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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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  lbeeler said:
  CoasterCard said:
  ratdogg68 said:
^ It's bright red


Go Cards.





A...s much as I want to, probably shouldn't on TPR. People can get upset about straying too far from the topic.

R...eturning to the topic of coasters:

D...oes anyone else know why red is the go to color for RMC?

S...eems that there would be a greater demand for more colors. I was glad to see twisted colossus change it up a bit.

Edited by CoasterCard
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  lbeeler said:
  CoasterCard said:
  ratdogg68 said:
^ It's bright red


Go Cards.











Oh wrong one? sorry!


On a serious note, very excited to see a RMC in Kentucky!

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  CoasterCard said:

A...s much as I want to, probably shouldn't on TPR. People can get upset about straying too far from the topic.

R...eturning to the topic of coasters:

D...oes anyone else know why red is the go to color for RMC?

S...eems that there would be a greater demand for more colors. I was glad to see twisted colossus change it up a bit.


According to RMC's website, the park always picks the color in the end.


The park always chooses what color they want for the track. We recommend certain colors as some colors require less coats, vary in cost and are fade less etc. But ultimately the park chooses the colors


That kind of contradicts itself though, because red is the most expensive color paint, and it usually fades the quickest.

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  coasterkid124 said:


The park always chooses what color they want for the track. We recommend certain colors as some colors require less coats, vary in cost and are fade less etc. But ultimately the park chooses the colors


That kind of contradicts itself though, because red is the most expensive color paint, and it usually fades the quickest.


Kind of like the YUM Center and the team that plays in it........

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  CoasterCard said:
  lbeeler said:
  CoasterCard said:
  ratdogg68 said:
^ It's bright red


Go Cards.





A...s much as I want to, probably shouldn't on TPR. People can get upset about straying too far from the topic.

R...eturning to the topic of coasters:

D...oes anyone else know why red is the go to color for RMC?

S...eems that there would be a greater demand for more colors. I was glad to see twisted colossus change it up a bit.

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  lbeeler said:
  CoasterCard said:
  ratdogg68 said:
^ It's bright red


Go Cards.




A-s much as this isn't the place to discuss what college we root for (or attend/ed), I do find this hilarious.

T-o be honest, I wish parks would pick different colors than red for once.

S-ince T3 is already red, it would make more sense to pick another color like green.

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I think the park is really trying to brighten up that side of the park. Red track, blue or green trains (LR anyone?), removal of steel. Hopefully from Crittenden, the park looks more welcoming than it has in the past. I understand why they need to have it, but, man, that razor wire fence looks soooo bad.

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How is Thunder Run running? I wonder if they will ever get a 2nd train? On the way to Holiday World and southern trips, we pass close to Kentucky Kingdom, but don't feel like stopping due to rumored poor/slow operations. Is it true they have 2 trains for the new coasters but only use 1? I haven't been to the park since 2009, when I rode the heck out of the old Schwarzkopf shuttle loop (again!). It's hard to go back knowing that ride is not longer there.

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  AirMBTB said:
How is Thunder Run running? I wonder if they will ever get a 2nd train? On the way to Holiday World and southern trips, we pass close to Kentucky Kingdom, but don't feel like stopping due to rumored poor/slow operations. Is it true they have 2 trains for the new coasters but only use 1? I haven't been to the park since 2009, when I rode the heck out of the old Schwarzkopf shuttle loop (again!). It's hard to go back knowing that ride is not longer there.


They cannot run 2 trains on thunder run. There is no transfer track, nor is the ride programmed to be blocked for 2 train operation. However, LR has 2 trains on site, but KK doesn't typically run them at the same time. T3 is able to be run with 2 trains, but they only have 1 in their possession.


BTW, if you are a big coaster fan and you are passing close to KK, why would you not stop in to ride Lightning Run? It's one of the better coasters that have been built in America over the past 10 years, and it's location allows you to get in and out without having to really leave an interstate. Depending on the day/time you will be coming, waits could simply be 15 minutes for major attractions. You could be in and out of the park in 3 hours. I used to go on my lunch break during the week and ride Lightning Run and Thunder Run. I do recommend eating in Louisville though, if you are stopping through. It is a great city to get some awesome "outside the park" food.


Just a suggestion.

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^Thanks for the input!


I was wondering if they would ever get a 2nd train (and accompanying safety system) for Thunder Run. I remember waiting in a slow line years ago.


The reason I haven't stopped in for a quick ride is... well, I just weight the pros and cons. I'm not a big fan of being super-stapled to my seat, the "RMC feel" if you will. I still want to ride it, don't get me wrong. I'll just wait until more stuff opens at the park and hopefully the operations get a little better. Until then, I'd rather spend my time at Holiday World or whatever park I'm passing through for. I've had such horrendous experiences at KK in the past, it just makes sense.

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