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TPR's Scandinavia 2009 Trip!

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Looking the pictures from awesome places like Bonbon Land and Skara Sommarland, I have to say our parks in Finland are awfully unimaginative and conservative. More infantile humor in Finland I says!


Honestly, I'd say while some places were better than others, all the parks had nice little quirks to them.


And you do have an awesome go-kart track at Power Park!

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I know nothing of any major crashes in the Grand Prix and most deffinetly did NOT have the biggest crash of the day causing any damage to any vehicles what so ever.


You did bring a tool set with you on the trip didn't you? Otherwise, how did your car end up in three pieces?

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I have to say our parks in Finland are awfully unimaginative and conservative.


It's possible that since this was a first-visit for most of us to Finland's three parks in the tour (Power, Sarkanniemi, Linannmaki), and we were near the end of the tour, all parks were being looked forward to as much as all the other Scandinavian parks we had already visited. (And Hansa!)


And I don't think they disappointed any of us. Sure, apart from there not being a lot of (what I call) "ongoing themeing" in most of the areas you'd walk through, I still enjoyed these parks, each for their layout and style, the coasters and other attractions/rides/games/food/shows. I had a fun day at each one, and I would love to go back and visit each one again.


And I was really amazed how they built Linnanmaki into the hills there, cutting rock out and building/fitting rides in, here and there. Same goes for Sarkanniemi, come to think of it.


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Looking the pictures from awesome places like Bonbon Land and Skara Sommarland, I have to say our parks in Finland are awfully unimaginative and conservative.


I have a feeling that this is a case of the grass being greener. While the parks in Finland may not be the biggest or the most themed parks in the world they are all wonderful parks in their own right. Sometimes bigger is not always better and that is very much the case with the three lovely parks we visited in Finland.

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It's not the size or even the rides, just that a place like Bonbon land is just weird and crazy - very original. Just about every park in the world has at least a few great rides, but you can't buy originality.

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^Actually, only Power Park could be considered a country park. The other two Finnish parks are very much urban parks.


Even though the urban park has long since died out in the US, they're still going strong in Scandinavia.

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Even though the urban park has long since died out in the US, they're still going strong in Scandinavia.


Not quite true. I would consider Kennywood an urban park, maybe Dorney.

I'm assuming when Ginzo referred to them as "Urban Parks" he means like right in the middle of the city, like Liseberg as well.


I would NOT consider Kennywood right in the middle of Pittsburgh! You have to drive a good ways to get there through some confusing roads (if you're not a local.)


For some of the parks on our Scandi trip they were RIGHT smack in the middle of the big city and very easy to find.



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^Even if you consider Kennywood to be urban, the urban park has really died out in the US compared to what we used to have. A quick trip to RCDB will confirm this. We used to have dozens of them. Now hardly any at all!


But Scandinavia still has:


Tivoli Gardens


Gröna Lund




I think a few of the smaller parks were right in urban areas as well, but I won't get into that.

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I know nothing of any major crashes in the Grand Prix and most deffinetly did NOT have the biggest crash of the day causing any damage to any vehicles what so ever.


You did bring a tool set with you on the trip didn't you? Otherwise, how did your car end up in three pieces?


Not really a tool kit, just one massive tool...

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Even though the urban park has long since died out in the US, they're still going strong in Scandinavia.


Not quite true. I would consider Kennywood an urban park, maybe Dorney.

I'm assuming when Ginzo referred to them as "Urban Parks" he means like right in the middle of the city, like Liseberg as well.


I would NOT consider Kennywood right in the middle of Pittsburgh! You have to drive a good ways to get there through some confusing roads (if you're not a local.)


For some of the parks on our Scandi trip they were RIGHT smack in the middle of the big city and very easy to find.




Okay, I see what you mean. Yeah, I can't think of any American parks that are right in the middle of a city.

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Jetline was manucatured in 1987 by BHS (Bayrisches Hüttenstahlwerk) four years after Schwarzkopf went bankrupt - so it is not a Schwarzkopf.

Well, everyone at the park seemed to refer to it as a Schwarzkopf, so no offense, but I'm going to take the word of the people who OWN the ride over some internet hearsay.



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Jetline was manucatured in 1987 by BHS (Bayrisches Hüttenstahlwerk) four years after Schwarzkopf went bankrupt - so it is not a Schwarzkopf.

Well, everyone at the park seemed to refer to it as a Schwarzkopf, so no offense, but I'm going to take the word of the people who OWN the ride over some internet hearsay.




Looked and rode pretty "Schwarzkopfy" to me.

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Well, everyone at the park seemed to refer to it as a Schwarzkopf, so no offense, but I'm going to take the word of the people who OWN the ride over some internet hearsay.


Heck, didn't the rides manager tell us a story about Anton Schwarzkopf's brother personally supervising the construction of Jetline? Something about leaving Anton's brother stuck up in a cherry picker while the construction crew went on a coffee break.


I think Schwarzkopf's firm did go bankrupt several times, but he then worked with other firms to get his projects completed. Something like that. Anton was apparently better at designing and building coasters than he was at being a successful businessman.

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Technically Coney Island counts as Queens is a borough, but it is a suburb too, unless the Finnish parks in the cities are like Queens.


Also to rephrase what I meant a little when I say country parks I refer to parks with few rides but that are all great and a good atmosphere. Dollywood and BGE fall into this category for me too and they are not really small country parks lol.

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