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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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I don't care what anybody says. There is no way this ride will be better than Sheikra. L=Just look at the video. What an ugly looking ride!!!!

This ride will be better then shiekra. It will feature 10 loops, 20 verticle drops, and at on point, your harness will open up and all the GP will fall out for not believing in gravity.

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I don't care what anybody says. There is no way this ride will be better than Sheikra. L=Just look at the video. What an ugly looking ride!!!!
Sometimes I love coaster enthusiasts who judge rides before they've even got one support up. Awesome, dude!
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Wednesday is shaping up to be a badass day...


BGE's "lets rip off SheiKra's ad campaign and say like nothing else in the world!" announcement of their dive machine.


Nintendo's press conference at Leipzig Games Convention.


Ahh, life is good.

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This is just a guess but I'm thinking Griffon's layout is gonna be the same as SheiKra's just 10 feet taller.


I am thinking something similar to Sheikra, maybe it will have a dive loop instead of an immelman, and maybe a flat spin. Otherwise I would think that the ride will have about the same type of ride as Sheikra anyway couple more days and we will all know. Should be a fun ride none the less.

I know I will go and ride it.

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Aren't we exicted... So yeah, there's been a ticker on the park's website to announce the blue B&M dive machine known as Griffon. Hopefully they'll show the whole video and soem concept art tomorrow.


Of course they will.... That's the way announcements go these days.

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Boys the only way and I mean the only way this ride will be better than Sheikra is with a third drop. That's the problem with B & M. Too many inversions ruin their rides. No I don't want a diving loop or flatspin. And yes the colors are terrible


Thank you.

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Boys the only way and I mean the only way this ride will be better than Sheikra is with a third drop. That's the problem with B & M. Too many inversions ruin their rides. No I don't want a diving loop or flatspin. And yes the colors are terrible


Thank you.


Looks like we got a BGE and B&M hater here.


Honestly, who hates BGE and B&M?

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On the contrary I was just there Sunday a week ago. B & M does ruin their coasters with the inversions. But I do live in the Tampa Bay Area. I still will maintain the colors suck and B & M never use rides to their full potential. There needs to be a third drop!!


Thank YOU !!!!!!!!!!

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On the contrary I was just there Sunday a week ago. B & M does ruin their coasters with the inversions. But I do live in the Tampa Bay Area. I still will maintain the colors suck and B & M never use rides to their full potential. There needs to be a third drop!!


Thank YOU !!!!!!!!!!


So what you're saying is that ALL B&M loopers suck, wow you must really be a B&M hater


Anyway, I cant wait to see what it is. If there is anothing vertical dive by the water that would be awesome.

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While we're all waiting, here are a few more "Griffon prep" pics I took last Sunday (Aug. 20).


Sorry folks--no more bird's eye views of the construction site.


Yeah, I guess it would be kinda hard to operate the skyride under these conditions.


Yes, soon all will be revealed!


At least you can still sneak a peek on the train.


No more "France Bistro" either.

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