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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Looks like a good excuse to extend next years holiday world trip by another day. It was torture going to the Louisville airport this year and seeing it so close and not being able to swing by and pick up some more new credits. Sounds like they are really going to pump some money into this place and make it great.

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I don't think a mega-light would last in the USA


Why wouldn't one last? It seems a ride of that calibur would be a great fit and wouldn't interfere with the strict height restrictions the park has.


In order for KK to stand out from its competitors it's going to need something unique that neither park has and I think Ed Hart may have the balls to add something that most parks have refrained from putting in, maybe not right away, but once the dust has settled and the park is in full swing. Despite being an almost mirrored clone of Mantis look at how Chang put the park on the map back in '97. Who would have thought a smaller park like KK would build the world's tallest and fastest stand up coaster at the time?

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Watch the new coaster be a mad mouse to replace the old one. But hoping it's something unique to the area like a Euro Fighter or something. I'm excited to see what's in store for the park. I think it's safe to say the "adventure river" will go in Chang's old spot along with some of the new slide complexes. It just seems like the logical spot with it's size and proximity to the water park area.


Glad to hear all the coasters are staying (except maybe GL). I was expecting Twisted Twins to go bye bye since it's been so long since it operated, but glad to hear they have something big in store for it. The way it sounds in the release, they may be combining the tracks? "...we are well on our way to converting the two intertwined wooden coasters known as Twisted Twins into a much superior ride, which will debut in 2016." It goes from refering to them as 2 coasters to a much superior ride (singular). I may be reading too much into it but that's they way it came off when I first read it. Maybe an Iron Horse remodel combining the tracks like the rumor for Colossus at SFMM.


Interested in what they will do to T2. I've always heard it was the absolute worst of the SLCs so I wonder if anything can be done to improve it.

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^Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if I remember correctly most of the people that went to Morey's Pier with TPR in 2011 were not impressed with the restraints.


The track work they did last season improved the ride much more. I recommend giving it another whirl if you're ever near the area.

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^^As someone that was on the 2008 TPR trip, I thought they were okay, and certainly better than the football padding on most other SLCs, but they didn't make the ride experience go from horrible to amazing... More like horrible to slightly-more-bearable.

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Just out of curiosity, who here remembers riding Twisted Twins? That thing was brutal every time I had the chance to ride it. I think I would have rode T2 instead given the choice, and that thing beat the crap out of you too.


I wonder if any of the waterpark plans are the same plans that Six Flags had for the park right before they let it go? I remember seeing concept art when they took out Chang, and I seem to recall the talk being about installing much of the same stuff Ed talks about here.


It could be good news for the park, but we'll have to see exactly how it works out. On one hand, it sounds like they have a ton of money for the first year of operations, but after that... who knows? I wish them all the best, and if they re-open Greezed Lightning, I WILL find a way to make it down there, as it is one of the few roller coasters that I've really wanted to ride, and I somehow missed riding it in twice - both times with it operating. Yarg.

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This is awesome news!

I also think that Twisted Twins will be getting iron horse treatment, otherwise they probably wouldn't have mentioned a basic wooden retrack.

I think T2 will definitely be getting new trains, and though I haven't ridden one with the new Vekoma restraints, I've been on a formerly brutal one with the similar KumbaK restraints and it is actually a very decent ride now. I think simply improving the ride experience of the SLC is a very worthwhile investment as these rides are popular with the GP.

I've heard Thunder Run is a good ride so I hope it's still in decent condition, and if not they give it a bit of retracking.

Shame to hear no news about Greezed Lightnin'. Is it just the launch system in bad shape? Because if so they could easily get Gerstlauer to replace it with a magnetic launch system like on Walibi Belgium's shuttleloop.

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I'm quite amused with myself because amidst all this news I'm most curious about T2. Don't get me wrong, it's all wonderful news and I'm especially intrigued by TT's pending "refurbishment" (RMC, RMC, RMC, no whammies, STOP!!!!). But with words like "complete makeover," I can't help but wonder what that means for an SLC. Like others have been saying, I would guess this includes new trains, new paint job, and probably a theming re-vamp in the same vein as the Superman to Bizarro re-vamps (tunnels and fire DO make rides better).

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I know this may sound bad, and I'm usually not a complainer. Ed Hart ruins this park for me. When the Koch's were after it, he had all kinds of horrible things to say when he was just running his mouth to the press. Now it turns out he was wrong when he said that Dan wanted to only turn it in to a small local destination. Dan was going to make it his park if the court case went wrong, and Dan loves expansion. I don't see him as a real theme park person like the Kochs, Dave Roemer from SfStl, or one of the many other theme park operating families of the world. I just see him as the average greedy business man.

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I know this may sound bad, and I'm usually not a complainer. Ed Hart ruins this park for me. When the Koch's were after it, he had all kinds of horrible things to say when he was just running his mouth to the press. Now it turns out he was wrong when he said that Dan wanted to only turn it in to a small local destination. Dan was going to make it his park if the court case went wrong, and Dan loves expansion. I don't see him as a real theme park person like the Kochs, Dave Roemer from SfStl, or one of the many other theme park operating families of the world. I just see him as the average greedy business man.


So the person who decided he couldn't revive the park is the hero. While the guy who originally brought the park to life and is attempting to do it again is the bad guy.


I'm assuming you would think if Donald Trump said he could turn the park into the next WDW, he would be the new icon.


Talk is cheap.

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I know this may sound bad, and I'm usually not a complainer. Ed Hart ruins this park for me. When the Koch's were after it, he had all kinds of horrible things to say when he was just running his mouth to the press. Now it turns out he was wrong when he said that Dan wanted to only turn it in to a small local destination. Dan was going to make it his park if the court case went wrong, and Dan loves expansion. I don't see him as a real theme park person like the Kochs, Dave Roemer from SfStl, or one of the many other theme park operating families of the world. I just see him as the average greedy business man.


So the person who decided he couldn't revive the park is the hero. While the guy who originally brought the park to life and is attempting to do it again is the bad guy.


I'm assuming you would think if Donald Trump said he could turn the park into the next WDW, he would be the new icon.


Talk is cheap.


Larry, his screen name should tell you something!

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The Koch's COULD HAVE revived the park, but they didn't agree with how the fair board was involved. Ed Hart threw a fit lashing out at the Koch's through the media. Ed is just a businessman. If he really cared about the park, he wouldn't have sold it in the first place. Sorry for stating my opinion.

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The Koch's COULD HAVE revived the park, but they didn't agree with how the fair board was involved. Ed Hart threw a fit lashing out at the Koch's through the media. Ed is just a businessman. If he really cared about the park, he wouldn't have sold it in the first place. Sorry for stating my opinion.


No need to apologize for an opinion presented in a civil manner. However, I only see praise for the Koch family and bias against Ed Hart.


Fact - business attempt to make money through their business transactions

Fact - Ed Hart tries to make money through his business

Fact - The Koch family tries to make money at Holiday World


Newsflash - the Kochs are business people, unless I missed the press about all the profits going to charity.



In your mind what was the motivation behind the Kochs showing interest in KK. I think it was to make money. Why did they pull out after assessing the demands of the fair board. I think it was because unfavorable terms would MINIMIZE profit. Sounds like the thinking of a businessman.


I'm not a mind reader so I can't tell the motivation behind Ed Hart. But if I was to take your point of view I could say the Koch family does not care about Holiday Word or there wouldn't be a power struggle going on right now.

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Maybe I'll try for a part-time ride op job if possible; I loved working there in 2006. One thing I am still wondering is if these plans are still valid or if there is a new plan. Nowhere in any of the announcements was the family wooden coaster to go in Greezed Lightnin' and RRE's spot mentioned.


Screenshot from Ed's most recent submitted proposal.

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I always liked KK and SFKK. Went on numerous occasions from mid -90's until about 2005 or so. I always had a good time, never hit a really busy day, and enjoyed the coasters and rides they had. I had some very good rides on Thunder Run, off and on, and I really liked Twisted Twins too! Of course Chang was great, and later the Wild Mouse and Greased Lightinin' were cool. I rode quite a few other rides there as well, took my daughter there when she was younger and we had a great day. I would love to see them re-open and get all the exsisting rides back up and running, and look forward to any new additions!



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I'm not a mind reader so I can't tell the motivation behind Ed Hart. But if I was to take your point of view I could say the Koch family does not care about Holiday Word or there wouldn't be a power struggle going on right now.


I'll be the first to admit that I am biased. You made some good points, but the last part wasn't as good. I just wanted to clear up that the power struggle is because two parties care about the park. They both want it to follow their plans to succeed. My main thing against Mr. Hart is how he treated the Kochs acting as a mudslinger to bash them in the media. I'll leave it there.

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^Why wouldn't he be upset? He had already invested time & money into his proposal, only to have someone undercut him. And later walk away from the project. Maybe he was telling the truth all along, and it wasn't "mudslinging?"

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