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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Catapult was a really good ride, but it's not that reliable and was very uncomfortable. I wouldn't be surprised if the park just scrapped it. However, if they choose to relocate it I'll be interested to see where it ends up. It would be pretty funny if it ended up in Deja Vu's spot at SFMM, and I could see it fitting in well with the park's offerings, but I don't see that as too likely.

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Well that's unfortunate (for someone who visits SFNE often). I liked Catapult. It wasn't the most comfortable ride, and load times took forever, but it really is a unique ride for Americans and especially for Six Flags;and it offers some really powerful forces. I do hope that it gets relocated.


Too bad it couldn't have been Twister getting removed.

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Catapult is being removed from SFNE

Good riddance!!! There is no excuse for those suffocating restraints, especially since the ride often suffered breakdowns that forced you to endure the torture of said restraints without getting to ride.


The ride experience was fun, though.

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If this tells you anything about the ride - we rode the one at Thorpe Park several years ago and skipped the one at SFNE a couple of years later.


I would much rather they install a better flat ride...like say a Tilt-A-Whirl or Scrambler!

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^The sky coaster is being relocated in between catwoman's whip and mind eraser for next year. They removed catapult so they could get the big a$$ crane in the park. The catapult slab will most likely be replaced with an equally thrilling flat.

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