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Weird Roller Coaster Dreams

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Last night, I had a dream that I was riding on an imaginary GCI woodie. It had no name, and it was in the middle of nowhere. The lift hill took place above ground, but the rest of the ride was underground. The strangest part about it was that it had a seemingly endless train. I was the only one on it, so that made it creepy. But boy, the ride itself was fun. If it was a real life coaster, it would probably be my new favorite coaster. It's not the strangest coaster dream ever, but still interesting to say the least.

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I had a dream where I went to the last day of Conneaut Lake after a Nationals track meet. I went to blue streak, and it had two sides.


I went on the original side of the ride (the current blue streak) on the original train. It picked up speed too much and we all went flying up in the air on the second hill. The wood snapped.


So I went on the 2nd side (different ride) with the NAD trains, and it had the layout of right after the lift on Thunderbolt at Kennywood and coming into the turn the train flew off and ran out onto the highway.


I was really freaked out Lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok I had this dream a few nights ago where for some reason I chose either to ride iron rattler or millennium force.Which is weird because I've ridden Millie and thought it was just alright and would prefer to ride Irat in real life.Another thing that was weird was that both coasters were just by themselves at random locations in a desert. So I chose Millie and somehow teleported to the ride which was situated in a random place. It also looked to be only close to 100 feet tall, so I was basically riding Millennium Megalite. I rode it and it had some good airtime which I actually felt in the dream. The weirdest part was that at the end of the ride it went into an underground tunnel made out of concrete and inside there was a ton of graffiti spray painted on the walls. Then, the ride went into a large drop underground so I had to be like 100 feet underground but it somehow immediately went back to the station. So the station was somehow underground now.

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I had a dream where SFNE Cyclone was reverted back to its old self...until it became some sort of jumping train ride. And by that I mean the track became a boardwalk and the train literally took off from the hills.


Oh yeah and it became a powered ride halfway through AND it was partially converted by RMC. How awkward.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a dream where I was on Goliath @ SFOG with my family and they didn't check all the restraints before dispatching the train. And then I discovered that mine wasn't latching and if I pulled it down, it clicked but then slowly re-opened on its own. I was convinced I was going to be the 1st person to die on a B&M.

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I dreamed about walking along the free way to a park with 6 RMC coasters. There is an RMC family coaster with blue track and white wooden supports, an RMC Invert (steel) with 4 across seating trains and 8 inversions, an RMC woodie like Wildfire at the top of a mountain, a yellow RMC steel coaster with purple supports that is around 250ft tall, an RMC mine train and an RMC launch steel coaster. I even remember the layout of some of them and I felt ejector airtime in my dream!


Another fun thing is the park offers a $35 Club TPR discount.

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I had a dream as a little kid that my family was in Ohio, so we could go to Cedar Point, but only for a few hours because we had to meet family or something like that. When we got there my parents really wanted to go on the Power Tower for some reason, so we spent all of our time there waiting in a massive line for that ride while I stared, tortured, at Magnum cycling 90% empty trains. We never got on any coasters, and I still have never been to CP in real life.

Edited by tatsu_dude
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I was at Parque Warner Madrid and they had a custom white B&M invert next to coaster express. Not only that, but you boarded both coasters on the same station...... on the exact same bit of track Oh, there were also four trains for coaster express and only one for the invert. One of the CE trains was GCI, the other was RMC, other was intmain, and the other....... I don't remember.

Stunt Fall had (for some reason) been moved to the back of the park.

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I believe I have some to share on this thread, mainly one I had just before waking up this morning. Y'all probably remember me telling y'all in another thread about a dream I had riding with Robb Alvey on Manhattan Express (or something like it). Well, in the dream I had today, just before waking up, I dreamed I was on two of the roller coasters at Cedar Point. Part of Raptor and all of Corkscrew. On Raptor, I found myself on it near the end (don't know why). And on Corkscrew, I was having a great time! When I got into the vertical loop, I was yelling, "2nd Ever Loopty Loop!!!!!" So yeah! Just goes to show, every now and then, I have weird coaster dreams.

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Okay, this crazy dream doesn't involve any coasters, but it does involve me and my friend working at Halloweekend at Kings Dominion ( For the record, my friend and I never worked at any amusement park). Only two things I can remember about this crazy dream: scaring a bunch of people while Mr.Mister "Broken Wings" was playing on the intercom speaker inside the haunted house attraction,and talking to my friend after work and asking what was his favorite part of this holiday. His reply: "It's the candy!"

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The last one I had (which was a while ago) had me at WDW (I haven't been there in ages, and hope to go before the end of the year), where I discovered they had two really awful coasters that were made by Togo! Worse yet, the weather was crappy (it looked like it was going to rain) and the park was rundown and dirty and the food was terrible. No, that isn't a dream, but rather a nightmare!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had one last night where I was at Cedar Point but El toro was there. This is the coaster I have dreamed of the most times (probably because of the traumatic experience of going to SFGAdv and finding it closed). Anyway, I wanted to get the last row but it was already occupied and so, for some reason, rather than waiting I took the front row of the back car and, to my surprised, noticed it would sit four across rather than two. Then we started going and the restraint was fully unlocked meaning the only thing holding me during the ejector air moments was the seatbelt. Strangely I was quite relaxed despite that. I only got one ride (well, half because it ended suddenly) and in spite of trying to get more, I didn't manage to.

I honestly don't know why so often on my coaster dreams the restraints fail. It's not like I am afraid that will happen in real life but that just keeps happening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not a coaster, but I had a dream that I was on a Windseeker (Cedar Point) but instead of doing the normal cycle (up slowly, spin around on top, come down slowly) it went up slowly, then dropped (like a drop tower). Then it did the normal cycle. I thought that this is actually a good idea, a Windseeker/drop tower!

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Once I had a dream that Intamin made a larger pre-fab version of the ride in the picture, but it had a bunch of endless airtime, like Balder.

It also kept the facade, but it just had normal Pre-fab trains, unlike the short spinning ones seen here.


Edited by DonGeorge
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Last night I dreamt that the layout for the gardaland had been unveiled and it was awesome!! It had the lift, drop and immelmann which are already built and then it went on through TWO forward launches, a small backwards launch and a total of 6 or 7 inversions. I remember thinking to myself: "Well that I didn't expect!!"

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  • 1 month later...

Here was one from last night:


I was on a TPR tour and we had ERT on Nefeskesen at Vialand in Istanbul (a coaster I've been lusting after for a while now). . The queue was indoors and in complete darkness. There were actors scaring people in the queue, which was absolutely miserable for me since I'm not a Haunt person by any means. Once I got up to the station, the ride was a GIGANTIC B&M flying coaster. The trains were had five normal flying coaster cars next to each other in each row, except for the first row which had four cars. When I say this thing was gigantic, it was high enough that you were flying above the clouds (obviously, there weren't supports). It was designed to really simulate the sensation of flight, but it had a massive pretzel loop that was incredibly intense.

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