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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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I had a bit of spare time on my hands and decided to put together a crowd calendar for BGW (and KD) since a lot of people tend to ask about that. The crowd levels are based on personal experience and park operating hours. The crowds themselves are subject to change based on weather, special events, concerts, and other situations. Minor special events (NASA Day, Breast Cancer Awareness Day, etc) weren't included. I did add some events like KD's birthday bash, but that's about it. Major events like HOS/Haunt, Christmas Town, Bloom Festival, and Food and Wine are included.


The KD crowd levels won't be as accurate as the BGW once since I haven't visited the park in a while. Anyone with more accurate info can message me.


I did include a quick color guide.

- Green - Low crowds. Park is mostly deserted. Perfect for park visiting

- Yellow - Moderate crowds. Some lines but mostly reasonable

- Orange - Average crowds. Typical summer crowds here. Crowds will be hit-miss

- Red - Heavy crowds. Park is busy. If you don't stay away, plan ahead or vouch for a line cutting pass.

- Black - Blackout crowds. Park is slammed. Expect long lines everywhere. Vouch for a line cutting pass or enter at your own risk.


The calendar on Google Drive. You can switch between both parks by clicking the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.


I will edit the calendar as the season progresses.


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They talk about the color scheme being black red and yellow. Interesting. I'm still pro RMC inverting woodie. That solves the noise thing. But I was under the impression that the new ride was gonna be a starflyer flat ride, but this sounds cool. I'd like it. But it is kinda weird that the park would put in a clone. But overall I'm just happy that they're getting a new coaster! 2015 is gonna be a good year for Virginia! A new coaster at both KD and BGW! Really lookin forward to this!

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I know this is only a rumor and should be considered as such with no validity, but thoughts on this?




Personally I think a S:UF clone would be an awful move for the park. The capacity is not fit for the park, and in my opinion the ride would just look plain ugly. I think the park would be best off with something along the lines of YOLOcoaster if it had nice use of terrain and theming (in Festa). But that's just me.


BAD IEDA!! For a S:UF clone.

The park just got a launched coaster........ not impossible, I just find it unlikely.

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Does anyone think it'd make sense for BGW to connect to Water Country USA like so?:


They could even have a tram or monorail that follows the same route, shuttling guests between the parks.


Hmm--I'm thinking there are too many right-of-way issues for this to work. Such a tram would have to cross I-64, and I'm not sure how much property the park actually owns out there.

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Hmm--I'm thinking there are too many right-of-way issues for this to work. Such a tram would have to cross I-64, and I'm not sure how much property the park actually owns out there.


The tram (or monorail) would be situated in the median of the road, possibly elevated (especially if it was a monorail).

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^Very interesting. They definitely want to build something big, and the parameters do suggest something along the lines of Premier's latest installations.


Still a bit vague. Time will tell.


^And in an area that already has Apollo. The area certainly needs a revitalisation, and I hope that whatever this 156-foot attraction is, coaster or not, starts that. I'd love to see the back half of Festa Italia linked to the Oktoberfest bridge and to have the entire loop unified to become one well-themed Italy, but I doubt they'll go that route.


As I recall, the park has mentioned a desire to do something like this in previous years--but who knows?

Edited by cfc
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Just thought this was interesting. You have the yellow lines to depict the height of the attraction. What if the reason they did the whole box formation was because that is also the width of the attraction? If it were a skyscreamer or something along that line, then why would they make that box shape? Couldn't they just draw a line? And it is higher at the top, which would makes sense if it were a superman clone. However I'm still kinda skeptical about them putting in a clone. Correct me if I'm wrong, but BGW has never put in an exact clone of a ride. Griffon had an extra inversion than sheikra, so its not a clone. But anyway, the other reason that makes me think that its different is a line in there that says something along the line of "if we chose to change parts of the design." If its a clone, would they change part of it? Is there a need to? If its not a clone, then it makes more sense. Thats also why I think it isn't a flat ride, since they talk about changing the design and stuff like that. I know its going out on a limb, but it makes sense if you think about it!


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But thats elevation thats being talked about, not necessarily the height of the attraction. They're talking about around the 150's in height. Thats one short skyscreamer!


I think La Ronde's Skyscreamer is 150'.

hmmm...I think I've lost this fight...

Ok, so it could be Skyscreamer.

Or a S:UF clone

Or an S&S Screamin Swing


Ok I just made that last one up, but I think I'd like that at the park more than anything...

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Having worked for BGE/BGW for many years, I cannot fathom the park installing a copy of a ride such as SUF. Now, having said that, it's not to say they could go with Premier rides for a new coaster with a different layout (and theme of course), but to have a clone like other parks is pretty much out of the question.


Busch/Sea World parks usually incorporate a story-line with the ride concept and have been known to bring unique design elements (or firsts) for a new coaster idea. And I'm sure Larry Giles and the SW creative team with Brian at the helm will have a new idea coming that will make some headlines.

I would be curious if the park does install another LSM-launched coaster.


I worked in the Festa section when the themed area first opened and I must admit it is a bit dated. I'm glad they are making the investment to invirgorate the area.


How about a 90' drop coaster with Aquatrax elements? One can only dream as I know it won't be an Intamin ride.

I am excited to see what the park has in store for 2015. There is also a hint the park may add another flat-ride as well, but we will have to wait to see if that comes to fruition.

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...How about a 90' drop coaster with Aquatrax elements?...



The park does have a coaster called Griffin with a 90 Degree Drop and A Splashdown.

To be honest, I actually could see an Aquatrax at BGW. They could create an amazing story about sailing throughout fjords while in a freak storm with one. Complete speculation, though.


Although capacity would be an issue, I think this could be the first S&S 4D free-spin.

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