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Track Spottings!

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Who is "X-WORKS?!?!?"


all my years in manufacturing, often see

Customer Xworks

Customer DDU

Customer DDP


x-works = the customer will arrange the transportation from the factory to the final destination.


no need to stick an actual customer name on the label - the Job number tells the system who the customer is plus it means any visitors from customer 1 at your factory don't see customer 2's name on stuff you are building.


Not this one from their dive machine.


That pic appears to have a date stamp of 10/2004 & back then obviously the plant was still using the full customer name on each part.Thanks to enthusiasts "spying" for lack of a better term the plant has since been ordered to conceal the customer names on each part so as to prevent us from figuring out what park it's going to.

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Or maybe they are re-furbishing Chang, I mean it *is* in Kentucky Kingdom (Just Kidding)


You guys have brought up a valid point about the letters on the labels. DM=Dive Machine. With that being said, does anyone have a picture of the labels of when any stand-up or sit-down coasters where built?


Good question,although I doubt that the online coaster community was as massive 10 years ago(when Scorcher was installed) as it has become today so photos would probably be few & far between.

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If the ride is going to Australia. I can only Imagine that it could be a standup. In Australia very few people would even know what a standup coaster is. They would be so amazed by the fact you stand up. That people would come and try to ride it. It seems logical enough



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...or South Carolina.


I hope...or do I. the last B&M South Carolina got...well...you all know what has become of that place!


Jarvis "laughing at everyone wanting it to be the park in their state/country" Morant!

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hmm, well Carowinds is already announced the removal of their log ride and its been pretty much confirmed ,but not officially announced, that Carowinds will be getting something big, which we could assume is a coaster. This could possibly be track for a hyper. Although, I do agree it's a little early for them to be producing track already for that project. They haven't even removed the log ride yet.




I relly do belive that carowinds is getting somthing big maby

floorless. After all that would fit in nicley at carowinds.


If by "big" you mean a used boomerang then definitely but a hyper or floorless in 2010 nahhh.


No, carowinds is really getting something big, take a look at Screamscape for carowinds 2010.It didn't cost Cedar Fair that much to transport the boomerang from ohio and do the painting and everything. There is a possibility the track is for carowinds but very unlikely.Like I said its way too early to start making track for that project.

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So. We have figured out the following;


DM = Diving Coaster

IC = Inverted Coaster

MC = Hyper/Mega/Speed Coaster

?? = Standup Coaster

?? = Sitting Coaster

?? = Flying Coaster

LC = Floorless Coaster



Now SC is for one of these.


We can update as we figure it out more.



EDIT: I changed the Diving Machine and Flying Coaster.

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So. We have figured out the following;


DC = Diving Coaster

IC = Inverted Coaster

MC = Hyper/Mega/Speed Coaster

?? = Standup Coaster

?? = Sitting Coaster

?? = Flying Coaster

?? = Floorless Coaster



Now SC is for one of these.


We can update as we figure it out more.


Flyer is LC (lying coaster) from Crystal Wings posted earlier, and Its DM not DC for dive machine

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This is a picture of a piece of track from Goliath @ SFOG. Considering all logical abbreviations, I think "MC" stands for "Mega Coaster". That would rule out a hyper for this project.


^I believe you would be correct. So, by that logic, it shouldn't be a flyer, or Dive Machine, or an Inverted Coaster, or a laying coaster, correct? So then, by this logic we should know that it is either a standing, or sit-down, because wouldn't a floorless have something like a "FC" or maybe even a compound like "FSC"?

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So we have the following:


DM = Diving Coaster

IC = Inverted Coaster

MC = Hyper/Mega/Speed Coaster

?? = Standup Coaster

?? = Sitting Coaster

LC = Flying Coaster

?? = Floorless Coaster


Now you're job is to find track pictures of a Stand Up, Sitting Coaster, or Floorless!


It may be hard to find a track photo of a Stand Up, but there were some recent Floorless (Hydra) and Sit Down (Led Zeppelin) coasters recently.


Ok coaster dorks! FIND TRACK NOW!!!!!


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So we have the following:


DM = Diving Coaster

IC = Inverted Coaster

MC = Hyper/Mega/Speed Coaster

?? = Standup Coaster

?? = Sitting Coaster

LC = Flying Coaster

?? = Floorless Coaster


Now you're job is to find track pictures of a Stand Up, Sitting Coaster, or Floorless!


It may be hard to find a track photo of a Stand Up, but there were some recent Floorless (Hydra) and Sit Down (Led Zeppelin) coasters recently.


Ok coaster dorks! FIND TRACK NOW!!!!!



Found a floorless: http://rcdb.com/ig1549.htm?picture=6


Not quite what I thought......

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