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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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It is terribly annoying, nothing but "Fahrt" jokes and incessant repetition of the phrase "die black forest ist VERBOTEN!" It's probably the stupidest pre-ride show i've ever seen.


You've obviously never ridden King Arthur's Challenge, which used to be where Europe in the Air is now. One of the single cheapest-looking pre-show videos ever for the worst simulator ride ever.

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It is terribly annoying, nothing but "Fahrt" jokes and incessant repetition of the phrase "die black forest ist VERBOTEN!" It's probably the stupidest pre-ride show i've ever seen.


You've obviously never ridden King Arthur's Challenge, which used to be where Europe in the Air is now. One of the single cheapest-looking pre-show videos ever for the worst simulator ride ever.


Correct, never have... I've only been there for EItA, Corkscrew Hill, and Questor. I don't even remember seeing King Arthur's Challenge there.

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As I recall, it lasted all of one season. The actors who protrayed "King Arthur" and "Merlin" were really bad--the latter looked like a teenager in costume as an old wino. The 3D graphics were blurry as hell and headache inducing. Corkscrew Hill was a big step up.

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/\ Everything in that building/ride has been total crap since Questor.


I wish they would bring back Questor and haunts of the old country. Pirates is just getting really old and the simulator rides have not been good at all. It has been a whole generation since these rides/shows were introduced. They could easily pass them off as a new experience.



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Europe In The Air is horrible. It actually made me nauseous. Felt like I was sitting still and the room was moving around me. Corkscrew Hill wasn't too bad from what I remember. How much space is in there for them to just gut the entire building and put a totally new ride system in there? Ireland is the only country without a marquee ride. Would a Mad House be a good replacement (probably would be a better fit for Castle O'Sullivan and you could tie a whole story around it).

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^I'm with you - we sat in the back row, and the entire body moves around the front of the car. Halfway through I was done, it's a miracle I made it to the end. And I've never felt nauseous on any sort of ride or simulator before. Plus, it's like the poor-man's version of Soarin'! Get it outta here.

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^^I'd love to see a state-of-the-art Madhouse ride at BGW. That's something that Vekoma does quite well. I always thought Corkscrew Hill was OK, too.

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Yeah, it was being able to see the fans that really ruined the whole experience. Come on guys, try a little harder.


It's also being able to see the building around you that makes it so nauseating - you can tell how much you're moving. If you're gonna move that much, I think you need to enclose it like Star Tours or something.

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PLUS it isn't even video, it's pictures moved across the screen.


Huh? They installed new digital projectors when they made the change to Europe in the Air.

Edited by cfc
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I thought Europe In The Air was great until the ride itself, could have been much better. My goodness does the video shake and make you feel like throwing up instantly, and those transitions from one location to the other are ridiculous! Was this built post Soarin'?

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