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Liseberg Discussion Thread

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^^Not every new coaster has to be amazing or the best thing ever. Yes, Kolmarden added something amazing, but I would be very happy to see any future growth at this park, even if that addition is a used accelerator.


I hope this thing gets sold, and I am curious to see where it ends up. This is one of the better coasters to have been removed in the past few years, and I would consider myself very lucky if it ended up within driving distance of me. At my two closest parks, I can ride an RMC, an awesome GCI, and a great older inverted coaster. But I would still drive 10-15 hours to ride this if it somehow ended up at Silverwood or Lagoon.


I think it will most likely end up at some random park in China, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for the minuscule chance that it is somewhere I can get to with relitave ease.


Oh I absolutely hope it gets sold, I'm simply trying to say that it needs to go to a park where it can be a "star" again and come out to the public as a brand new ride, in order for it to be worth the investment for the park.


And like you I would not be surprised if it ends up somewhere in Asia..

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Now you guys got me thinking, this would be the perfect ride for a park in a developing country that was finally ready to make the jump into "real coasters". Something like Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Egypt, even Brazil. It would be awesome to see Kanonen used to put a relatively obscure country (coaster-wise) on the map. It could really shine in a place like that.

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Does anybody have any insight into how a park goes about selling a used coaster, and at what price? I saw on rcdb that Kanonen cost 50,000,000 Swedish Kroner, which comes about to about $5.8 million today. That's not a terrible price at all for a good adult steel coaster. Would they try to sell it at close to that price, or would it be significantly discounted because it's not new? I'd be interested to hear more about the process if anyone has any insight.

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Anybody know if it's a new gyro-swing? I keep bringing it up but one did disappear from Children's Grand Park in Seoul, a year or two ago and was always curious if it got relocated since I never heard of anyone riding it before the park got closed for a family friendly make-over.

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Anybody know if it's a new gyro-swing? I keep bringing it up but one did disappear from Children's Grand Park in Seoul, a year or two ago and was always curious if it got relocated since I never heard of anyone riding it before the park got closed for a family friendly make-over.


It's most likely new since it's very tall compared to some other gyro-swings and it has brand new lapbars

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Does anybody have any insight into how a park goes about selling a used coaster, and at what price?





Joking aside, I had actually not watched the announcement video until now, but I must say I love how Loke swings just over the roof of one of the buildings (which looks to be covering the walkway). That will create some great footchoppers for sure!



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If I'm not wrong, the only 50 seat Gyro Swings are at Everland and Happy Valley Shanghai.


I think you mean Lotte World, not sure how many seats the one at CGP had, it always seemed strange they would get one with Lotte World so close, but then again I've never heard of anyone actually riding it.

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Does anybody have any insight into how a park goes about selling a used coaster, and at what price? I saw on rcdb that Kanonen cost 50,000,000 Swedish Kroner, which comes about to about $5.8 million today. That's not a terrible price at all for a good adult steel coaster. Would they try to sell it at close to that price, or would it be significantly discounted because it's not new? I'd be interested to hear more about the process if anyone has any insight.


I could be wrong, but that number seems a little low given the technology that's used. Hydraulic launches alone cost big bucks.


That's not a bad price at all if the park even puts that number (or close to it) for the coaster used. But there are hidden costs. A park has to pay to move it, possibly even overseas. There is likely train rehab and hydraulic maintenance to be done. A park could be close to $10 million into this coaster when all is said and done. I do hope a park picks it up though. This could be a big bargain for a smaller park in the US for an awesome ride.

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I wonder if liseberg will give us Valkyria blog on construction of the coaster like Helix. They had a nice site with webcam and it was great watching the project come to life. It's probably http://myterlegender.liseberg.se/


I am so exited for this Can't wait for the whole design of the coaster, not just the big drop as Anders said in the reveal video !

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Does anybody have any insight into how a park goes about selling a used coaster, and at what price? I saw on rcdb that Kanonen cost 50,000,000 Swedish Kroner, which comes about to about $5.8 million today. That's not a terrible price at all for a good adult steel coaster. Would they try to sell it at close to that price, or would it be significantly discounted because it's not new? I'd be interested to hear more about the process if anyone has any insight.


Bear in mind that it was SEK 50 millions to construct the ride, the price for the actual rides hard- and Software is not even half of that. I don't think Liseberg will ask to much for it, there have to be something similar to a "used car market" for theme parks where they set prices accordingly to what it's worth.


With Kanonen there should be a need for a few newly produced columns under the top hat for a relocation, since the ride most likely won't be elevated the same way in a new park as it is in Liseberg.


If I'm not wrong, the only 50 seat Gyro Swings are at Everland and Happy Valley Shanghai.


I'm think those are 40-seat swings. I don't think there is an Intamin 50-seater as of today.

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^It's a possibility that Cedar Fair could be interested seeing that they have been searching Europe for unique, used rides. I bet that if the cost and rehab expenses are low, they may be interested in bringing it over.


Putting it in MiA is a different story though. I personally think that it would be an excellent addition to hold them over. But given Cedar Fair's current model of investment, a larger park would probably get it first.

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Even though Kanonen would work extremely well at MiA, I would see Spin Rock going there before Kanonen. Although, that's if Liseberg doesn't move the ride elsewhere. I think I remember reading on these forums that they at least hinted they could be keeping Spin Rock, but moving elsewhere in the park.


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^ agreed. Send it to a park like Michigan's Adventure. Would be a perfect fit there.


This, time 1,000,000! CF doesn't give a rat's behind about MiA, or what us Michiganders (talking GP here, not enthusiasts) would like to see from the park. Just so long as they keep getting that tidy profit margin on the merits of the built-in Summer Vacation season, they'll do minor infrastructure additions, and otherwise ignore the place. It is what is is... I've moved on... But yes, Kanonen at MiA would be a brilliant move, in a world where MiA wasn't owned by CF!

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Even though Kanonen would work extremely well at MiA, I would see Spin Rock going there before Kanonen. Although, that's if Liseberg doesn't move the ride elsewhere. I think I remember reading on these forums that they at least hinted they could be keeping Spin Rock, but moving elsewhere in the park.


Sent from my VS990 using Tapatalk


I believe Liseberg said somewhere that SpinRock is headed to a park somewhere in Europe.

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Here are some photos form the last day of the summer season:


First som photos of the construction site of Loke:




Then the will be a new burger supplier @ Liseberg next year:



Balder and AtmosFear was down due to maintenance:






The restaurants in the Hamnområdet hade some supplys delivered:




The laundry day of the year was yesterday:



Some signs say that Liseberg was preparing for Halloween:




Next ptr will be from the Halloween-opening.


/// Marcus

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