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TPR's Scandinavia 2009 Trip!

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And I don't care what anyone says. That right there. That...is a penis.


I believe I explained this over a year ago, but obviously you're not looking at the bigger picture here, Robb.


It's "Uterus: The Ride"


Or it could be "Menstration: The Ride," and each cycle (har har) around the track symbolizes the lining pulling away from the walls of the uterus.


How ya feelin' now, boys?

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Oh, I completely forgot about the incredible 3D movie where a disgruntled worker takes over a funhouse. I watched it twice.


Funhouse Express?! I love that simulator/movie if that was it...was it translated in Finnish? I have to say one of the highlights of visiting La Ronde years back was doing the Spongebob simulator and hearing him (and Patrick) talk in French!

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Did they still have that messed up circus themed dark ride?? The one with the elephant poop???



Here it is....


Still even creepy...


Still creepy...




Creepy clown dark ride.


Elephant Poop!


Thanks to Hanno for the photos!

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^^I can't agree with you, Guy. There's no mucus plug in that so-called cervix, which is necessary to protect the fetus from nasty bacterial pathogens.


This is just like the moon landing: Faked.


That's because the coaster isn't currently pregnant, silly! I was just showing what it WOULD look like knocked-up (yes, yes, minus the mucus plug - I've yet to add that ever-so handy skill to my photoshopping repertoire) to prove that it is indeed a uterus. I mean, if we're gonna get all biologically accurate, then it couldn't possibly be a penis. I mean, what's that extra appendage on top there, then? I don't want to meet the penis that has a second penis growing out the other end. Too kinky for me.

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I mean, what's that extra appendage on top there, then? I don't want to meet the penis that has a second penis growing out the other end. Too kinky for me.


Just because something scares you does not mean that it's not real. Hairpin turn double penis coaster is actually quite a nice fellow once you get to meet him.

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If that is a cervix and the baby comes out at relative speed to the rides rotations then the umbilical cord would snap and they would need to start making extra large baseball gloves with more padding.


^ Bill I would say its more a senior if you compare the two. Which makes me hope it does not have a presence of any kind in the womb.

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If that is a cervix and the baby comes out at relative speed to the rides rotations then the umbilical cord would snap and they would need to start making extra large baseball gloves with more padding.


^ Bill I would say its more a senior if you compare the two. Which makes me hope it does not have a presence of any kind in the womb.


Don't pull any of your fancy schmancy, Dr. Devil speak, medical lingo with us sporto! When I look at that, I see something vaginal! Not phallic! I vote cervix! Replace whatever you will with all the penis you desire. I choose vagina!


Guy "Who's with me?!" Koepp

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So in that picture,,,, the car/train with the unsuspecting TPR passengers is being sent forth from the cervix, out from the vagina and into the bright shining world beyond? So in a sense, these are 'born-again" TPR members?


Maybe a TTD or KK needs to be built next to this one???? Oh wait, next you will say there is nothing phallic about those two?


Great TR Robb, looks like a great trip.

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So in that picture,,,, the car/train with the unsuspecting TPR passengers is being sent forth from the cervix, out from the vagina and into the bright shining world beyond? So in a sense, these are 'born-again" TPR members?




Maybe a TTD or KK needs to be built next to this one???? Oh wait, next you will say there is nothing phallic about those two?


On the contrary. Those two rides are all about phallus. Right down to the competition between CF & 6F. It's as if CF pulled out a ruler, slapped their man meat down on a table next to it, and dared 6F to whip it out! When Mr. 6 unzipped and produced his massive Kingda Ka, Snoopy got a case of sea dick, curled up and went away.


With that said, I will now relinquish my opinion to myself, quietly sit back, comfort my self in the thought that I refuse to derail this thread any further.


Guy "Scandia, Scandia, Scandia, and... ...oh yeah, Scandia!" Koepp

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Only it seems that Mr. 6F frequently can not get it up......What good is the size if it is never "up"?


I am not female so i am not qualified to answer that one...


Guy, I most certainly agree with


I choose vagina!


So that is 2 for vagina!


Ken "can turn the most mundane comment dirty" O



Oh one more thing, Nat, if you ever do develop that handy skill, regarding the mucus plug, will you promise to NOT show everyone?

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It's as if CF pulled out a ruler, slapped their man meat down on a table next to it, and dared 6F to whip it out! When Mr. 6 unzipped and produced his massive Kingda Ka, Snoopy got a case of sea dick, curled up and went away.


This might be the most epic quote in a while.

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Oh one more thing, Nat, if you ever do develop that handy skill, regarding the mucus plug, will you promise to NOT show everyone?


Yes! I don't want to vomit ferociously and horrendously and then curl up and die in a puddle of my own bile.


I speak for myself though. If any other men wish to die similar and grotesque deaths, step right up.

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Another awesome update Robb - the Rosie O'Donnell comment killed me. Linnanmäki was a blast - a wonderful end to such an epic trip. Yes, they could use one really kick ass roller coaster, but the park still had an awful lot to offer. We had fun all day and never ran out of things to do. And yes, Kieppi was mind-blowing! Ah, I miss Finland and I miss Scandinavia - I really wanna go back and do the whole trip all over again, it really was phenomenal.


As for Kirnu, I'll vote penis (just to be a dick), but in reality I saw something far more mundane - I thought the coaster looked like a big laughing clown face.

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