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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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I'm not into to Caribbean cuisine, but the Gamba Fritters sound pretty darn good. And I have to try the Angry Scotsman beer.

Edited by cfc
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Looks like the park is really getting a Premier Rides clone with terrible capacity....

What do you think?

The Park must be in a bad financial situation if they choose to install a ride like this....


Subject: RE: Project 2015: 156ft Tall Festa Italia Attraction


Superman Ultimate Flight clone is confirmed. Looking at the plans now. More soon.



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^I doubt that choosing a ride of this sort would indicate that a park is in a "bad financial situation." There are a lot of factors that go into deciding to build a particular attraction, and the budget, while important, is only one of them.

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^I doubt that choosing a ride of this sort would indicate that a park is in a "bad financial situation." There are a lot of factors that go into deciding to build a particular attraction, and the budget, while important, is only one of them.


Maybe it doesn't really indicate financial issues, but something tells me this addition does not fit into Busch Gardens high quality attractions....

A flat ride would have been a better option in my opinion. They could have saved the money for that coaster to build a more unique one with a better hourly throughput a few years later....

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I have no idea if we can trust this source (so don't make fun of my naivete if it's false or berate my lack of trust if it's true!). But if it does happen, I hope we can at least try to appreciate the positive aspects. These are fun little rides.

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Wow, you guys are really just throwing Busch Gardens under the bus.


Hi, um, anyone remember Escape From Pompeii? Technically it's just a basic splashdown boat like you find in the Six Flags Parks but they did a really awesome job theming it up. I will trust and put a little bit of faith in Busch until they let me down.

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Wow, you guys are really just throwing Busch Gardens under the bus.


Hi, um, anyone remember Escape From Pompeii? Technically it's just a basic splashdown boat like you find in the Six Flags Parks but they did a really awesome job theming it up. I will trust and put a little bit of faith in Busch until they let me down.



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I for one, am just glad that we're getting a coaster. And honestly I don't care that its a clone since the others are on the other side of the US and in Germany. If the coaster has awesome theming, then it will more than make up for any capacity problems. And it gives BGW a new type of experience that isn't available any where else in the state-backwards

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My only complaint about BGW getting a Superman clone would be the capacity issues. I'm almost certain that BGW will run the ride faster than SFDK did, but when I was there I timed it and estimated the park was getting 200-300 riders per hour, which generated an hour-plus wait on a moderately crowded day at SFDK. I hate to imagine how long of lines would result on a day when BGW is near capacity...probably 3 hours or more.


Sure, it's a clone and sure, the ride isn't as good as BGW's other coasters (for the most part), but it's still a fun ride that is significantly different from anything else the park has. I just wonder if it would ever have a short enough line to justify waiting for it. Of course, that is something to worry about when the ride is announced, and for now I'd definitely take this with a grain of salt.

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Wow, you guys are really just throwing Busch Gardens under the bus.


Hi, um, anyone remember Escape From Pompeii? Technically it's just a basic splashdown boat like you find in the Six Flags Parks but they did a really awesome job theming it up. I will trust and put a little bit of faith in Busch until they let me down.


Yeah but Escape from Pompeii has a reasonable capacity. I have no doubt BG can take any ride and theme it adequately. But they cant change a ride's capacity issues.


We dont know this is for sure yet, though. Guess we will have to wait and see

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Crystal Wing anyone? Some professional theming can transform a rather mediocre ride into something spectacular. Plus, they have unique terrain to work with, so I doubt this standard model would make a good fit.

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I don't see why you guys are complaining about the possibility that the ride could be a Superman-clone. I mean, Holiday Park added one and nobody called them "Six Flags Holiday Park". I haven't ridden Superman: Ultimate Flight, but it looks like a really fun ride that would be awesome with themeing.

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I thought S:UF was a well liked ride, I'm surprised to find it at #120 in the MH 2013 poll.

I wondered about that. I get that its debut ranking may have been inflated, but it suffered a hefty drop this year.


I agree that they'll at least impress us with the theming, plus isn't there still a chance it will be a modified or custom layout? Also, weren't we all horrified about the predicted capacity for S:UF, only for there to be plenty of opportunities for short waits? (Granted, could've just been due to low crowds with fewer people flocking to it than expected.)

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