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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Yeah, a forest green, personally when I first heard green I thought it would look too out there. However, seeing the tracks, it doesn't look that bad at all. I think there was a roller coaster named after the Hulk and it is a worn out green, sorta like that.


But there was still a few pieces that looked wrapped up? I think the supports are black. The tracks just caught my eye.


Yeah I love this picture it is awesome.

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Does anyone think Abby in the Sesame Street show ask if Christmas is someone's birthday and given the reply of no? Someone was complaining that it was an offensive line. I just don't think it was meant in the way she is taking it.


Also, look forward to Verbolten in April. I saw a video on Youtube where this guy from the company making the coaster that it will open in April 2012.

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Does anyone think Abby in the Sesame Street show ask if Christmas is someone's birthday and given the reply of no? Someone was complaining that it was an offensive line. I just don't think it was meant in the way she is taking it.


I'm a bit confused--what exactly happened here? Was Abby asking if someone in the audience was born on Christmas Day or was she making a reference to Jesus being "born" on that day? I don't find it offensive either way. I'm just curious.

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^ In the show, Abby is learning about Christmas. When she notices the presents she asks the other characters on stage, "Is it someone's birthday?" Then they reply, "No, it's not for someone's birthday" which has caused some controversial issues on their Facebook page. She wasn't trying to refer to Christ or if anyone was born on that day in the audience. It was more of a 'I don't understand Christmas, but there are birthday presents' type of thing. It has been debated this is inappropriate because it completely denies Christianity , however on the other side it is seen as nothing more than a simple line that they looked too much into .


I don't see it as a problem, but I am thinking that yeah they could change the line a bit so it avoids birthdays all together. However, then that means they shouldn't or can't appeal to those who don't celebrate the religious values of the holiday.I am just curious to know where you guys stand.

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1. Wes is definitely the coolest poster on the forums

2. I'll probably be hitting up CT in the coming weeks and knowing how fast this project has been going up, I can't wait to see what's been done.


I just with the park would come up with a teaser site like they did with Griffon (or like most other parks do with major new rides). On another note has anybody scanned the QR codes yet? I'm interested in seeing the next teaser.

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