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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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You would, but B&M would not allow that. They won't do launches, build woodies, or even any flat rides. They stick with what their good at, not transferring trains on different tracks.


Don't forget that the track guage is different for that of a B&M stand up vs floorless,the track would essentially have to be rebuilt at the factory from scratch to run as a floorless & it would just be more cost effective for SFI to ask for a floorless to be designed from Chang's layout as a totally new ride rather than a retrofit of the existing one.

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On a B&M dive machine, each row is higher than the next. There is not one heartline for the whole train. The key is the CG of the entire train. In engineering, a designer always wants to know CG of things cause that is what the object naturally wants to rotate about.

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Don't forget that the track guage is different for that of a B&M stand up vs floorless,the track would essentially have to be rebuilt at the factory from scratch to run as a floorless

I personally don't think Chang is getting new trains. There's no point to. But IF they did wouldn't it just be easier to fabricate the wheel assemblies to accomodate the track than vise versa? Why make it harder than it has to be?*...


*...and with that said. Chang will remain a stand-up.

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Out of curiosity, what do you think it would be like to endure a B&M designed inclined loop on a sit down/floorless train? Or even a B&M stand-up cobra roll?. I've never seen B&M cross these two elements over. Do you think it could have something to do with the heart line?


I don't see why an inclined loop wouldn't work on a sitdown/invert vs a standup....the cobra roll & heartline roll can't be done on a standup however due to the increased G-loads put on the passengers & trains.

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Have not been online in a couple days, but hey everyone, calm down^^^,


I am just telling you what I heard. Does this mean I am telling you it's true? NO! Passing info along, and yes it is ALL Speculation right now until 6F or Shapiro says otherwise.


I have no idea where Chang will end up- I think it'd be a better fit for SFSTL, though I am not gonna lie and say that I hope it does NOT end up at my home park of SFGAM.


I just don't see Gurnee, IL, with TWO stand-ups (no matter what Screamscape says), one of the rides is going if Chang comes here or the new ride will have to be re-pacakged, OR Iron Wolf will go bye-bye after one year of them both being at the park. Two stand ups in a park would be a novelty for a year, but after that, Chang (lesser of a head-basher) would stay. Iron Wolf was Great when it was new, but it's not now, and as much as I want it to be, it just isn't.


In any case, I think we will find out in the next couple months. I have two thoughts on the matter:


1.)I do NOT want to lose Whizzer for a B&M standup #2.


2.)Six Flags Great America needs a "Good" new coaster, even at the loss of one pre-existing one. I would not mind if Iron Wolf went away (or even Demon), but I'd be pretty salty if they took out Whizzer (assuming of course that they did not "have to" because of maintenance/parts/and or ridership issues).


P.S. still waiting on Rick or Ed to tell me where Ed got the info in the first place. My InBox was empty today.

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the cobra roll & heartline roll can't be done on a standup however due to the increased G-loads put on the passengers & trains.


I don't see why this is true. The only thing that is different between a standup and standard sitdown coaster is the riding position, which wouldn't change g-forces, apples to apples. Because of this standups have large, more drawn-out transitions so that you're not putting massive loads of positive g's on someone's legs, so I don't see why you couldn't do something like a cobra roll as long as you could stretch out the transitions and had enough speed to do it. Which is exactly why I think we never saw it, you'd probably have to build one really, really big cobra roll to get a standup train safely through it, and why bother why you can do so much else instead?


Also if by heartline roll you mean something like the B&M camelback thing on their sitdown coasters, Drayton Manor's already does it -




As you can see they just made it stretchier to make the transitions work.

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In response to my response a couple pages ago^^^ Ed finally got back to me and said he'd gotten the information from Wikipedia. I haven't checked it out, but I will after I post here.


Bad news: This piece of info seems to come from Wikipedia


Good news: Ed was the one who forwarded me the info on the Geaugua Lake spectacle 3 months before it was made public. A couple years ago he told me Psyclone at SFMM was gonna be torn down and replaced with another woodie too . . .so there's that going for him.


ODDS on my previous^^post coming true 51/49.


What I believe: SFSTL will get Chang as a stand-up


What I'd Like: A new Non Mad-Mouse coaster for SFGAM (my homepark)

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We might be finding out where Chang is going soon. A lot of track and supports are being loaded onto the back of tractor trailers. However, the it might just go into storage if they really are still deciding where to send it. (which I highly doubt)


All low lying track has been removed along with the supports for that area. I would say the taller stuff (lift hill, loop dive loop, turn around) will either come down soon, or, due to the absence of a taller crane, will most likely not happen until the off season. Especially since there is no apparent hurry by SF to get it constructed.

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  • 3 months later...

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom Closes!


Quoted from sixflags.com:


Kentucky Kingdom Rejects Lease


Park to Close


Six Flags announced today that as it nears the scheduled end of its restructuring process, it has decided to reject its lease with the Kentucky State Fair Board relating to the Kentucky Kingdom park. In recent weeks, Six Flags had proposed a new lease arrangement to the fair board that would have enhanced the viability and future of the park. Unfortunately, those proposals were not accepted and the park will cease operations and the company will move expeditiously to re-locate employees and several of the more than 40 rides and attractions to one of its 13 other markets.


"We are deeply disappointed to be leaving such a great fan base in the greater metropolitan area of Louisville and we are grateful to the thousands of employees at Kentucky Kingdom and the millions of guests for their dedication, support and loyalty over the years," said Mark Shapiro, Six Flags President and CEO.


"This action relates solely to Kentucky Kingdom," Shapiro continued. "The substantial lease payment has been a significant hurdle for this park in recent years. Our other parks, which reside largely on company-owned land, will be completely unaffected and will open as scheduled for the full 2010 season."


Here is the letter than was sent out to season passholders:


Dear Valued Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom Season Pass and Play Pass Holders:


On behalf of Six Flags and the 55 full-time Kentucky Kingdom employees, I would like to personally thank you for your continued loyalty and support. It has been our honor to provide amazing thrills and lifelong memories to you and your families for the last 12 years.


It is however, with much regret that I inform you that despite multiple attempts to reach a new,

fair and equitable lease agreement with the Kentucky State Fair Board, Six Flags has been unable to do so. As a result, Six Flags has rejected the current lease and will cease operating Kentucky Kingdom, effective immediately. Please know that this action only affects the Kentucky Kingdom theme park — all 19 other Six Flags parks will be open for business as usual in 2010, including nearby Six Flags St. Louis and Six Flags Great America in Chicago.


As a reminder, your Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom Season Pass and/or Play Pass is valid at any of our

Six Flags Theme Parks, as well as Six Flags Mexico and La Ronde Theme Park in Canada. In a few weeks, we will be sending you, via e-mail, four "Bring A Friend For Free" tickets valid to any of our

Six Flags Theme Parks. These "Bring A Friend For Free" tickets will only be valid if you choose to retain your 2010 Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom Season Pass.


Information on our other theme parks, locations and operating hours, can be found at sixflags.com. For your convenience, we have also developed a "Frequently Asked Questions" page on our website should you have any additional questions.


If you would prefer to return your 2010 Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom Season Pass, you can find information on how to obtain a full refund at sixflags.com/kentuckykingdom.


Again, I want to thank you for your continued support over the last 12 years, and I hope to see you at another Six Flags park very soon.




Andrew J. Michaelree



Kentucky Kingdom

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Was on the SFKK facebook page and seen this posted.


Screw you!!! Greedy $&@#%^ a**holes!!! Leave town and make millions off your bulls**t way of screwing over people who have worked so hard for you...I hate to see what happens to you corporate big wigs if there is a God that judges us when we are gone!!!!
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