolf cycle both times. What are the other two cycles you can get? I know you can get storm because my friends who rode like two trains after me got storm. But what is the third cycle?

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I went to the park on Thursday and I was able to get two rides in on Verbolten but I got the wolf cycle both times. What are the other two cycles you can get? I know you can get storm because my friends who rode like two trains after me got storm. But what is the third cycle?


Spirit. The spirit of the forest beckons you in but then turns on you. You can guess what happens next.

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I have to admit I had pretty low expectations for Verbolten so luckily I found it to be much better than I had imagined it would be. Also agree it does the job pretty well of replacing BBW. I got to ride it at least a half-dozen times this past saturday night and it took me quite a while to figure out that there were different themes as I thought that some elements were malfunctioning at first. I did get to see all three of the themes. Also noticed that on some of the trains the headlights came on at certain points yet on some of the other trains they didn't come on at all. I got my first front seat ride on a train (think it might have been the red one) that had no lights and I thought "wow, this is truly the "I can't see diddly-squat" coaster if there ever was one! Or at least it was hard to see much except the lighted themeing inside. I also got thwacked on the back of the head once with the 2nd launch (even though that was the last time I rode it that night, I was really punch-drunk tired at that point and it just caught me off guard).


I think this also has to be the only coaster I've ridden that has a really strong odor (other than when a skunk sprayed around the first drop of Goliath one night as SFMM) - as soon as the train enters the event building there is a very strong "new car" smell, or at least that's what it smelled like to me. Did anyone else notice that? I didn't find it unpleasant at all but it was very noticeable.


Also everyone was talking about Intamin and I had always thought that Thirteen as also a Zierer coaster for some odd reason. Didn't realize Intamin had built the first one with a drop track, even though Verbolten looks like it surely must be the better of the two rides even though I haven't been on Thirteen.



Also while at the park I got at least three awesome rides on Apollo's Chariot, and 5 rides on Griffon (realized that on Griffon, at least when I have a full stomach, I need to sit in a seat that's right over the track as the jittering on the outer seats gave me a nasty case of heart burn so that I had to head to first aid and get some Pepto), and one on Nessie. I passed on Alpengeist because the last time I rode it I found it to be unpleasantly rough + I was still trying to get rid of the indigestion that got fired up on Griffon.

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Also noticed that on some of the trains the headlights came on at certain points yet on some of the other trains they didn't come on at all.


To my knowledge only the lights on the blue train are operating currently. They also only run when the train is outside of the event building.


"I can't see diddly-squat" coaster if there ever was one! Or at least it was hard to see much except the lighted themeing inside.


Much of the ride is in near-complete darkness, they really only want you to see what they let you see in the building.


I also got thwacked on the back of the head once with the 2nd launch (even though that was the last time I rode it that night, I was really punch-drunk tired at that point and it just caught me off guard).


That happened to me recently, I deduced that it was due to sitting in the 6th car. In that seat the dip of the train coming out of the event building will make your head pop off of the headrest (unless you're making a conscious effort to keep it held back) an instant before the front of the train hits the launch causing it to whip sharply back against the headrest. It's quite painful, avoid car 6 or be prepared for it. Of course if you're in any seat and have your head sufficiently away from the headrest at the launch you'll probably get bonked just as bad.

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I really don't find the kick on the second launch to be painful. We rode four times in the back car, and yes, each time our heads hit the headrest (though it was easier to prepare for after the first time), but at no point was it painful. I actually love how the launch kicks with no warning, regardless of a little head bumping!

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The back seat on the second launch is a real hand-full. My first ride in the back, while knowing to keep my head back for the launch, was quite painful. As mentioned before that dip takes your head off the headrest at the exact time the launch kicks in. I hit my head so hard I could feel it in my nose as if someone punched me.


Despite the punch in the head, I think this ride rips apart every indoor Disney coaster (Disneyland's Space Mountain excluded).

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I really don't find the kick on the second launch to be painful. We rode four times in the back car, and yes, each time our heads hit the headrest (though it was easier to prepare for after the first time), but at no point was it painful. I actually love how the launch kicks with no warning, regardless of a little head bumping!


I don't find Verbolten to be "rough" at all, either. You do feel more of a kick from the backseat during the launches, but that's about it.

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As long as you brace yourself for the second launch, the kick won't be as bad. I've ridden over 20 times and haven't had any problems with the second launch. Yes the back of my head does leave the headrest every time, but it doesn't go far enough to cause me any pain during the launch.

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I was sitting in the 3rd or 4th seat from the front when I got whacked; it happened on my last ride of the night so I was able to avoid it on the first 6 rides (never sat further back than about mid-way; I'm just not a back seat rider anymore these days). I was just really tired from a very long day and the last launch caught me off guard.


I liked the ride better w/o the headlights, BTW, as the whole ride takes on an even more dark and spooky air at night. Many coasters are better at night and this, IMO, is one of them. The darkness is good on a coaster like this, especially the very disorienting part right after the first launch. I got my first front seat ride at night (was either the red or orange train as there was no light) and I was by myself in the front seat (was an ACE event, hence being able to get multiple re-rides & my friends didn't want to wait for the front that time), and even though there were some others further back on the same train I really had the feeling of being totally alone. That made for an utterly awesome ride experience and enhanced the whole dark,creepy themeing of the ride. Best ride I had on Verbolten that night!


I also had the thought that indoor part reminded me a lot of Space Mountain (and also the notion that if I had been six years old again I would have been scared out of my mind as I was on SM at WDW when I was a child!).

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Looks like the new "roadkill" show element didn't work out.


My guess is that they needed a part from Zirer, hence the delay. Mach Tower has been down for a few days, too, I hear.

Edited by cfc
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