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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Even after a full day of not riding it, I'm still in love with X-Flight. I'm so glad Chang didn't work out so that we could get this instead. I can't wait until the landscaping in the area is finished--I think it's going to look even nicer.


Does anyone know the songs that they are using for the queue/station music?

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Does anyone know the songs that they are using for the queue/station music?


The "I like to move it move it" song from Madagascar was playing in the que and all around the park. Really screws with your mind after listening to it for 30 min. straight.

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It's meant to help motivate employees but probably annoys them more than anythingng .
Trust me .....IT DOES at first it was funny then it got annoying really quick!!!!! Other workers are used to it and they try to ignore it. But since I'm new it's a little hard!
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^ Move it plays everywhere at the top of the hour. It's meant to help motivate employees but probably annoys them more than anything.


It's Pavlov's dog, except instead of Pavlov, it's Six Flags and instead of a dog, it's employees who earn minimum wage. Instead of a bell, it's one of the more annoying collections of noise they could find. It would motivate me to give them their neon colored t-shirt back and look for a job just a little bit less demeaning. Maybe dressing up like a slice of pizza and dancing in front of a Little Caesar's.

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I rode the ride 6 times on the opening weekend to Season Pass holders, and I gotta admit, I was shocked. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been, and is one of my favorites at the park. Front row is definitely something to check out, and I also preferred the left side over the right. Even when it has a full queue, it's worth the wait (the wait isn't even an hour) and it is just an all around, well themed ride.


Here's a video I made of Saturday, May 12th. Lots of off-ride footage...


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It looks as if this turned out to be a great coaster, and I would love to see more of these at Six Flags parks. I had a feeling that this would be surprisingly better than many had anticipated.


As much as I was hoping that we would see another 4D coaster at other SF parks besides SFMM, it appears to me that the WIng Rider will be their new selection as far as any type of attempt to create X or X2 at another park in the chain.


What I am really looking forward to seeing is the next step on the B&M Wing Riders-the coaster that is to Wing Riders what Tatsu was to flying coasters and takes the concept further-I am assuming we will see that before we see them attempt the 4D/rotating seats version.

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I hope to see both higher, innovative design, and 4D together.

For the last 5 pages, I've been reading OMG it's the greatest ride ever and should be CLONED everywhere!!!!! Clones do not help make people from other parts of the country plan a trip around that ride.

Imagine this concept 240' tall, 5000' long, 75+ mph, with inversions, rotating seats, music, buildings, glass smooth, and reliable. The ability to go from forward to backward, lying to flying, and levitating. And all these directional changes can be made in a split second with 4D. A real game changer! Why do you think X2 is so popular? Improving X2 is what should be done. Cloning would not be a great idea.

Edited by blade1
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Even after a full day of not riding it, I'm still in love with X-Flight. I'm so glad Chang didn't work out so that we could get this instead. I can't wait until the landscaping in the area is finished--I think it's going to look even nicer.


Not me. I wish we had gotten Chang and delayed this ride for 2-3 years. Then we could have had a 3rd or 4th generation design. Plus Chang would have blocked the waterpark expansion and left more room in the dry park. The park is probably better off in the short term the way things worked out, but worse off in the long run.

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^ And Arrow hasn't made anymore of that ride in about the same amount of time. This is B&M we're talking about here. We're also talking about Six Flags, who I don't think want problem rides like X2 anymore.


Besides, X2 is ugly and X-Flight is purdy.

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They are the same colors. I don't ride coasters because they are "pretty."

B&M has also had 10 years to study Arrow's design and S&S's improvements to it. There is nothing that says a B&M would have excessive problems.

My post was also on why X Flight should not be cloned.

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I'm not sure a B&M 4D has ever been anything other than speculation stemming from someone daydreaming on a message board. During X-Raptor's construction you would run into posts claiming that it was more or less an experiment for B&M that would end up being modified into a 4D if all went well. How?

Syncing the rotation of the seats with the train's location on the course via programming/onboard electronics (something that gets brought up often) seems like it would be incredibly complicated. It's probably possible, but I'd imagine a new train would be required, and an assload of sensors would have to litter the course. I may be wrong, but that doesn't sound like B&M's thing.


Free spinning rotation (Zacspin) also seems like it would affect the forces on the train and structure more than you'd probably think. Zacspins don't have the lateral movement that the Wingriders do. 28 - 32 seats being able to do their own thing; some are spinning, the others aren't- and it could be completely different from one train to the next- I was always under the impression that B&M in particular designed their rides with a pretty set range of forces.


Doing it mechanically like Arrow and S&S do/did doesn't seem likely either. Not a whole lot has changed mechanically or structurally from Iron Wolf through Leviathan. Why tinker with anything if it isn't broken? Adding the extra rails like X has would be a dramatic change.


I'm not much of an engineer, but that's my wild guess as to why the Wingriders were meant to be Wingriders- not 4D.

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B&M is staying away from "4-D" designs for the same reason they're staying away from launches. They are unreliable and require a large amount of maintenance resources.

B&M likes "tried and true" designs which is what keeps their coasters off of park maintenance/downtime reports. I'm not saying there will never be a B&M launched coaster (Hulk's launch wasn't designed by B&M) or 4-D, but I see it as HIGHLY unlikely.

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