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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I know this does not have anything to do with the current conversation going on but I wanted to share...


I went to this park for the first time during the North East Trip and let me say this park was beautiful. It makes my home Six Flags (Six Flags America) look terrible. I only ran into one issue with staff - but that was just me thinking he was rude. Other than that if something broke down they had it moving right away again with little down time. The feel of the park was different than my SF as well - I mean that in a good way. The only thing I did not like was the layout. I prefer parks to be a circle and this one was more a "T" shape so we back tracked a lot going from ride to ride.


Start going there over and over again. I mean its a nice park, but the more and more you go you'll be able to see the actual problems there are, even if they are small.

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I know this does not have anything to do with the current conversation going on but I wanted to share...


I went to this park for the first time during the North East Trip and let me say this park was beautiful. It makes my home Six Flags (Six Flags America) look terrible. I only ran into one issue with staff - but that was just me thinking he was rude. Other than that if something broke down they had it moving right away again with little down time. The feel of the park was different than my SF as well - I mean that in a good way. The only thing I did not like was the layout. I prefer parks to be a circle and this one was more a "T" shape so we back tracked a lot going from ride to ride.


Six Flags beautiful? If there was a 'Laughing so hard my stomach exploded' smilie face on here I'd use it now.

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With Six Flags New England being so close to me, I used to go a lot more. Now I only go once or twice per year. When I first went, it was easily one of the best parks that I've been to. However, over time it's gone down to just a good park for me since I've had a mix of awesome days (my first visit and Bizarro Bash being two of them) and not so awesome days.


Some of the things I'm not overly fond of are the aforementioned layout, food, single rider policies (at times), and some rude employees.

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I know this does not have anything to do with the current conversation going on but I wanted to share...


I went to this park for the first time during the North East Trip and let me say this park was beautiful. It makes my home Six Flags (Six Flags America) look terrible. I only ran into one issue with staff - but that was just me thinking he was rude. Other than that if something broke down they had it moving right away again with little down time. The feel of the park was different than my SF as well - I mean that in a good way. The only thing I did not like was the layout. I prefer parks to be a circle and this one was more a "T" shape so we back tracked a lot going from ride to ride.


Six Flags beautiful? If there was a 'Laughing so hard my stomach exploded' smilie face on here I'd use it now.


Are you trying to say that Six Flags New England isn't beautiful? I can back up alilstronger, Six Flags New England is a very beautiful park. There are many trees, very nice settings with the buildings, and you it didn't feel like everything was placed randomly. Everything was surrounded by trees, and there aren't any random empty fields ANYWHERE in the park. Yeah, I would consider that a beautiful Six Flags park. ESPECIALLY when compared to Six Flags America.

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Are you trying to say that Six Flags New England isn't beautiful? I can back up alilstronger, Six Flags New England is a very beautiful park. There are many trees, very nice settings with the buildings, and you it didn't feel like everything was placed randomly. Everything was surrounded by trees, and there aren't any random empty fields ANYWHERE in the park. Yeah, I would consider that a beautiful Six Flags park. ESPECIALLY when compared to Six Flags America.


There aren't any random empty fields because every place is filled with a ride. And does that include Bizarro? I consider Bizarro an empty field. It's a coaster, 2 tunnel and 3 cardboard buildings. And there really weren't many trees, no place to put them. They've done a lot since 7 years ago, but it's still not really scenic. (Except for the river.)

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The last time I rode SROS was prior to the 2001 accident. Was hoping to get back there next year. I just read the Media Day thread and it looks very impressive.


In regards to the new restraints: I fit fine in the previous ones (original prior to any modifications), will I automatically fit on the new ones? I'm 6'2" and the seats look like they have less leg room, but it could just be the perspective of the photos.

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In regards to the new restraints: I fit fine in the previous ones (original prior to any modifications), will I automatically fit on the new ones? I'm 6'2" and the seats look like they have less leg room, but it could just be the perspective of the photos.


The height limit is 6'4" so you should be allowed on the ride. There is a test seat at the front of the ride that actually indicates if you are safe or not. Just a tip, if the restraint doesn't go down to the safety zone, slide your knees forward a bit. It won't be like riding in a lazy-boy, but it's a very fun ride.

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This morning I heard a radio ad for the park. It was advertising buy three season passes, get one free and free parking if you processed the passes before the en of the season. Not a bad deal. What was interesting was the promo for their new coaster:


"Goliath, the Dive Coaster"


Yep, apparently a giant inveryed boomerang is now a dive coaster.

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This morning I heard a radio ad for the park. It was advertising buy three season passes, get one free and free parking if you processed the passes before the en of the season. Not a bad deal. What was interesting was the promo for their new coaster:


"Goliath, the Dive Coaster"


Yep, apparently a giant inveryed boomerang is now a dive coaster.


I'm still snobberish after all these years. If it's not a woodie, Intamin or B&M Hyper, I'm not interested.


Ah well, they still have Superman/Bizarro, so that nullifies most of anything else.


How is the Riverside Cyclone riding these days? I remember actually enjoying the modified first drop in 2001, it made it super smooth, but still had plenty of airtime.

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This morning I heard a radio ad for the park. It was advertising buy three season passes, get one free and free parking if you processed the passes before the en of the season. Not a bad deal. What was interesting was the promo for their new coaster:


"Goliath, the Dive Coaster"


Yep, apparently a giant inveryed boomerang is now a dive coaster.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a second....I thought Goliath was a hyper coaster? So now you're telling me that its a dive coaster! AMAZING!


False advertising #FTW!

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How is the Riverside Cyclone riding these days? I remember actually enjoying the modified first drop in 2001, it made it super smooth, but still had plenty of airtime.


In my opinion, it has not aged well. It used to be a favorite of mine (and was one of my first wooden coasters), and now I don't really care if I ride it or not. The first drop (especially in the back seat) is still pretty awesome, but it only stays fun for about half the ride... then it gets boring and more rough. It's really too bad since it was such a great coaster. I would love to see them re-track it a little more, especially on the turns. I actually prefer riding Thunderbolt over the Cyclone now, but that's just me. It seems from reading the trip reports from the TPR trip that a lot of people really liked the Cyclone, so maybe I'm just bummed it doesn't live up to my memories!


I wish SFNE would put in another awesome woodie instead of having one awesome steel coaster and a whole bunch of mediocre coasters as filler.

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This morning I heard a radio ad for the park. It was advertising buy three season passes, get one free and free parking if you processed the passes before the en of the season. Not a bad deal. What was interesting was the promo for their new coaster:


"Goliath, the Dive Coaster"


Yep, apparently a giant inveryed boomerang is now a dive coaster.






I mean if I hadn't known anything about the project I would have thought it to be a small B&m diver or a euro fighter similar to Dare Devil DIve if I just heard that commercial...

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Wonder when they'll take out Flashback and what they'll replace it with. They really need to get rid of that POS, it's walk on all the time, only 1/3rd of the train is filled every run, and it hurts baddd. And SFNE needs an actual good coaster other than Bizarro and B:TDK. I will not live with 3 Vekomas in one park.

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^Have you ever ridden a GIB though? From all the things I read about them, they are supposedly really intense and I'm looking forward to it. And how many times have you been to SFNE? Flashback is rarely a walk on and the train is always full. It is surprisingly a very popular ride.

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Wonder when they'll take out Flashback and what they'll replace it with. They really need to get rid of that POS, it's walk on all the time, only 1/3rd of the train is filled every run, and it hurts baddd. And SFNE needs an actual good coaster other than Bizarro and B:TDK. I will not live with 3 Vekomas in one park.


1 in a park I visit under protest. 3 I will simply not stand for

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Not sure if this has been brought up yet or not, so sorry if it has, but it looks like Goliath will be running new trains at SFNE!


Our new train for Goliath is being built by Premier Rides. This new design has 4 abreast seating, so it will be faster for loading and unloading our guests.



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This is the best thing they could have done. The worst thing about Deja Vu is it's train. Way too heavy with too much going on. I love the ride but often feel like I'm being caged in some sort of torture chamber. I agree with Elissa, I can't wait to see what they come up with!

Edited by John Knotts
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The Premier rumor had two parts, the new train (now confirmed) and them replacing with cables with, I believe the rumor said LIMs or something? I can't remember. But that would be interesting.


SFNE said they aren't quite sure what type of OTSRs they are going to put on it yet, whatever that means.

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