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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Where was lighting runs track made??


More than likely at Chance's manufacturing plant in Kansas. They're more than capable of making it there since they manufactured a few of the Vekoma coasters during the partnership they had a couple years ago. You can actually check out this satellite view of their factory and see familiar yellow track and a big blue support waiting on a flatbed if you go south a bit on the map. More than likely that's track for Freedom Flyer.




I didn't realize how many parts and pieces they keep on site for their rides. Looks like they have quite the property there and from what I can spot, parts for a gondola wheel.


That is awesome! That means that when I was traveling on I70 I most Likely saw track for Lightning run heading there! That is to cool, that is the first time that I have seen that happen!:)

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A month and a half from now, everybody will be singing -

"Oh the sun shines bright at my old Kentucky Park . . ."


They finally got the lift hill topped off, so you know what that means . . . it's time to pop the bubbly!




Seeing the pictures of the other rides receiving their fresh coat of paint has got me going cuckoo for coco puffs crazy, knowing that I will soon be there in June to help the other riders and amusement park flyers break in this park. Besides, Kentucky Kingdom will need all the support it can get to help support their own state of Kentucky after they lose to UConn in the basketball championship (Methinks I shouldn't have stated that, so I need to state something else that will make Kentucky feel good and UConn feel bad . . . Oh, I know)


Kentucky has the ROLLER SKATER and UConn don't. That should do it!



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Has anyone called Lightning Run "Chance Morgan's version of a Mega Lite"? Is this the new trend? I sure hope so! This looks fun!

Yes, I called it a Chance Mega Lite a couple pages back.


A few questions


Do you think if KK does get huge attendance ratings like they did when Ed ran the park, they will get a higher capacity drop tower?


Do you think theming will ever be something incorporated into some of the KK rides?


Do you think anything new other than the refurb of T2 and TT will come to KK in the next couple years?

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Has anyone called Lightning Run "Chance Morgan's version of a Mega Lite"? Is this the new trend? I sure hope so! This looks fun!

Yes, I called it a Chance Mega Lite a couple pages back.


A few questions


Do you think if KK does get huge attendance ratings like they did when Ed ran the park, they will get a higher capacity drop tower?


Do you think theming will ever be something incorporated into some of the KK rides?


Do you think anything new other than the refurb of T2 and TT will come to KK in the next couple years?



1- Who Knows

2- No. Ed Hart didn't really go theming heavy with any of the rides during his reign with KK or Magic Springs

3- Most Likely. I see him going with flat rides and a family coasters (Like a Spinning coaster or family launch) before another Thrill coaster

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Lightning run looks tasty. And yes I know one hundred percent that it was manufactured right in my town about 5 miles east from me right here in Wichita KS. I don't say it much but right now I am actually having pride in Kansas. ...we're getting known...

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I wonder if Six Flags ever tried to re open the park.


No, Ed Hart had reopened it the first time after it closed in the early 90's and ran it. He turned it around and was setting attendance records when he ran it. Six Flags bought it from him and when they couldn't reach an agreement with the Fair Board they locked the doors and moved Chang & the Wild Mouse to their other parks and the park remain shuttered for 2 yrs when the FB finally came to an agreement with Ed Hart.

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