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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I went to a commercial/b-roll shoot for the Joker yesterday and rode 24 times. The ride is very smooth but is not spinning as much as they were advertising. They were saying 4-8 spins before but that is not even close. I rode the green side 14 times and spun twice each time and I rode the purple side 10 times and did not spin at all. It is a little disappointing because the pov they posted showed around 10 spins, they have been saying 4-8 spins, and their website says up to 6 spins or more. But overall it is a solid addition that guests will love.

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^ All of that is exactly what happened with Great Adventure's Joker last year. Maybe the similarities will continue and yours will start breaking down all the time like ours does.

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For the locals... does this park tend to get crowded over Memorial Day weekend usually? I've only been to this park once and it was with TPR so we had lots of extras. I am from Baltimore and used to Six Flags America never getting crowded where you need the Flash Pass.


Trying to get a really rough idea if we should get one Saturday or not? We'll be at the park all day Saturday and Sunday until closing and we want as many rides as possible on the coasters - especially at night. We're making Saturday a dry side day and Sunday the water park day.

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You could easily ride every major coaster on Saturday with time for some re-rides but Flash Pass would be extremely beneficial if you want as many rides as possible.


Keep an eye on prices though since I honestly think this park smokes the good stuff when it comes to Gold and Platinum Flash Passes (the regular and Gold Flash pass are actually more expensive than at Great Adventure which is completely insane). I'd suggest hitting Joker at rope drop, riding Mind Eraser before VR starts at 2 PM and getting a regular Flash Pass.


You'll basically never get burned on a Flash Pass at this park since rides like Pandemonium, Goliath and Thunderbolt pretty much always have lines even on slow days because of their low capacity and it's a a guarantee that every coaster in the park will have a decent wait on Saturday.

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For the locals... does this park tend to get crowded over Memorial Day weekend usually? I've only been to this park once and it was with TPR so we had lots of extras. I am from Baltimore and used to Six Flags America never getting crowded where you need the Flash Pass.


Trying to get a really rough idea if we should get one Saturday or not? We'll be at the park all day Saturday and Sunday until closing and we want as many rides as possible on the coasters - especially at night. We're making Saturday a dry side day and Sunday the water park day.

It looks like it's going to rain here Saturday so you probably shouldn't need one but budget for one anyway.


I was there on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend last year with beautiful weather and never waited more then 15-20 minutes for Superman or Wicked Cyclone but if you're doing the water park it could be packed because Sunday is supposed to be nice.

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For the locals... does this park tend to get crowded over Memorial Day weekend usually? I've only been to this park once and it was with TPR so we had lots of extras. I am from Baltimore and used to Six Flags America never getting crowded where you need the Flash Pass.


Trying to get a really rough idea if we should get one Saturday or not? We'll be at the park all day Saturday and Sunday until closing and we want as many rides as possible on the coasters - especially at night. We're making Saturday a dry side day and Sunday the water park day.


The park also has plenty of single rider lines to help if it gets packed. They are offered on the following:


- Batman Dark Knight (Flash Pass line, unmarked so check with attendant before entering)

- Goliath (Halfway through the normal queue, may be able to skip to it depending on the attendant)

- Joker (Near the end of the normal queue)

- Pandemonium (Flash Pass line, unmarked)

- Scream- (Flash Pass line, marked)


Wicked Cyclone's line is about an hour if it's backed up to the entrance area. Superman can get up to 60-90 minutes on a nice weekend day. I highly recommend the back on Wicked Cyclone and the front on Superman.

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Thank you everyone!!


I did notice the prices - so crazy!


We won't be riding single rider lines. I am obsessed with coasters but not enough to not enjoy them with my BF. I do not go to parks just to ride rides. I go to actually enjoy them and have a good time with the people I am with.


I've been to the park back in 2011 with TPR so I know all about the front and back of Superman - we had 2 hours of ERT on it.

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Had a blast this past weekend at the park. This was my first visit since back in 2011. This is definitely a better ran Six Flags park (keep mind I have not been to them all). The employees actually seemed like they wanted to be there unlike at my home park of Six Flags America. All of the coasters were running. Joker went down for a bit Saturday but they had it back up and running very quickly.


Quick notes



- The park was beautiful with very little trash on the ground. The flowers were taken care of and well landscaped.

- All of the rides looked like they were in decent to great shape

- LOVE LOVE LOVE the new trains on Mind Eraser - its like a completely different ride. I wish Six Flags would replace them all with the new trains/restraints.

- They have an awesome water park

- Loved that I would use the season food option at Johnny Rockets

- Loved all of the Gold Peak iced tea stands that have been added since I try to not drink a lot of soda.

- Goliath was surprisingly smooth



- Not enough food options. They have LOTS AND LOTS of food stands but they all sell the same things. I was tired of seeing fries everywhere. At least Six Flags America has way better side options with the main meals.

- I would not pick my seat on Goliath, Flashback, and Batman. Not a big deal but I like to get a front and back seat on every coaster. I especially wanted a front seat on Goliath.

- Another Six Flags with the bag storage rule but only on certain rides.


- They should move all the fun activities they do in the main square to less crowded part of the park.

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^ Yay! Goliath may be smooth!

If my rides on it 2 weeks ago were any indication it isn't smooth in the slightest.... In fact, I honestly don't know what coaster I hate more Golaith or that dumpster fire POS down in Jersey Green Lantern.

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Had a blast this past weekend at the park. This was my first visit since back in 2011. This is definitely a better ran Six Flags park (keep mind I have not been to them all). The employees actually seemed like they wanted to be there unlike at my home park of Six Flags America. All of the coasters were running. Joker went down for a bit Saturday but they had it back up and running very quickly.


Quick notes



- The park was beautiful with very little trash on the ground. The flowers were taken care of and well landscaped.

- All of the rides looked like they were in decent to great shape

- LOVE LOVE LOVE the new trains on Mind Eraser - its like a completely different ride. I wish Six Flags would replace them all with the new trains/restraints.

- They have an awesome water park

- Loved that I would use the season food option at Johnny Rockets

- Loved all of the Gold Peak iced tea stands that have been added since I try to not drink a lot of soda.

- Goliath was surprisingly smooth



- Not enough food options. They have LOTS AND LOTS of food stands but they all sell the same things. I was tired of seeing fries everywhere. At least Six Flags America has way better side options with the main meals.

- I would not pick my seat on Goliath, Flashback, and Batman. Not a big deal but I like to get a front and back seat on every coaster. I especially wanted a front seat on Goliath.

- Another Six Flags with the bag storage rule but only on certain rides.


- They should move all the fun activities they do in the main square to less crowded part of the park.


I've gotten some good rides on Goliath with the new trains, but I've some really random spine-rattling rides scattered in. It's like Russian roulette for me when I decide to ride it.


For food, I skip eating at the park and go to the amazing Nicky's Pizza down the street. There you can get a slice of pizza for $3 that can't even fit in a small pizza box since it's so large.

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Just a heads up. The green side of Joker is definitely better than the purple side and it is much easier to flip on the green side. Most flips I got on one ride was 4.


Mind Eraser's new trains were great and improved the ride a lot. Superman and WC were also running great.

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Awesome day at the park today crowds where fairly light and the weather for the most part was nice except for a 15 minute downpour midway through the day.


Superman (x9)- THE WORLD'S GREATEST STEEL COASTER WAS IN TOP FORM TODAY . The Man of Steel was giving out crazy ejector on every ride today in both the front and back seats and it's running relatively rattle free for the most part. I had the misfortune to ride it during the 15 minute downpour and it felt like I was taking in sustained machine gun fire. Hopped back around and rode it after the rain had stopped and the track was a bit slick and holy shit was it hauling some ass.


Joker (x2). Purple side still sucks it doesn't flip at all but got 3 on the green side. Just not the biggest fan of this ride and isn't really something I'd wait more than 10 minutes for


Wicked Cyclone-(x3). 2 of my rides felt kind of sluggish but the last one I took later in the day felt really fast. Superman is still the king of SFNE imo but WiCy is still an amazing coaster that makes SFNEs top 2 one of the best in the country.


Batman (x2). Running pretty well.... A little rattle but still a nice floor less coaster with some forces unseen on most B&Ms from the 21st century.


Tea Cups- LOL, I hate riding these but my friends always want to ride them so I just do it anyway.


All in all a pretty good day of riding. Ops were pretty solid across the board and SFNE has made huge improvements there this season. Of course always some usual six flags silliness (slow food services, stapling on Superman, etc.) But I get to ride two of my favorite coasters so I can look past most small issues.

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Six Flags New England invited TPR to The Joker 4D Free Fly Coaster media day. When we arrived the weather wasn't great but that didn't stop a good crowd from attending. The park really does a great job with these events and this was no exception. They started off with Park President John Winkler thanking everyone for coming and talking about the new additions for this year.


Not only did the park add The Joker but also new trains on Mind Eraser and an entire new season with Holiday in the Park premiering this year which will start the day after Thanksgiving. One interesting point he stressed was that this was the largest capital investment the park has made since 2000 when it was branded as a Six Flags park. I found that pretty impressive with all of the additions in recent years.


After that he turned it over to the park's awesome Communications Manager, Jen McGrath, and they invited several comedians up to do 1 minute stand up routines. They had judges from Gotham representing Bruce Wayne. After that the Joker crashed the party took the comedians away to make them be the first riders on his coaster and then blew up confetti on everyone. It was definitely an entertaining event.


OK on to the Joker. Having already been on Great Adventure's version I knew what to expect but was still excited to try it out. Although they are the same layout with a similar look I have to say I like SFNE's version better which includes the coaster and the look of the queue. The only suggestion to make it even better would be to tune it so it spins more. I had between 2 or 3 spins on the rides that I took on the green side and was told that the purple side was spinning less. I really hope they give it a shot because I think it would make it even more popular.


This 4D Free Fly coaster concept is a disorientating experience. Every ride really is different which makes it very unique. The placement in the park is great and it's a fun solid addition that will definitely draw crowds for many years to come. A huge thank you to the entire Six Flags New England team for hosting this event and to Robb and TPR for having us cover it!


Here's our onride video from the media event:


Here's some pics from the day.


Welcome to Agawam for The Joker's Media Day. Sky Screamer is really in the clouds today!





Heading in to Six Flags New England


Yup that's why we are here.


Even with the bad weather all of these people too.


The joksters, judges & Jen.


Then this guy crashed the party and I ran into problems with him later.


Let's check out the queue.




I like how they are starting to add theming to the maintenance building. SFNE has been adding a lot of little touches like this with each of their newer additions.



Here's some of the Carnival of Criminals.





Look no line :)





Ease loading with these trains.


Here's some shots of The Joker in action.












FunHouse Gifts is the new gift shop addition. The Dark Knight himself is checking it out!


The location just makes this coaster dominate the area. It looks great in the park. Thanks for checking this trip report out!

Edited by robbalvey
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It was strange how much ejector I got on Superman this year. It's definitely better than last year, but the restraints still ruin the ride experience for me.

I agree the restraints are absolutely terrible but the ride to me is so good I can't get all worked up over how bad the lap bars are. Id still love it if SFNE got lap bars for Superman that are exactly like Toro's.

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^^ Nice Joker pics!!
Great trip report from Media Day! I agree the green side is better though the one flip I got on the purple side was superior since it occurred during the large raven turn.


Thanks to the both of you. Even though the weather wasn't very cooperative it was still a lot of fun to do. Glad you liked the pics and report!

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Awesome day at the park today crowds where fairly light and the weather for the most part was nice except for a 15 minute downpour midway through the day.


Superman (x9)- THE WORLD'S GREATEST STEEL COASTER WAS IN TOP FORM TODAY . The Man of Steel was giving out crazy ejector on every ride today in both the front and back seats and it's running relatively rattle free for the most part. I had the misfortune to ride it during the 15 minute downpour and it felt like I was taking in sustained machine gun fire. Hopped back around and rode it after the rain had stopped and the track was a bit slick and holy shit was it hauling some A$$.


Joker (x2). Purple side still sucks it doesn't flip at all but got 3 on the green side. Just not the biggest fan of this ride and isn't really something I'd wait more than 10 minutes for


Wicked Cyclone-(x3). 2 of my rides felt kind of sluggish but the last one I took later in the day felt really fast. Superman is still the king of SFNE imo but WindexCyanide is still an amazing coaster that makes SFNEs top 2 one of the best in the country.


Batman (x2). Running pretty well.... A little rattle but still a nice floor less coaster with some forces unseen on most B&Ms from the 21st century.


Tea Cups- LOL, I hate riding these but my friends always want to ride them so I just do it anyway.


All in all a pretty good day of riding. Ops were pretty solid across the board and SFNE has made huge improvements there this season. Of course always some usual six flags silliness (slow food services, stapling on Superman, etc.) But I get to ride two of my favorite coasters so I can look past most small issues.


Hey! I was there at the same time you were! Only got one ride in on Joker - purple side.

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