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Hard Rock / Freestyle Music Park Discussion Thread

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Hard Rock Park Offers a 'Whole Lotta Love'




World's First Rock 'n' Roll Theme Park Unveils Led Zeppelin - The Ride


MYRTLE BEACH, S.C., April 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Hard Rock Park, the

world's first rock 'n' roll theme park, today announced one of the Park's

most anticipated attractions, Led Zeppelin - The Ride. Ascending over 150

feet into the sky, this iconic looping, steel roller coaster will feature a

high fidelity on-board audio system that soars to Led Zeppelin's hit single

"Whole Lotta Love," creating an unprecedented sensory experience for


In tune with Hard Rock's passion for music and memorabilia, Hard Rock

Park has worked closely with band members Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John

Paul Jones on all aspects of Led Zeppelin - The Ride, including the ride's

name, logo, and overall look and feel of the vehicles. Indeed the band

selected "Whole Lotta Love" as the theme song for the attraction.

"We've partnered with the most iconic hard rock band of all time to

create a truly unique and exciting experience that will serve as one of our

signature attractions," said Steven Goodwin, CEO of Hard Rock Park. "Our

relationship with Led Zeppelin is just one strong example of the support

and authenticity Hard Rock Park is receiving from the rock community."

Guests can get an early adrenaline rush of Led Zeppelin - The Ride by

visiting the Hard Rock Park Backstage Tour in Myrtle Beach, SC. Beginning

April 18, the Backstage Tour will feature a model of the Bolliger &

Mabillard manufactured ride and brief computer graphic simulator with

binaural sounds that creates a life-like sensory experience for visitors.

Admission to the Backstage Tour is free for all visitors.

Opening in Spring 2008, Hard Rock Park will be an approximately

140-acre theme park boasting more than 40 attractions for rockers of all

ages, including roller coasters, shows, children's play areas, restaurants,

cafes and retail stores, a multi-purpose live music amphitheatre, and

ultra-modern sound system specifically developed for the project, creating

a totally immersive full day experience.

For more information on Hard Rock Park or to purchase advance tickets

($46 for children of all ages), please visit http://www.hardrockpark.com.

About Hard Rock Park:

HRP Myrtle Beach Operations, LLC, is designing, developing, and

constructing; and will own and operate Hard Rock Park, an approximately

140- acre rock n' roll theme park in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina under a

long term license agreement with Hard Rock International. HRP Myrtle Beach

Operations LLC is a Partnership between the executive management team of

Steven Goodwin, Felix Mussenden and Jon Binkowski, who designed and

developed the park's concepts and will be responsible for building and

operating the Park; FHTP, LLC, a group of prominent local investors and

community leaders and a joint venture led by real estate developer Ziel

Feldman and Amnon Bar-Tur, Managing Member of SafeHarbor Holding, LLC; from

New York and Africa Israel Investment and Polar International Real Estate

from Israel. For more information on Hard Rock Park, visit


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Yeah, thanks for the heads up, Tommy.


I was kinda hoping for the same kind of setup as the new USJ coaster, with the option to select from several different songs. And if it was gonna be one song, I thought "Rock'n Roll" suited it better.....plus they could've let Cadillac sponsor it too.


Eh, oh well. It's still cool that the band members worked closely with 'em. And the fact remains that Zeppelin + B&M > Aerosmith + Vekoma.

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  mummyjohn said:
The pictures, or rather "artists renderings" I would say are definitely from NoLimits - so, does anyone know where to download this (or even find it?)

You aren't going to get your hands on it. A lot of different companies have been using No Limits for quite some time now. Most notable would be Gerstlauer and Vekoma, but Intamin as well as B&M have used no limit's from time to time. Though it's funny, I wonder why they don't have the latest version of nolimit's with the sexy new B&M trains as well as the footers?

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Looks like they could have done more with the layout, but hey, I'm psyched that a Led Zeppelin coaster is being built!!! Great band, great song choice, should be an amazing ride!



Also, has anyone given thought to the possibility that this "Maximum RPM" coaster could be a Rita-esque, low-to-ground rocket coaster? With the "convertible car" hint thrown in there, I can't help but to think of a coaster similar to the Desert Race or Rita

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  Tomizzle For Rizzle said:
yeah you're welcome



Looks like an impressive layout to me... Is this going to have a launched lift or a chain lift (does anyone know)?


(Edit: I accidentally put lift in the lift hill part of my question twice...)

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I agree, being over water is a big plus. I could probably do without the cobra though. I would've rather seen a dive loop or something, but I'm not gonna complain. Also, the color is perfect!


The only question I have left is will Paige, Plant, and Jones be riding on Media Day? One can only imagine the lineup of rock stars that could be present.

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  fergusonat said:
Looks like they could have done more with the layout, but hey, I'm psyched that a Led Zeppelin coaster is being built!!! Great band, great song choice, should be an amazing ride!



Also, has anyone given thought to the possibility that this "Maximum RPM" coaster could be a Rita-esque, low-to-ground rocket coaster? With the "convertible car" hint thrown in there, I can't help but to think of a coaster similar to the Desert Race or Rita


Intamin AG was not one of the ride suppliers announced by the management.


The following manufacturers are supplying the park's rides:


Vekoma In't.


Bolliger & Mabillard

Premier Rides

Sally Corp.


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  coastermaniac1 said:
How many coasters are they getting, 2 or 3?


From the birds-eye-view artist rendering of the park, there will be five.


We have four names of the five.


Midnight Rider; Shake Rattle 'n' Rollercoaster; Maximum RPM!, and Led Zeppelin - The Ride.

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