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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Went over to the park for the passholder Verbolten ERT this morning. They were, at least, working on Mach Tower, but I don't know if they ever got it going. The carriage would be at the top of the tower for quite a few minutes before being lowered down, and I think a technician was up there, too.

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^That's the same thing that happened on my visit last Wednesday. Maintenance was working on Mach Tower for most of the day, even raising and lowering the cabin at different times.


Chuck, since you stated in the other thread that Alpengeist was your last coaster, do you think it's developed a nasty rattle in the trains? I don't remember Alpie having that much rattle even though my last visit prior to this one was nine years ago.

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Chuck, since you stated in the other thread that Alpengeist was your last coaster, do you think it's developed a nasty rattle in the trains? I don't remember Alpie having that much rattle even though my last visit prior to this one was nine years ago.


I thought it was running quite well today--but even on its worst days I never thought Alpengeist was particularly rough.

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^Dominator's corkscrews are usually the only "problem" area for me--the same as with Alpengeist's cobra roll. But both have been running smoothly this season.

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My last ride on Alpengeist was nearly 10 years ago, but I remember the turn into the MCBR knocking my head around a bit. I was really disappointed by that ride...still good, but out of the inverts I've ridden (B:TR, Montu, Talon, Raptor, Great Bear, Alpengeist), I'd put it slightly above Great Bear but way behind the others.

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I rode Alpengeist opening year when it was glass smooth and they weren't trimming at the mid course and it was awesome. Then, over the years, I heard the reputation that it wasn't good or that it hurt or whatever. When I rode it in 2010, I thought it was still a really good ride. Don't really understand the tepid response people give to it. It may not be Montu or Fire Dragon, but I love how fast it is and the scenery.

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I rode Apollos Chariot several times during my one visit to BGW back around 2002 and though it was great. It still ranks as one of my favorite B&M Speed Coasters at just a close second behind Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia. It's probably not top 10 material anymore for most people but is still probably a top 25 for most.

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^^Great to see! I'm interested in seeing whether the fifth train speeds up operations at all - I think it should just by a tad, judging by how they were running the ride when I was there. It would allow two trains to be ready to move into the station as soon as two leave from the front. The only thing they need to watch out for is making sure that they're running consistently - having a problem with a train in the station would mean two backed up on the brake run, and one stopped on the bridge.

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Even without the yellow train the line still moves very good. I think the max I had waited was about 40 minutes with a full queue, which is great since I don't know how much more I could take of Gerta demonstrating her version of peeling rubber (vroom, vroom). They sure can get those trains loaded and moving quickly but glad to see they are testing the yellow train.


Alpengeist is still my favorite ride in the park and my second favorite invert behind Afterburn.

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Even without the yellow train the line still moves very good. I think the max I had waited was about 40 minutes with a full queue, which is great since I don't know how much more I could take of Gerta demonstrating her version of peeling rubber (vroom, vroom).


Gerta can say whatever she wants as often as she wants.



Edited by cfc
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Are you kidding? Its one of my faves only behind talon and batman clones simply because of the sheer speed and forcefullness. The cobra roll always catches me off gaurd.


Like I said, it's been quite awhile since I've been on it. It was a good ride and I enjoyed it, just not as much as the other inverts I've been on. I'm sure a refresher ride wouldn't hurt, although my motion sickness makes it near impossible to enjoy coasters anymore.

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Finally got onto Verbolten yesterday for 4 rides.


I couldn't actually hear what Gerta was saying in the pre show room which was a little frustrating but whatever it was it sounded like it could be annoying.


Some brief points as the ride has been reviewed to death already:


1. This ride noticeably rattles (rough?) which was a surprise for such a new ride.

2. The vertical drop is good but not as forceful as the Intamin system on Thirteen. The launch out of the building is great, love the kick!

3. The drop towards the Rhine wasn't as thrilling as I’d hoped but the turns up to the station are ridiculously tight and really caught me out first time as I was looking the wrong way.

4. The ride is a huge hit with the general public and the queue keeps moving which is great.

5. The trains are super comfortable and probably the best looking coaster trains in the World.

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I couldn't actually hear what Gerta was saying in the pre show room which was a little frustrating but whatever it was it sounded like it could be annoying.


It is terribly annoying, nothing but "Fahrt" jokes and incessant repetition of the phrase "die black forest ist VERBOTEN!" It's probably the stupidest pre-ride show i've ever seen. It hurts me more so because i studied German in college and can tell how ridiculous a lot of what she's saying would sound to a native German.

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