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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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I thoughts about what does the “Dr. Diabolical’s” tease could me, but a scenario pop up

what if it doesn’t gotta do with changing the existing ride, but instead it’s a followip attraction like a Vekoma Madhouse

Just imagine it: across the street from Cliffhanger where they have the Slaughterhouse 6 maze is now Dr. Diabolical’s mansion where she invited you to get more fears outta you



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12 hours ago, prozach626 said:

I'm not talking shit, but it strikes me as funny how the new chef will be offering... burgers, pizza, and chicken fingers. How novel. 😆

SFoG gave us the exact same spiel last summer.  New chef, new hand breaded chicken fingers, new pizza and burgers. 

Can't wait for the new pizza at the old SF parks! /s

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will try it Sat, and see how they stack up.. but I'm hearing they are a great improvement over the burgers Bubbas and the Rockville Cafe used to serve.

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23 hours ago, bert425 said:

he talked about Dr. Diabolical again, reminding how they had lowered the height requirement, so 'she could enter into Pediatrics now". . .and once again teased that she was not satisfied, and demanded a meeting with the Ride Manufacturers and park mgmt.    so SOMETHING is coming in regards to that in 2025. . either a small flat added in the area, or some tweak to the ride?   No idea what it could be. . it's already themed to death, so it can't really be more theming.

Surf coaster dive machine cars.  Then they're gonna change the name to Dr. Diabolical's Cliffjumper.  Continuing to follow in SFOG's footsteps, they're also going to repaint the ride and have it SBNO for a full year.

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19 hours ago, TheRattler_87 said:

but instead it’s a followip attraction like a Vekoma Madhouse

Just imagine it

I don't want to, though.  I'd rather imagine a decent change.

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On 1/26/2025 at 5:19 PM, bert425 said:

mainly about how post merger the park got permission to hire a full time main chef, and they've already started improving the food.  Launching 4 new options (a new burger, 2 new pizzas, and hand breaded Chicken fingers).   and that the merger also gave them the ok to rename and update unique experiences (Chubacabra stuff), as well as getting unique merch for certain coasters/events.    So all in all, he believes the merger is good for SFFT in particular (as "they gave us everything we wanted!")

he also talked about improvements thruout the park with painting/updating things.  (including the new - and now open - Daily Planet that serves as the entrance/exit to Superman & the exit for Supergirl.

there was a good focus on DCUniverse, and how the Monorail is now testing, and they expect to have the whole area open by Spring Break - which would be early March (I THINK that's the timeframe he gave), and apologized about Kid Flash.  He had no updates on it, but said that they continue to work with the Manufacturer, and that it's still considered SBNO.

Sangerfest Hall is finally getting finished with it's update, and that wall will be coming down, which will not only add more seating, but also bring back a single service line, where you won't have to go to separate queues for different dishes to make a meal.

he also said that tho it won't be ready for 2025, they are working on a drink pkg option for 2026 that will tie to the pass holder, and give the option of using a paper cup or a refillable cup for drinks.  but again, that won't be in 2025.

he talked about Dr. Diabolical again, reminding how they had lowered the height requirement, so 'she could enter into Pediatrics now". . .and once again teased that she was not satisfied, and demanded a meeting with the Ride Manufacturers and park mgmt.    so SOMETHING is coming in regards to that in 2025. . either a small flat added in the area, or some tweak to the ride?   No idea what it could be. . it's already themed to death, so it can't really be more theming.    But we'll find out more "later this year"

other than that, and the schedule of 2025 events, that was pretty much it.

Man I hope some of these changes extend to the other legacy SF parks! I've been waiting for the paper cup option for a long time, the refillable cups are such a pain to carry around. And as far as most SF food, for the most part it can only get better, and while burgers/pizza/fingers are a rather dull "improvement" and I would like to see some different stuff......at this point I'll take it if they are truly better. Although I would sure love a grilled cheese stand like at KI; Tom & Chee is the greatest grilled cheese that ever was or will be and I won't hear anything bad about it!

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I actually got to meet Chef Rudy on Saturday. . . and the new pizzas looked amazing, as did the new chicken fingers.

(didn't get to try the burgers).

very nice guy who came over to SFFT from being the chef for the Spurs.

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