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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Mach Tower: I expected this ride to suck based on all of the negative reviews it gets but I actually really enjoyed it. I loved the fact that it held you at the top for almost an eternity and I thought the drop was quite powerful... maybe not a Larson tower but probably on par with the big Intamin towers. This thing was great!



The negative reviews are more for the ride's dependability not the experience. I enjoyed it as well.

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Mach Tower is OK as a drop ride. I think the revolving during the ascent is its more interesting feature.


Like Eric said, it's the dependability issues that draw the criticism.

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Water Country is holding a high-school video contest. The prize? VIP admission for 250 students up to 50 chaperones to the water park!


Here's the press release from the park.





a colossal pool party THIS SPRING

One Lucky School Will Win the Ultimate VIP Experience at Virginia’s Largest Water Park


WILLIAMSBURG (March 24, 2014) – Spring may have officially sprung, but Water Country USA® has set its sights on summer. The Williamsburg, Virginia, water park is launching a video submission contest to celebrate the summer season and the opening of its newest family-thrill attraction, Colossal Curl™. High school students in grades nine through 12 are invited to join with their schools’ administration to enter the Water Country USA Colossal Pool Party Giveaway. One lucky school will be awarded the following:


VIP admission for up to 250 students and up to 50 chaperones to Water Country USA.

The opportunity to be among the first to ride Colossal Curl.

Access throughout the day to a VIP zone.

Complimentary lockers and dining options.

Transportation assistance to and from Water Country USA.

An exclusive two-hour party after the park closes to the public.



To enter the contest, participants should submit a video that is no less than 30 seconds, but no more than two minutes, long. The video should describe why their school deserves to win a colossal pool party at Water Country USA. The entry phase of the contest begins on March 24 at 10 a.m. and submissions will be accepted through April 11 at noon. Starting at 5 p.m. on April 21, Water Country USA fans can vote on which school they think should win the contest. The entry process, official rules and submission criteria are available on Water Country USA’s Facebook page – Facebook.com/WaterCountryUSA. The giveaway is open to legal residents of Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Washington D.C., and Delaware.


Colossal Curl will make a splash at Water Country USA in late spring. True to its name, Colossal Curl will thrill guests with a high-adrenaline, action-packed water slide adventure. The park’s first family-thrill attraction features a funnel element that will swish and swirl up to four riders aboard a cloverleaf-shaped raft before whisking them through the slide’s enclosed tubes on their way to a wave element that hurtles them high above the park. The unique combination of funnel and wave thrill elements, makes Colossal Curl the only attraction of its kind in North America.

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^Love the photo's. WCUSA is going to have another record attendance with the addition of Colossal Curl!


On that note, I'd like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Apollo's Chariot!!!!

15 yrs old on Sunday March 30th.

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Busch Gardens was cold (about 42 degrees most of the time I was there), windy, and rainy today. However, they had all the coasters up and running, so kudos to them for that. Park was pretty dead, crowdwise. They had us all park in the first lot, and even that wasn't filled. Most of the flats were not running. (I think only the two in Fiesta Italia, The Flying Machine and Le Catapult were.) Still, was a great time for the 4 hours me and my sister were there. Ate at the Festhaus and saw the weird little fairy tale show they had going on in there, which I honestly didn't think was that good. (But the food was, which is what's important.) Also saw the Irish dancing show for the first time, which is usually considered the best the park has. And I regret never seeing it until now. Europe In The Air is still as horrible as ever. (I don't care if they just bring back King Arthur's Challenge, but please do something to get rid of it. Compete with KD's nostalgia trip and bring back Questor if you can, even.) Looks like something's going on with DaVinci's Cradle, as the bottom part of the ride had caution tape around it and the ride is sitting idle at the top area. Le Scoot looks like it's having some refurbishment done or something. (I wouldn't want to ride it in freezing weather anyway, though.) I think I saw cfc as me and my sister were on our way to Apollo's Chariot, but we were in a hurry to get that ride in before Celtic Fire or whatever it's called, so I didn't stop and say hi.

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^You probably did. I went by lost and found to claim my old smart phone, which disappeared under "mysterious circumstances" after a ride on Apollo's Chariot a few weeks back. I was amazed they'd found it, but I had already upgraded to a better phone as a result.

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I do wonder how much longer DaVinci's Cradle can last... The last 3 years I went to the park, it's been down every single time I went. I've been told it's been neutered as well, and they have a rule that they stop the ride if anyone puts their hands up on it. Sad state for what used to be the best flat they had.

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I hope to post my trip report this week after visiting last Friday. Thanks to Chuck for recommending some local eating establishments while I was in town for the week.


A few quick notes/observations:

BSW has got to be one of the best parks in the country to place flat rides/attractions that kids can ride while the adults take their turn on the thrill rides. I was floored by this. They are doing it right.


Europe in the Air made me want to puke. I have NEVER gotten that motion sick on an attraction but that did it.


The coaster collection is awesome.


I agree with Chuck. The sausage sampler at Festhaus is worth every penny.


I loved this park!

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^Europe in the Air is just plain bad. They were better off with Corkscrew Hill or Questor--but it's still better than King Arthur's Challenge (which consisted of out-of-focus 3D digital animation).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is only a rumor and should be considered as such with no validity, but thoughts on this?




Personally I think a S:UF clone would be an awful move for the park. The capacity is not fit for the park, and in my opinion the ride would just look plain ugly. I think the park would be best off with something along the lines of Full-Throttle if it had nice use of terrain and theming (in Festa). But that's just me.

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Interesting rumor...I'd be surprised, to say the least.


As far as the capacity goes, I wonder if Busch would shoot for the sliding station (i.e. Mr. Freeze). I remember them mentioning that the only reason S:UF doesn't have one is because Six Flags opted against it for cost reasons, so I wouldn't be surprised if Busch went for it if they were to buy up one of these.

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I know this is only a rumor and should be considered as such with no validity, but thoughts on this?




Personally I think a S:UF clone would be an awful move for the park. The capacity is not fit for the park, and in my opinion the ride would just look plain ugly. I think the park would be best off with something along the lines of YOLOcoaster if it had nice use of terrain and theming (in Festa). But that's just me.


BAD IEDA!! For a S:UF clone.

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^And in an area that already has Apollo. The area certainly needs a revitalisation, and I hope that whatever this 156-foot attraction is, coaster or not, starts that. I'd love to see the back half of Festa Italia linked to the Oktoberfest bridge and to have the entire loop unified to become one well-themed Italy, but I doubt they'll go that route.

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It would also be weird to see Busch Gardens Williamsburg add a Clone of something. Outside of Grover the last major clone added was Wild Maus. I always thought of them as a park that adds high capacity attractions. Busch Gardens gets MUCH higher attendance than SFDK so I see it as nightmare capacity.

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