^ You should have said hello, we don't bite.
Well the trip has now come to an end, and boy what a trip! Pretty much most of the parks were excellent, apart from Six Flags America. Which to be honest was a bit of a joke, ride op's letting people carry on loose articles when the should not be, ops in control booths listening to their iPods instead of concentrating on their jobs. Also one ride op told someone to "shut the f**k up" We could not get out the park quick enough, Juggler sent an email to the park. Wether we get anything back is another thing.
Highlights of the trip were:
Voyage, WOW
El Toro, bigger WOW
Apollo's Chariot
Kentucky Rumbler
TTD, and of course SFNE's S:RoS which is still my number one steelie.
Plus many highlights.
One ride which was a disappointment was Kingda Ka, it felt like it was shaking itself apart and the launch was juddering rather than it being a smooth consistent launch like TTD has.
All my photos are now uploaded to the link in my previous post, and Juggler has pretty much done all his reports.