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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Price is a big reason why I wonder why Busch went with Zierer. Had they gone with a proven Intamin design, it likely would have been less than $20 million for the coaster, plus something extra for the themeing. It seems to me that Busch got ripped off. They payed way too much and got a product that has too many problems. I don't know how much the themeing cost for Verbolten, but $10 million can buy a lot. So how much did Busch pay for just the coaster? They spent $54 million.

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^ I believe the actual price for Thirteen was 15 million Euros which is nearly 19 million USD. Also, don't forget that Verbotlen has 2 launches instead of a tire driven lift hill and is a longer ride (I think).

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Wanted to share a new "nickname" for BGW's new multi-launch coaster...






You now, it IS possible that it would not have made any difference who they went with as if this was some crazy unforseen problem that came up, it could have happened with Intamin, or ANYBODY else. You know, stuff happens and sometimes out of the control of anybody. I don't think I would say they were wrong to go with this company or even that they got 'ripped off', it's too early to tell and that is just not fair. If this had been built by Intamin and this downtime issue happened, would you be saying they went with the wrong company, or should have picked one with proven technology, or got ripped off? No, I don't think so. Let's be fair about this. Yeah downtimes suck especially when they are frequent and excessive but THIS IS STILL A BRAND NEW RIDE so stuff like this can happen until it is worked out. Yes, I would be annoyed by it but I would not start bashing the park for 'picking the wrong manufacturer' or the company that built it as you just don't really know.... do you?

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Isn't Thirteen's drop section actually NOT a true free fall, anyway? I thought I heard something along those lines a while ago, but I'm not sure.

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Price is a big reason why I wonder why Busch went with Zierer. Had they gone with a proven Intamin design, it likely would have been less than $20 million for the coaster, plus something extra for the themeing. It seems to me that Busch got ripped off. They payed way too much and got a product that has too many problems. I don't know how much the themeing cost for Verbolten, but $10 million can buy a lot. So how much did Busch pay for just the coaster? They spent $54 million.


But is the Intamin design "proven"? To the best of my knowledge, Intamin has built only one of these coasters with a drop element--Thir3een. And, as it's been pointed out elsewhere, Verbolten is quite a different ride. I think it's way too early to say that BGW was "ripped off"; then again, everyone on the Internet is an "expert," right?


You're entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to disagree with it.

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^For the record Zierer has two drop coasters to Intamin's one, so you can't say that they haven't done this before either.


People are acting like these technical problems are the end of the world and that these kind of additions should work without hitch from day one. It isn't just a couple of cogs and wheels that make this coaster work. It is a very large and sophisticated piece of working machinery... Let's cut Busch Gardens some slack. Like they did with Mach Tower, I'm sure they'll get everything in working order soon enough.


It still baffles me that people find reason to complain so quickly over a brand new coaster...

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The problems they have been having were to be expected. No need for that "nickname"

I'm completely shocked the fanboys haven't torn this ride's reputation to shreds. I don't remember any other ride in recent history having as frequent, multi-day closures. Not to say the name should or shouldn't be used, but Verbolten closing for a whole day should not "be expected"

Actually BGWFans does have a habit of going into complaint mode when the ride shuts down.


That being said. Surprisingly enough, the coaster has had some pretty solid uptime since it first opened despie its rather moody behavior as of recently.


I'm pretty satisfied that BGW went with Zierer on this project, giving us a great coaster filled with theming, nice forces, and some unique elements. A coaster like this probably has thousands of moving parts, which means that there is a high chance of breakdowns. Intamin or not. That probably doesn't include all the special effects throughout the ride.


Edit... When did that word filter appear? Its actually kinda funny.

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Doesn't everyone remember how much of the time Thi3teen was down it's first year? It was a crapshoot whether or not it would be working for quite a while. These are complicated rides and have many more systems that can have something go wrong.

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Edit... When did that word filter appear? Its actually kinda funny.


It has a long, rich history.


Yes, Verbolten has had first-season issues, but the looks on the faces of people on the last brake run behind the station tell me that people like it quite bit (lots of laughing and smiling).

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^The reactions of people on the brake run are my favorite part about standing in line. Once you hit the between-the-offices portion of the queue, it's always fun to play the game of "How many people do the drop with their hand?" You're almost guaranteed that at least one or two people turn to the person next to them and put their hand up, then drop it. People love this thing - myself included. Hopefully they can work out the major kinks sooner than later!

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Rode it once in the back seat a few weeks ago with my girlfriend (it was a day that T-storms kept rolling in causing a constant struggle with rides being open). We loved it. I don't understand how they made that building so dark, had no idea what was going on haha. The drop track was an awesome surprise even though I was expecting it and the launch out of the building was a blast. The drop over the river from the back seat was awesome and that last little section (although the "shakiest" part if the ride) was awesome. I noticed the rattling everyone was talking about, but I don't think it really affected my ride experience. Over all an awesome ride for and amazingly awesome park.


It was my first time at the park too, and I think my favorite my actually be Nessie. It surprised me with how smooth it was compared to other Arrow rides I've been on (Anaconda, GASM) and the first drop down the river was stomach churningly awesome. Can't forget the triple helix death tunnel either.

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Rode it once in the back seat a few weeks ago with my girlfriend (it was a day that T-storms kept rolling in causing a constant struggle with rides being open). We loved it. I don't understand how they made that building so dark, had no idea what was going on haha. The drop track was an awesome surprise even though I was expecting it and the launch out of the building was a blast. The drop over the river from the back seat was awesome and that last little section (although the "shakiest" part if the ride) was awesome. I noticed the rattling everyone was talking about, but I don't think it really affected my ride experience. Over all an awesome ride for and amazingly awesome park.


It was my first time at the park too, and I think my favorite my actually be Nessie. It surprised me with how smooth it was compared to other Arrow rides I've been on (Anaconda, GASM) and the first drop down the river was stomach churningly awesome. Can't forget the triple helix death tunnel either.


They maintain Nessie pretty well, so it's held up over the years. I never found Verbolten to be particularly "rough," either.

Edited by cfc
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That's a cool angle. I wonder why they made the switch?

So we could sit and watch all the people on the bridge whining when it's closed?


You can hear the wind and creaking sounds effects they use on the bridge pretty clearly, too.

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